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Review (13)
Level4 2024-08-04
🥘韓台站📌荃灣麗城薈地下46-47號舖·天氣太熱想吃點酸酸甜甜的食物,叫了一客「糖醋排骨肉燥飯」 味道十分好,排骨做到鬆軟入味,一咬便離骨,個汁醬 甜甜酸酸好醒胃,肉燥飯,好大碗,下午茶豐富之選。「茄子鹵豆腐米線」豆腐炸得通透,鹵豆腐好入味,茄子炸後放入汁醬吸味,好簡單的一份下午茶。餐飲的奶茶有陣陣茶香,入口順滑,濃淡適中。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-26
以往一直都知這店的質數,今天打算再比多次機會佢。只可惜,答案正正如題~~~食物質數已下降到垃圾級別,但仍不及職員的質數~~~到達門口時,只見有幾组客人在等,看每组都拎著票,應該是等外賣吧。再看店內還有十多張吉枱,便直接入店打算生下。店員即時叫停,還說外面的客人都正在等叫號入坐🙄🙄吾係卦,明明有十多張吉枱,叫D客企出面等?扮大牌要排隊型D?嫌生意太多?還是這店成了網红,大家必須來打卡乎?晚餐屬繁忙時間,每位客人都想早点吃飽回家,為何明明有位,卻要客人在外面站著看著裡面的人吃?要是小店只有幾個坐位也能理解。左右兩邊各有十數張枱,開了兩邊卻不能坐,完全令人費解。應付不來,何不減少枱數,甚或直接缩減店舖吧~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-20
唔會再光顧服務態度真係好差,特別係有個後生男侍應同後生紋身女侍應。首先,坐位安排就已經好有問題。入面大把位,但男侍應安排坐廚房垃圾桶對出既路口位。 我提出坐入面既坐位,對方態度好差咁話冇位第二,落單個陣,有位中年女侍應幫手落單,呢個侍應態度好好,好有禮貌,有問有答。落飲品個陣,我問緊特飲係邊幾款,加幾錢之類問題。個男侍應無啦啦衝埋黎,大大聲咁答嘴,真係聲大夾惡到一個點,如果唔係已經落左單,真係起身走人。老老實實,附近咁多餐廳,大把選擇,而且呢間又唔係特別好食,又唔係平。無謂俾錢買難受! continue reading
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Level4 2024-02-16
龍年到來這區向親友拜年,之後找了這間餐廳吃個下午茶。餐廳裝修簡潔明亮,座椅用上鮮黃色,很搶眼。為了應節,天花掛上紅燈籠,十分有過年的氣氛。這餐廳提供韓式和台式的食品,翻翻餐牌看看,款式也不少。我們看了看就選了兩份下午茶餐。起司肉鬆蛋餅配給凍檸茶。蛋餅上檯已切好幾份,吃時用刀輕輕一拉就可以輕易取出進食。蛋卷的皮不厚,內裏包裹著蛋皮,肉鬆,芝士。一口咬緊牙關下去,滿滿的芝士已溶化了,重重的佔領了味蕾,口感軟軟糯糯,又嚐到點點甜醬從蛋卷內滲出來,整份蛋卷做得不錯,熱熱的上檯。凍檸檬茶的茶味也濃郁。酸辣貢丸米線配熱桂花烏龍茶。一碗米線內有三粒貢丸,爽口彈牙。湯內另有鹹酸菜和唐生菜,湯底的辣靠那一撮放在湯內的辣醬,吃時要特別小心,太快吃進嘴內容易嗆喉。辣度十足,但我不是太能夠吃辣的人,所以感到有點吃不消。熱桂花烏龍茶是用茶包泡出來,茶味就一般了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
One of the cheap eats in this estate shopping mall in Tsuen Wan. Both of us chose the Taiwanese rice set. We tried the salt and pepper popcorn chicken; and the braised pork in sweet sauce. The popcorn chicken was crispy and up to standard; the pork dish was also nice with plenty of sauce- good to serve with the rice. Pretty big portion of the rice for the cheap price. The rice had mince pork sauce on top as well The set came with a drink of choice. We had the hot peach oolong tea, it was sweet and fragrant! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)