Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit E1, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (49)
Level3 2018-06-19
Ordered a long black $35. It looked good when it arrived but tasted sour. After a couple of sips I had to ask the Barista why it tasted sour. He said because the coffee was made of Australian beans and so it should taste sour. Obviously I was too ignorant about coffee beans as I only started drinking coffee 2 years ago to suggest otherwise but it definitely did not taste good to me. It almost tasted stale. I politely returned the cup of coffee and left. Best coffee for me is at “Eat My Cakes” on Western Street where they serve 100% freshly grounded Arabic coffee. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-06-19
星期一係公眾假期,下午茶時間終於食第一餐啦!叫左個black truffle fried egg and toast,聽個名覺得其實應該都唔會太伏。黎到見到賣相非常一般,一d都唔instagrammable。菇同車厘茄都係會出水,搞到成碟野水汪汪。不過錯有錯著,原本烘得都算香口既多士索左d蔬菜精華之後會令人想一塊接一塊咁食炒蛋方面溫度足夠,而且加左奶炒,食到淡淡奶香多過蛋香。黑松露份量都多,但食到一半突然覺得非常之咸,望真d上面有一粒粒好似芝士粉咁既大細既粗鹽,點解d鹽唔係打蛋個陣加,而係加係個面道(重要唔溶)如果無左d鹽我會滿意好多。見到openrice好多人話佢食物水準一般,餐廳似乎真係需要嚴謹一d改善下質素。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
18 grams 以前係我最鍾意既 cafe 之一,以前好鍾意介紹呢間cafe 俾friends,同feature佢既latte art 係 ig。佢既咖啡真係above-average,無論香味、口感都一流。但係,近日我同個 friend 兩次係 cafe 既經歷,令我重新思考係咪會再幫親。M: 我    G: 18 Grams 員工到達cafe時 5:50pm,我唔太肯定仲有無tea setsM: 今日係咪無 tea sets 啦?G: 無 M: 嗯⋯⋯要分開買咪貴開多囉⋯⋯ (心感可惜)G: 如果你諗真D,其實價錢差唔多(作為一個常客,我好清楚我個多士set,upgrade埋杯咖啡,會係大概$80-90; 而家分開買,價錢大概會貴左$40)M: 嗯,好似都差幾多bor (可惜、疑惑,同唔知買咩好)G: 咁你買唔買呀?(批判、聲線向上)M: 聽你咁講,你係咪唔想我地買咖啡呀?G: (諷刺) Up to you~ (中文:隨得你啦~)作為一個咖啡迷,果刻我真係覺得好offended,前所未有咁失望而離開左呢間好鍾意既 cafe,服務質素認真需要改善。18 Grams used to be my favourite. I have been recommending this cafe to my friends and featuring it several times on my social media. Their flat white never fails- often aromatic and fruity, with a thick and creamy body. Yet, there have been two unwelcoming incidents my friends and I have encountered that have made us rethink on whether the cafe is worth visiting. There was one time my friend sat alone at the table, enjoying the coffee. The staff requested her to sit at the bar table in a blunt tone without excusing himself. The recent incident being... M: Me     G: 18 Grams Staff Visit at around 5:50pm. Ain't sure if the usual tea sets are still available. M: Is there no more tea sets today? G: No (blunt tone)M: Ah... it's gonna be more expensive then to order the toast and coffee separate. (feeling unfortuante)G: If you think about it, buying sesaparte and tea sets are about the same price.(Being a frequent customer, I know my usual toast tea set, with a beverage upgrade to flat white is about 80-90HKD and buying separate makes it around 40HKD more expensive.)M: Ah.. hmm I don't think so. (feeling unfortuante and unsure what to get for my tea time)G: Do you not wanna buy coffee then? (judgmental and raising his voice)M: Are you telling me to not buy cofee then.... G: (sarcastic and playful tone) Up to you~ Honestly, I felt offeneded and disappointed that i was able to hold my temptation and leave the cafe I used to love so so much. Two times of such unwelcoming service is more than enough. The CS of the cafe seriously needs an upgrade. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Barista 悔氣、冷漠、黑臉、趕客絕不再次光顧18 grams Manager20/5 晚上7:30到訪朗豪坊分店,在櫃枱正在查看有關pour over 的咖啡荳。當時一位男同事正在我前面,我向他表示罐開唔到,他當時沒有說話,臉無笑容,好像很不開心。他打開罐給我,是geisha荳,我查問一杯的價錢,他表示$100,我回應那我要一杯Brazil, 他表示$52。他以上對答時態度全程都很冷淡,感覺並不像想做生意,我的感覺絕對是黑臉及趕客,已經感覺不良好。然後我查問是否可以俾八達通,他回應「有~ 等一陣啦」,文字上沒什麼,但態度是悔氣及輕挑。這時候我回應「咁我遲d先飲」然後離去了。我是來消費、嘆咖啡,並不是受氣。而且咁樣的態度,杯手沖咖啡都唔方好飲。坦白說我對18grams 一向印象不錯,還記得農曆新年光顧銅鑼灣景隆店,一位女barista 手沖咖啡好飲,有層次,亦友善。但本次經驗令我以後都唔會光顧朗豪坊店。現在回想,我上次光顧朗豪坊店,好似都係見到呢位男同事,態度同樣是差的。我已電郵給18 grams 反映問題,希望管理層會積極跟進。敬告各位唔想受氣的朋友切勿光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
18gram算係旺角區內較早札根o既精品咖啡店 總店係銅鑼灣口啤一直不錯所以大概係6、7年前佢間鋪係家樂中心係九龍區飲精品咖啡既稀有選擇咖啡做得不錯而果時九龍區未有太多精品咖啡店 每次去都較難搵位(果時應該仲興緊樓上cafe ?)一路走黎分店越開越多(後來連海港城都有 )又 ,同類咖啡店係旺角區越開越多 已比較少去18gram今日約左朗豪坊睇戲 ,朋友有事做未能一起食lunch ,我就一個人上12/f 18 gram食個brunch 先睇戲大約12點幾,出奇地只有兩台客,果真風光不再不過果時未諗到係因為佢水準唔好冇客 我只係諗大概係因為朗豪坊而家真係太多選擇吧 要突登上到差唔多頂樓其實有點遠去cafe ,egg Benedict 係我首選叫左個classic egg Benedict 上台已經打個突個荷蘭汁「稀了了」 伴菜只係一塊蕃茄 仲要唔知點解係灑七味粉上面一切開果個唔係蛋白包住既水煮蛋 面頭只係薄薄蛋白一切就係蛋黃入口What the ....凍既!!包係硬既!!我叫個侍應埋黎問點解係凍佢話因為佢地係慢煮蛋 係凍既我話我未食過egg benedict 係凍佢話可以幫我換 不過都係凍架咁我話由佢啦然後我冇掂過碟野飲埋杯啡走左 -latte in large size ($44)碟egg benedict ($98 )唔係$58蚊呀$98蚊已經係上環cafe 好食價佢碟egg Benedict 其實唔止隻蛋凍,塊muffin都係凍,有溫度既只係中間既肉,仲要只係微暖☹️沒有溫度既食物 沒有心做既餐廳😔咖啡是不錯交出正常水平 但呢個價錢而家有太多選擇吧呢種水平 大概不會吸引回頭客雖說主打咖啡 但你既食物也賣得不便宜呀🙁如果要去精品咖啡店 ,下次我會預多點時間去黑布街附近 唔會再貪方便🌚而為左能出一分力 做真實既飲食體驗分享我決定持續係openrice 投稿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)