Restaurant: | 雲桂香米線專門店 |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
*Last order: 21:30 (dine in); 22:00 (takeaway)
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
雖然本身都好鐘意食雲貴香既米線,但今次之後,永遠都唔會再幫襯。首先,一入到去,店員落錯單,好心同佢講返聲,叫佢改返,反咬你講錯。其次,人地明明好好地坐係度,門口收銀果位叫你轉位,話有三個人嚟,但眼見有張4人枱係比佢地員工擺野。 最後,叫左凍檸茶冇嚟,都算啦,咁唔飲啦~收銀果位即時向落單員工問責,感覺非常之不良好。今時今日咁既服務態度完全唔要得,竟然冇人手就唔好開,或者加錢請人,呢啲咁既態度,完全係叫食客受罪。
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呢日做完gym, 唔算好飽又想有啲嘢落肚, 就去咗雲桂香快食個米線醫下肚本身諗住要個過橋米線share, 但望住啲餸見雲桂米線啲餸好似豐富啲又多啲肉, 就轉咗軚上到枱果然豐富, 配料有腩肉、雞絲、魚肉春捲、龍蝦卷、雲耳、腐竹、冬菇腩肉有少少辣, 但平時唔食開辣如我都食到, 幾惹味另外仲有少少酸菜會浸咗落啲湯度, 所以等於成個米線湯底都有啲酸酸哋, 夠晒開胃唔係特別肚餓的話, 其實兩個人share食都夠飽另外我哋仲叫咗個豬頸肉, 有配個甜甜哋嘅醬, 都係唔太辣 好食
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如題目,環境衛生先唔好講住 大家有去過都見識過,啲走廊又窄又污糟,埲牆仲要濕笠笠。跟住經常性拖住啲污糟碗喺條走廊行。但係今日唔係講衛生。明明啲位就重有好多,眼見吉枱都有四五張。但係死都要你坐佢指定嘅位,硬係要逼你埋牆角坐,跟住仲要黑面。OK嘅,你有公司規矩。咁我覺得唔舒服梗係走㗎啦,仲要皺眉頭,正到呢😂😂打份工啫,何苦呢?阿姐。一直都覺得打評論要200字先比到dislike 好煩,你差又唔係啲乜嘢新鮮事。
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