Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
平時收工會買啲外賣壽司返去食,呢間一田嘅壽司飯同埋魚生質素唔錯,因為方便所以通常都會喺度買始終質素覺得比陣線同埋勝豐壽司好得多今日揀咗盒有海膽嘅壽司因為想食!不過食落去佢個海膽就唔可以滿足到我嘅慾望,因為唔係太香,亦都唔係好creamy,所以食到冇乜特別嘅感覺最後分咗俾阿媽食 赤身壽司就比平時嘅好味!本來諗住唔係高級餐廳嘅赤身唔會特別香口點知唔錯!反而通常都會好味嘅三文魚就麻麻哋,而且好好動工咁樣切得好薄蟹子壽司就好鹹!哈壽司阿媽好鍾意話好新鮮,佢平時食蝦嘅要求都好高,佢都話OK所以應該真係唔錯帶子都係正常發揮
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Suddenly wanted to eat high quality sushi today so I went to Yata supermarket in search of that. I've been buying cheaper sushi for quite some time so when I saw the price tag I was a bit hesitant. I bought one of $60 and one of $80.However , when I got back to my office and had a taste of what's in the box, I changed my mind. The sushi and sashimi were super fresh and of really high quality. Also, I thing I appreciate quite a lot is that there is half of a lime with the sashimi. I sometimes find the taste of hamachi fish not that pleasant when its smell is too strong. However after adding a few drops of lime juice, it's easier to eat and tastes so much better. It's a very considerate act as it's sometimes hard to find a lime when eating takeaway.
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獎勵下自己💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻得閒要食好d👍🏻😍😍😍😍今日行過,好想好想食刺身,選擇左好耐,都唔知究竟刺身好定壽司好?🤔🤔🤔🤔好啦,刺身,返去開支酒,Happy Happy
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家姐突然上來食飯,屋企人想食壽司,屋企最近既壽司店係爭鮮之後就係一田內既漁兵衞。 嗰度有好多款,除左壽司外,仲有唔同既刺身,赤蝦,長腳蟹,連原條丁香魚同鱸魚刺身都有。咁多選擇,左揀右揀就揀左一盒十六件,一盒十件。 十六件嗰盒最吸引既係海膽嗰件,又唔腥喎,軟綿綿咁,正!另外三文魚腩簡直係厚切, 帶子就唔係好好肉地,偏細。魷魚都幾爽口,仲有媽媽最鍾意既粒粒三文魚籽,脆卜卜。十件嗰盒就有大件既鰻魚壽司同熟三文魚較為吸引。大部份既魚都幾新鮮同夠份量,壽司飯都幾夠結實,唔太大醋味。依家天氣咁熱,唔好唔記得俾完錢問佢拎冰冰雪住壽司唔驚變壞。
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