1-min walk from Exit E2, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station
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買左饅魚同明太子沙律飯團, 饅魚普通, 明太子味超淡, 似食緊無餡既飯團==", 而且壽司飯無落醋, 或者有落但淡到食唔出==, 壽司飯壓得太實而且偏硬, 好一般。安納芋蕃薯個個食評都話好食, 街市賣既印尼、日本蕃薯都又平又香又好食過佢多多聲, 要咩口感都有, 就算唔加任何調味都好香甜。名牌效應, 名過於實。
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2020年7月4日荃灣海之戀Donki 的Food court 在2020年3月19日開幕,開左咁多個月,最近先有機會去食,不過依然係人山人海,想搵個位都有d難度,有d人就會食完都唔願走,如果遇到好心人就會主動比位我地。Food Court 位置冷氣比較猛,怕凍的人就記得帶外套。當晚一次過試左幾間食店,一場黎到食多幾款,BeefMania 買左碗牛舌丼$68丶山頭火買左牛油炒帶子飯定食$108,有齊拉麵同飯,另外叫左煎餃子(5隻)$38丶神戶北之坂買左牛油明太子魷魚意粉$55,轉套餐只需加$7,就有粟米忌廉湯丶炸雞。最後在築地銀だこ買章魚小丸子$42 八粒,排隊人龍最多人就係呢間築地銀だこ。我覺得山頭火拉麵麻麻地,唔識形容,但係我記得尖沙咀分店好食。而北之坂的明太子意粉一般,太古aeon style 的Food court 有一間東京Kitchen的明太子意粉就好食好多,好creamy。築地銀だこ的章魚小丸子幾好味。BeefMania 牛舌丼幾好食,不過牛舌略為薄一d。但係冷氣太大,好快吹凍d野食,唔多唔少都會影響食物質素。呢度係自助形式,食完記得自己拎返去回收區,減輕清潔人員負擔,養成良好習慣,做個有手尾的人,自己食完自己執。買野食都要自己捧埋位,何況係食完之後。
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今日(20-6-2020 Sat)同老公送發泡膠盒後,就行嚟食啲o野,老公o係o度用$15.00買杯凍咖啡,$20.00北海道士多啤梨牛奶冰,我要$25.00嘅黑糖紫薯.等咗好耐,佢終於拎到嚟,但點解明明紫色嘅黑糖紫薯會係白色?睇睇張單,原來俾咗$23.00嘅黑糖牛乳,老公要去補錢換返.咁我先食北海道士多啤梨牛奶冰,成個味道都唔太濃,牛奶冰份量唔多.味道:3分之後杯黑糖紫薯返嚟喇,黑糖味道唔太濃,但同紫薯好似有啲唔夾,不過唔太甜,而飲飲吓,唔知係咪啲冰溶o緊,味道又ok噃.味道:3分而老公嘅凍咖啡呢?我就唔知喇.抵食係2.67分
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Boyfriend and I ate at Don Don Donki by buying various snacks from their hot food are and ate at the food court. You can get a variety of items from roasted sweet potato to oden and even coffee.These are the random items we shared. Some fried stuff as boyfriend would say. The croquette was pretty good. He also grabbed a deep fried quail eggs and fried chicken. Yum. The eggs were great. Nice and springy. The chicken was moist and tender. It was also freshly prepared so piping hot.He chose a selection of odne. The soup was a fairly light yet tasty dashi soup. The items were soft and fluffy as oden usually is.The only item we didn't like was the shaved ice with pudding on top. There was clearly not enough sugar syrup and so we were only eating on flavorless ice. The pudding itself was also not that good. A rather rubbery consistency with not much strawberry flavor.Over all, good for snacks and fairly cheap so you could probably keep eating without breaking the bank.
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