5-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 23:00
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (3)
Level4 2025-01-15
Yet another lively Bday celebration- nothing short of a banquet. A very extensive menu prepared by our popular hosts. Here’s what we had.-水晶話梅紅石榴- light and tangy opener, its combination of sweet and sour flavors awakening the palate. -醬漬青瓜- artfully presented, delivering a perfect crunch with a savory, umami-packed marinade.-燒椒醬撈花螺- with the smoky grilled pepper sauce adding a welcome kick to the tender meat.-豆豉鯪魚油麥菜- a bold and complex starter.-脆蔥鮑魚- with the crispy scallions creating an irresistible combination of textures and flavors.-泡椒花菜梗- the Cauliflower Stems were subtly tangy and spicy. -酥香烤籽魚- delighted crunch to the anchovy’s briny flavor. -雙椒乳鴿- tender pigeon infused with the heat of spicy peppers, creating a smoky, fiery dish. -泡椒花甲- fresh and tender clams perfectly complemented by the bright acidity of pickled chili.-杞子松茸雪耳燉雞湯- light yet luxurious, with the earthy aroma of matsutake mushrooms and the delicate sweetness of goji berries creating a deeply comforting bowl. -臘味薑絲蒸農家倉魚- fish was fresh and flaky, the cured meat adding depth and the ginger providing a subtle kick. -蒜苗野菌炒牛肉- garlic sprouts added a bright, aromatic element to the rich beef. 豆醬煎焗越南大肉蟹煲- natural sweetness of the meaty crab enhanced by the savory bean sauce. 自家臘腸炒芥蘭- a comforting classic. 大少酥薑蔥油脆皮雞- meat was juicy and flavorful, elevated by the fragrant ginger-scallion oil. 常家蒸水芙蓉- silky and delicate. 花膠撈麵- gelatinous fish maw paired beautifully with the springy noodles. 雞油花雕蒸馬友- served individually, with the Chinese wine adding a subtle sweetness and aroma. 蝦湯水瓜煮龍蝦- shrimp broth adding fresh richness. 筍尖紅燒肉配香苗- bamboo shoots adding texture and freshness to the melt-in-your-mouth pork belly. 雞湯芥菜豆腐煮丸子- another nourishing dish, with the light yet flavorful broth tying all the elements together.二十五年陳皮雪梨燉桃膠- the aged tangerine peel adding a fragrant complexity to the delicate snow pear; a soothing, sophisticated end to the feast.In summary: extensive menu combining tradition with refinement. The refreshing array of appetizers in particular were bold and balanced, thoughtfully prepared and beautifully presented, showcasing the artistry of Chinese cooking. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於銅鑼灣Cubus 10樓的私房中菜「常真味」,以《菜根譚》的哲思為靈感,傳遞出「真味是淡,至人如常」的深刻意義。這不僅是對食材本味的追求,更是對生活態度的詮釋!🌱💖🍃由廚藝超卓的「楊應紅」師傅和「楊智明」師傅聯手打造,這裡沒有固定的菜系,只有對食材的極致尊重和對百家味道的探索。每一道菜都讓人感受到家的溫馨,彷彿回到了那個熟悉的味道中。🏡❤️🍽️餐廳的設計融合了傳統中式元素與現代風格,營造出老上海的靜謐與淡雅。每一個角落都散發著溫暖的色調,讓人感到放鬆與舒適。🌸🎨🕯️中菜Omakase體驗,讓你在每一次用餐中都能享受到廚師精心挑選的季節性食材,帶來驚喜的味覺之旅。🍣🌟🍽️🌶️ 必試美食推薦:🌟 泡椒花菜梗:清爽的花菜梗,前菜的選擇真是特別又開胃!🥦✨ 🌟 鮮檸海蜇頭:酸甜開胃的海蜇頭,搭配檸檬,口感絕佳!🍋😋 🌟 脆葱鮑魚:鮑魚彈牙,脆葱香氣四溢,讓人一試成主顧!🐚😍 🌟 拍薑海鹽蒸星斑:星斑肉質嫩滑,簡直是味蕾的享受!🐟🤤 🌟 咸魚豬油渣薑蔥焗大肉蟹:鹹魚與豬油渣的完美結合,香氣撲鼻!🦀🤩 餐廳還提供獨立房間,讓你和家人朋友可以享受私密的用餐環境,增強人情味的氛圍。特別的是,還有一間房間配有露台,讓你在享受美食的同時。🌿🌞🍃💰 性價比高的私房菜 💸✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「常真味」是一家融合傳統與創新的家宴餐廳,主廚楊應紅精心打造每道菜品,展現食材的真味。簡約優雅的環境營造出靜謐氛圍,讓您在繁忙中找到心靈的寧靜與家的溫暖。前菜中,巴旦木蜜烤南瓜的甜香與脆蔥鮑魚的鮮美交織,讓味蕾瞬間覺醒。龍蝦油輕煎瀨尿蝦的絕妙搭配,展現了海鮮的鮮甜,而芝士黑醋牛油果盞則帶來了創新口感。芹香紫菜丸子湯清新可口,為接下來的主菜做好了鋪墊。主菜方面,陳皮海鹽蒸星斑鮮嫩多汁,香氣撲鼻,令人回味。蝦湯水瓜煮龍蝦的濃郁湯底,恰到好處地襯托出海鮮的鮮美。大少酥薑蔥油脆皮雞外酥內嫩。雞湯芥菜淮山煮豆腐則是滋養身心的完美選擇。還有意想不到的濃湯花膠撈麵,濃郁的湯頭與震撼的花膠條,份量多過麵,超級飽滿又有驚喜!這11道菜的家宴只需$800/位,記得要預訂留座🩷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)