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Review (8)
Level1 2013-07-09
以前屋企冇煮飯,就會同屋企人落E間野鋸扒,但今次隔左成半年先黎,望餐牌,扒餐一加就加左15蚊到,大約要65~68蚊冇野飲,都預左,諗住D質素OK就冇問題,咁之後叫左個吉列豬扒加斯華力腸,我叫左汁另上,因為慣左自己慢慢淋,咁塊鐵板黎到之後,已經O左咀,點解完全冇聲既,即刻淋D汁上去,冇反應既,(冇滋滋聲)即係塊鐵板已經涼左好耐冷氣啦!好,算,食腸先,點解條腸望落去係向上彎既?哦,原來幫我切開左一半,但搵極都搵唔到另一半,原來真係得一半!!腸已經細仲要得一半!有冇見過咁過份既扒餐?開始唔順氣啦!食吉豬,大X樂早餐D豬都靚過佢,起碼真係有層炸粉,而E間野竟然用LUNCH茶餐果D湯豬扒,炸到變橙橙地色就算,仲要淨係上面有炸下面冇炸粉!!薄到你唔信最好食既就係D豆!!我以後唔會再黎!!其實今次食之前呀媽都話左好多人都話E間野差左好多,但我真係太想食扒餐,不過係咁先啦,去大X樂食仲好,起碼個酥皮湯都值,仲要四十幾蚊有交易,要我比60幾70蚊(係土瓜灣)食D咁既野,真係咪搞我。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-04-08
Tonight, I did not cook and I ordered a set meal for two from this restaurant. When I was eating, I found this dead (very soft) cockroach in the curry brisket. I immediately called the restaurant to lodge my complaint. Out of my expectation, the attitude of the staff was so insincere. Maybe he thought that it was NORMAL to have such creatures as seasoning. I wanted to throw up and my stomach was very uncomfortable. I am very disappointed to the poor service and poor food quality of this restaurant. I will blacklist this restaurant. Hey guys, think before you eat out in this restaurant or order delivery. I am extremely angry...poor me and my husband still feeling a bit sick at this. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-10-24
當晚黎開土瓜灣整車又是原班人馬黎到麗晶食飯上來小弟試完個鑊仔牛柳後,今次試左個無國界雜扒結果真是很雜,味道同肉質都很一般而朋友們的鑊仔牛椰配雞亦但這次今次偏鹹,朋友要再叫一杯清水解鹹,真誇張 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Saw the photos from the previous review and the sausage looked interesting.It looked like two huge slices of vietnamese sausage so I had to check it out.Again I got to To Kwa Wan by ferry from North Point and this restaurant is right next to this Chocolate shop that sells Venchi chocolates and fruit covered chocolates.Apart from the sizzling steaks I also wanted to try the fried egg with their secret recipe soy sauce.Although the decor was quite modern, this restaurant feels really old just like those "bing suts".Pity I did not take photos of the drinks/kitchen area.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Soup:Interesting square bowl!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Toast:Although it was strange being given a piece of toast it was much better than those nasty sweet buns given with the soup at least the toast was savoury.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beef steak Chinese wok style and spicy sausage:There were two slices of sausage and four big pieces of beef steaks underneath the sausage.The beef steak was good because it was tender and had no beef taste, but for people who like beef they can choose the beef sirloin.But since I am not a beef lover I chose this one as there was less beef taste.Luckily the sausage was not spicy but there were lots of chopped pieces of green peppers and red peppers in it.The sizzling style platter can also be served on a plate so next time I will ask for a plate and the gravy will not get evapourated.As for the fries I preferred the ones shown on the previous photo because they did not have so much oil in it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-11-27
在土瓜灣區有很多茶餐廳,價錢平的有很多,可以衛生情況多是令人慘不忍睹。麗晶隱藏在偉恆昌這個住宅區內,好容易被人忽略。有一次,在郵局寄件的時候,看到一個小小的門口,抱著尋寶的心態入去,發現了這個新地方。本著不試白不試的心理,就在此買了一個餐,自此之後,成為了合我一個常去的飯堂。今日的午餐包括了:湯1 碗,炒麵 1 盒,及汽水1 罐。湯有中湯、紅湯、白湯可選。我點了紅湯,有大量的蔬菜,味道很不俗。主菜有a-h 共8款選擇,有中有西,有麵有飯,梗有一款啱你食。我今日選了炒麵,現點現吃,勝左新鮮,並非一早已炒好,垂頭喪氣的貨色。飲品我選了加$2,一罐可口可樂。老實說,我覺得這個價錢真得很抵。服務方面,一般茶餐廳貨仔,不可以太高要求。有老闆的時候會勤快一些。試過老闆沒出現的日子,一個伙計為我包外賣的時候竟5次抬頭看電視。但以此價位、食物質素、以及衛生情況來衡量,此餐廳已屬我心水之了選了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)