1-min walk from Exit A2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
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Review (20)
Level2 2015-09-18
睇完跌打行去地鐵站途中,見到大大隻字寫住娘惹糕,完全冇idea娘惹味嘅糕究竟會係咩味道。娘惹糕$8,自己本身以為一件糕點細細舊最多咪六蚊 呢度又係深水埗。做得有d黏,同埋好甜 得個甜字,又膩又頂胃。你地可以試下嘅,但我自己一次就夠啦。芝麻包$6,仲細過個拳頭!我寧願俾六蚊去包點x生買個包 起碼多選擇 size都大佢成一半。撕開見到芝麻蓉得一半,仲有d油漏出黎。面包好硬好實,有待進步。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-06-21
從未食過咁難食的點心!蛋散唔鬆化 ,糯米卷冇味道,黃沙潤腸粉皮厚過阿婆塊面,娘惹糕太甜!二個字難食!去過咁多酒樓和點心店食點心,真的第一次覺得可以有那麼難食的,我也是第一次寫食評,真的無話可説了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-05-27
入到去,冷氣不凍,已經感覺唔舒服!見到點心紙,又知道此店是名廚所開,滿懷希望!急不及待叫左幾款試試...鮑魚糯米雞,只鮑魚細到嚇死你,餐牌張相所見的大塊大塊的肉,來到的變成肉碎,$39😡😡龍皇鮮蝦腸粉,粉皮厚過伍元硬幣,啲蝦又霉!鴨肉煎飽...肉變酸了👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼😡😡我甚少寫食評,也不是什麼食家,但我真糸好想同呢位名廚講一句:如果你唔想你個名衰嘅話,真糸要睇下自己D出品 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-01
Waiting time: quite long, about 10 minutes due to limited seats, but this says it is quite popular in Hong Kong.Atmosphere: Small-sized retailer, quite crowded, seats and tables are too closed, not as comfortable as normal dimsum restaurants, noisy, servants frequently walking by, which is quite distractingServing attitude: quite rude, not very nice when servingPrice: relatively expensive than other dimsum restaurants in Hong Kong (~$20 for a plate of dimsum)Quantity: smaller than other normal dimsum restaurants (3 for each plate but 4 for each plate in other normal sized dimsum restaurants)Food Quality:i) Apperance: delicately made, with many efforts on decorating the dimsum, quite appreciatedii) Taste: just like other normal dimsum resturants, very smooth and tastyiii) Made by famous dimsum chef, quite appreciatedOverall comment: quite good in quality but too expensive for a lunch or dinner mealRare dimsum restaurant in Mongkok continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-06
前日(4-4-2015 Sat)同男友行完旺角返深水埗攞o野兼食晚飯,我o地決定o黎吸引o左我o地好耐o既呢間.我o地o黎到好彩重有位,我o地剔o左:5. $17.00一件o既度小月鴨肉煎包估唔到呢樣先到,上枱時已經切開四件,size正常唔太細件,食落,我先食到唔知咩醃菜o既味,,食食吓就食到佢話o既鮮雜菌,米鴨肉唔多食得出,但食到啲啲鴨羶同陳皮味;而個包身係做得唔錯,外脆內軟,口感好好.味道: 4 分2. $18.00一件o既黑魚子鳳眼餃兩件賣相對版,但size係細件啲,而上o既 黑魚子鹹鹹香香又脆卜卜, 鳳眼餃餡料全部都係蝦,口感味道正常.味道: 4 分3. $18.00一件o既法國鵝肝蝦餃兩件呢個size同樣係比較細,睇到粒鵝肝係好細粒,咁細粒,根本食唔到佢o既味道,只係到正常蝦餃口感同味道.而睇返menu,普通斗門鮮蝦餃賣$16.00兩件,計落即係o個粒鵝肝要$10.00 ,好貴喎,o係冇乜分別下,係可以唔試呢個囉. 味道: 2分(因冇鵝肝味)1. $18.00一件o既鮑魚仔燒賣兩件呢個size反而冇前兩種餃咁細,更比出面正常size o既大,食落,好唔好彩,我一口係食到成口冬菇味,唔係話唔應該有冬菇味,但蓋過晒鮑魚o既鮮味囉.而其他餡都冇乜問題囉.味道: 2.8分4. $42.00o既漁家三寶鍋仔飯(魚乾,蝦乾,肉片)魚乾係多春魚乾,蝦乾就唔係剥o左殼o既蝦,係連殼o既.一舀啲飯就已經知道好濕,我o地先唔加豉油食,多春唔太鹹,肉片鬆唔硬,幾好送飯,連殼蝦乾幾煙韌,成個真係唔使加豉油都已經好夠味.而我又比較吓佢有個多春魚乾肉片鍋仔飯賣$36.00,即一隻連殼蝦乾要$3.00.味道: 5分 食完以上5樣o野後,發覺可以叫多兩樣,於是要埋:7. $18.00o既彩虹芒果布丁男友o係同一價錢o既阿華田布丁中揀o左呢個,o黎到睇,原來彩虹係面上o既三色蒟蒻,布丁係滑,但冇乜芒果味,要靠裡面o既芒果肉.味道: 3分6. $23.00o既翠脆魚皮滑腸粉一睇就知係炸魚皮同腸粉o既結合,鹹鹹地o既炸魚皮可以唔落豉油食, 炸魚皮仍脆,腸粉厚o左啲,而由於冇落油,所以好黐.味道:4分最後又追加8. $16.00兩件o既黑芝麻流沙包見menu相又好吸引咁而叫,呢個size都正常大,掰開睇,黑芝麻餡唔流沙,有啲失望.食落,包身口感正常鬆軟,但黑芝麻餡唔香甜,比較遜色.味道: 2.8分價錢:茶錢每位$4.00環境:裝修好中國feel,亦掛o左好多牌扁,其中一張有: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)