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Review (4)
Level1 2011-07-26
雖然這個檔的小食比其他檔口要貴一點(因為那裏是百佳的美食廣場)但我十分欣賞那裡的泡菜鳥冬。價錢:$15,烏冬的質地令我有意想不到的驚喜,很煙un,而且醬汁很美味,份量是一整個烏冬的份量,很美味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-29
在雜誌上看到有關韓國小吃的文章,行超市時剛好經過這攤位,好奇心起便去看看。櫃面的大媽說便當 $25,有三菜一湯,很抵吃。反正要吃飯,便買了一客回去。韓式炒年糕(好韌)、炸醬麵(烏卒卒的所以也認不出是什麼來,好像有些薯仔粒和蔥之類,也許吃到了一點牛肉;麵呢是即食麵的質感,還是炸醬較惹味) 還有帶微辣的韓式煎餅(這個因為運送需時,吃的時候已經沾了水氣,相信現吃的話一定更美味!)這便當還包飲品呢,可選熱的韓國魚蛋湯或者是冷的柚子茶,我要了前者。魚蛋是一大條像幼身的炸魚餅那樣,加兩條海帶,有口湯喝也好,反正味精不算重。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Usually the joints that open here, come and go very fast, not many can keep running such as tofulism.Previously this shop sold dimsum which I thought was doing well, but still packed up, hence I hesitate motivating myself to get Openrice to list these joints.I ate here in September last year, and it is now still open, so I guess the food is reasonable.Now its finally listed, I can give it a review.The noodles I had were the Korean style Jah Jeung with the rich dark sauce, although the noodles were not the authenic ramen, but instant noodles, I preferred it here as opposed to the Korean restaurant at TST alleyway.Hansung Cohttp://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2062432 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-01-24
好好味呀lee個~~好似叫咩胡桃夾子<<<$20 10粒呀姐仲送多粒比我地~~so nice包住紅豆蓉同合桃ga~~~正不過佢唔熱ga~~如果可以食熱ge就仲好我諗要係佢開鋪~~姐係11:00去就very good 啦三併盤(炸醬noodle , 泡菜咩餅 , 年糕)一般~~還可以<<<$25炸算係咁啦~~仲包個湯炸醬noodle d noodles好淋~~d炸醬唔夠濃泡菜咩餅我自己覺得好咸因為我個人都比較清淡年糕好淋~~我中2呀不過個汁就好似豆板醬日本魚旦海x湯清清地~~最好食完咁濃ge野就最啱啦!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)