Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
這是同事 lunch 去買給我吃的生日蛋撻,真是十分十分多謝呀! Yummny Yummy!!而且是我喜歡的餅皮~~ 哈哈~~ 說真的,很久沒有吃啦,因為每次見到也覺得價錢很貴,不捨得買呢... .這裡比較便宜,$2.5 一個。
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簡單一句,因為呢度既蛋撻係全港(我見過)最平而又好好食既~~~~~~~~~~一黎到九龍城就會幫襯,至少一個,試過一次食3個,因為太美味又熱辣辣又平。就算食左TONY WONG既NAPOLEON,都要整件蛋撻至夠圓滿
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鴻運屬家庭式經營,前鋪後工場,出品日日新鮮。白糖糕或稱倫教糕 (HKD10/3件),製法傳統,但減了糖。甜中帶清。如選吃糕邊,則薄中帶滑;選糕心則厚中具口感。皮蛋酥 (HKD3) 有酥皮6層,餡料以蔴醬混有皮蛋1/4隻,紅薑少量。由於材料份量夠,所以形狀飽滿。可惜酥皮稍乾,可能是減了豬油之故。皮蛋雖非糖心,但有口感;每口可吃出芝蔴和紅薑味道。在現今鋪租貴、材料貴、人工貴、傳統手藝漸失、唐餅市場萎縮下,以+元八塊買一頓中式茶點,吃飽了,別無怨言。
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呢間麵包鋪都算早開, 價錢唔係貴亦唔算好平, 上星期買了提子麥包, 麥皮包, 約 $2.5, 兩個都只係有餘溫, 算鬆軟, 麥皮大大粒, 今早買了有餡既吞拿魚及叉燒包, $3.5, 算平宜, 前者餡料偏埋一邊, 唔多, 食到個叉燒包, 咬了好多啖都無料, 仲要有個空洞, 食無餡包仲飽肚! 以後朝早都係去番嘉美....又平又熱!
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Walking past the busy road in Kowloon city, some pretty egg tarts caught my eye, all of the egg tarts were consistent in colour, size, and goldeness of the pastry. I looked at the price and was surprised it was only $2 each, the cheapest I have seen in Hong Kong.Anyway these egg tarts have a short crust pastry, nice and buttery, and the egg tart filling has a slight coconut taste to it. The texture of the filling is similar to that of milk pudding. I did not eat them straight away, but the day after and it still tastes as good as the branded ones with short crust pastry, so despite the location, $2 is a very good price.
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