5-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Yummy yummy!! Like the food in this restaurant! Sumo hot pot soup base is tasty! Love the meatballs...! Sincere service. Seating space a bit small. But like it overall and definitely will revisit. Lunch menu very good value. Dinner menu good too!
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日本的相撲手為了使自己的身體更壯大,每天都以什錦火鍋為主食。一般都是將雞肉、豆腐、長蔥、白菜等菜肴放在有味的上湯裡燒煮而成的今次朋友帶我去左銅鑼灣食個相撲手火鍋, 未食火鍋之前就食個前菜先, 腐皮,加木魚湯凍。賣相精緻如懷石料理般。湯凍食落去好似JELLY咁滑, 有無木魚湯味道, 百感交集。再黎刺食拼盤, 賣相好靚, 伊左目,深海池魚, 好新鮮, 真鯛包住海膽黎食, 口感非常特別!相撲火鍋有免治雞肉丸、大量蔬菜、菇菌、黑豚及麻糬福袋,非常豐富! 店員把事先準備好的肉、蔬菜等加進鍋度,火鍋既食材一樣擺放得整齊漂亮, 而用既係明火爐, 邊煮邊吃,把各種材料一同煮熟後產生雜燴風味首先要試的當然是湯頭。其實就是基本的醬油湯底,但不會太濃太刺激喧賓奪主。適當的鹹味中略帶一點清甜,適合帶出食材原本的味道。邊睇住店員自家製免治雞肉丸,雞肉入口就是剛好熟透而且肉質最嫩, 肉味鮮甜軟熟,雞肉丸好食到不得了! 豚肉愈咀嚼肉的鮮甜散發,口感味道都是一流。然後是油豆腐皮,吸滿湯汁更好吃
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不經不覺。。。銅鑼灣登龍街v point都開左一段時間但從來無認真去睇過有d咩食,咁岩經過就去睇睇水牌,最主要都係食日本菜為多~上扶手電梯一層又一層隨機見到間「鵬」店應該係新開張關,環境光明整齊有理,有幾個包箱房,感覺幾私癮度高~唔錯。員工亦好親切,經常主動加茶!!感覺不錯。生啤買一送一,非常抵飲~$52有2杯!!又夠哂冰凍,好正!!叫左一份三文魚鼻軟骨~真係好開胃既小食!!味道甜甜酸酸,質感爽脆!感覺食左好多骨膠源~好補呀!仲有要左串燒~雞皮,雞腎,雞翼,雞胸軟骨!全部都即叫即燒熱辣辣上台,最特別為雞胸軟骨,坊間比較少食到!質感亦係爽脆香口,雞翼既肉質鮮嫩燒到剛好,沒有乾爭爭!西京燒銀鱈雪肉雪白,皮層部份燒得微焦令口感咁香口!魚肉鮮甜好味!!最後仲叫左個相樸銅~手打免治雞丸非常出色。質感彈牙~各款菜類勁鮮甜!湯底亦唔會過咸,仲有個年糕福袋煙煙un un, 好香滑
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叫咗個午餐set日本中華拉麵:味道不錯 好多麵 湯夠濃Set再包括:沙律 bar buffet蒸蛋一客餃子兩隻, 好食一小碗炊飯, 冇咩味全單$110 係登龍街拉麵舖算係好抵食
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Hong Kong suddenly had a small bit of cold weather and I wanted something warm. I noticed a new restaurant located inside V Point. I had discovered it when I had ramen in the shop adjoining it. A bit harder to find, 鵬 (English name Ho) is located on the same floor as Hankata Honke. Their entrance is a bit hidden and staff from Hankata Honket bring you there. I suspect they are from the same group.The restaurant is your typical light wooden zen like Japanese restaurant. As it was new, they were offering a 20% discount during February.Menu is in English and Chinese. They have a sets that are priced per person. They have these extravagant ones with a whole lot of food for around $300 - 400.They also have simpler ones for around $190 per person which include just a hotpot and udon. Very adaptable for one person dining as I did here.I ordered the chanko hot pot ($190) in a soy sauce based broth. This is one serving.What it includes is strips of pork, chicken balls, horse makeral balls, aburage, wakame and vegetables. Clearly healthy and low calorie yet high in protein as the menu described. How sumos eat. Though I chose a soysauce based broth, it wasn't salty at all. It was very clear and light. Very good. The ingredients were delicious. All were light in taste. The balls were amazing. Soft and fluffy.It came with a yuzu pepper sauce for dipping. This complimented everything as it was just enough to not over power the taste yet gave it that extra kick.After you finish all the food, you add the udon. The udon had a chewy texture.Service was very attentative. Cleaning things up accordingly. Always refilling my tea without asking. Making sure the flame was not too strong or not too weak. Excellent service. Food was good and very healthy. Though a bit expensive as it was just one pot and some noodles. But quality was good so I would say ... yes. You have to pay a bit more for something healthy. This hit the spot on this day as it really warmed me up and I didn't feel cold when I left the restaurant afterwards. May return but probably not when it becomes hot outside. Definitely winter eating.
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