5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
The decor is mixed with contemporary and nostalgic styles. It specializes in modern tapas that are inspired by different regions of Spain. You can level up the enjoyment with pairing Spanish wine, fruit wine and classic street drinks. continue reading
Additional Information
22 Ships is now open for reservations on Openrice, but there are limited spots available! You can check the 22 Ships official website for more available spaces. They also welcome walk-ins, so nobody will leave disappointed!
Opening Hours
Tue - Thu
18:00 - 22:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (184)
Level4 2024-07-02
真係幾好食。偏貴,但食得精,也飽飽及尚可接受的價錢。生日慶祝,原本系統訂座,但不知什麼原因,找不到記錄。好彩有位提供。地方很細,座位比較close. 分兩個時段,6:00-8:30 及8:30-10:00。卡位好似得兩張枱,bar 枱有10 個8位,另外便是半室內及半座街的位置。我哋係坐後者。雖然有大風扇,但天氣熱的時候,也真係有啲熱。揸車泊街,風險極高,可泊合和中心/胡忠大廈。我哋四個人,叫咗5個餸,包括Pan con Tomate $78, Chicken Al Ajillo $158, Tortilla $168, Rubia Beef S $788, Black Octopus Paella $438, 合共$1630,tips 自己決定,無/自定/10%/15%/20%。星期五的晚上,6:00 果轉,熱熱鬧鬧,迫迫地,朋友吹水,食下嘢也不錯。但不是坐得舒服慢慢嘆果種! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀ 22 Ships #灣仔 ❀❗情人節book到人氣西班牙餐廳 可惜環境擁擠性價比低❗——————————————————情人節嚟到bookmark咗多年嘅西班牙餐廳。以往冇得book位,成日見排隊,所以一直都未去試🙈最近終於有得網上訂位,即刻book咗一試~ 屬於jia group,旗下仲有米芝蓮餐廳Estro、Louise、Mono、Ando等,集團有咁多間著名嘅餐廳,所以對呢一間西班牙餐廳嘅期望都幾高。不過整體食後感都一般般🥲.✷𝑀𝑒𝓃𝓊✷☞ Tortilla $168 (3.6/5)超級飽肚嘅西班牙薯仔蛋餅配肉腸粒,食完已經飽咗一半🤣蛋餅包住有一層層嘅薯仔片,略嫌蛋漿過熟,只靠表面嘅大蒜蛋黃醬給予moisture,乾身咗啲🥺.☞ Black Octopus Paella $438 (4.1/5)Paella烹調得唔錯👌🏻飯粒軟硬度恰到好處,每粒飯都沾滿墨魚汁,有香濃嘅海鮮鮮味。八爪魚口感軟腍,係我喜愛嘅質感,不過份量就少咗啲,性價比偏低🙈。.☞ Roast Suckling Pig $438 (3.9/5)多次食過唔同西班牙餐廳嘅燒乳豬🐷每次食都同自己講下次唔會再試,因為實在同中式燒乳豬相似,而且間間都差唔多🙈。呢間其實同樣做到表皮外脆,肉質超嫩多汁,啖啖肉夠肥美。味道係不俗,不過欠缺驚艷之處,而且幾油膩,食少少已經好飽滯😖如果從未食過西班牙燒乳豬嘅都可以試吓呢一間嘅。.☞ Chocolate Hazelnut & Olive Oil $98 (4.1/5)甜品反而有啲驚喜🤣香濃嘅朱古力慕絲配上烤到非常香口嘅榛子粒。加上表面有啲朱古力脆脆,口感非常豐富,朱古力控必定要試吓🍫——————————————————✨整體味道: 3.9/5 ✨環境裝修: 3/5✨服務態度: 3.8/5✨性價比: 3/5✨再訪興趣: 3/5.💞整體來講環境的確幾唔舒服,位置非常擁擠,只有兩三張table,其餘都係Bar枱,情人節要同其他人一齊坐吧枱感覺唔太良好😖味道ok的,但定價偏高,區內有唔少平啲嘅選擇🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喺這家店食到的扒乳豬真係叫人驚嘆三聲WOW!肉質超嫩多汁,啖啖肉嘅感覺正!表皮炸到脆口得嚟唔覺得油膩,甜醬汁的加入令口味更加完美。😋至於海膽多士,每一啖都係那種海鮮味十足、鮮美得令人停唔到口!海膽質感細膩得黎,香滑得嚟帶有自然嘅甜味,太正了!🧡薯仔西班牙香腸炸彈仔,外層炸得脆口,入面嘅薯仔同腸粉嘅黏咗一齊,一啖一個,咸香美味,簡直就係tapas嘅典範。🥔有咁油潤嘅菜式當然都需要啲清新嘅嚟平衡下啦,烤椰花菜配上薯泥同火腿,健康又美味,軟綿綿嘅口感與鹹香嘅火腿同椰花菜嘅香口,配搭得好有層次。🌱食甜品,檸檬百里香雪葩真係一試難忘!清新嘅檸檬味道加上香草嘅百里香,味道層次豐富,愛唔愛全看個人,不過我就覺得超級好味!🍋至於桑格利亞,如果鍾意酒味重一點,紅色果陣就啱晒;想要啲水果嘅甜味,白色嗰款絕對唔會失望。🍷總括來講,今次嘅街頭西班牙美食之旅真係令人意猶未盡,每一道菜都充滿驚喜,一定要再黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-05
上次同朋友試過呢間西班牙菜,一開始見到價錢有啲進取,但都對得住價錢。首先講吓前菜Uni & Rusa Toast,係海膽配薯仔沙律多士,海膽超級鮮甜零腥味,同朋友一樣食第一啖已經驚嘆薯仔沙律竟然令海膽甜味更出眾😝⠀其次到主菜啦,Carabineo Paella(大紅蝦risotto),價錢相比起其他餐廳係貴啲,但大蝦嘅size,新鮮程度,同生熟程度都恰到好處,蝦頭膏亦帶點點鹹香絕對唔腥,十分欣賞呢道主菜。⠀第三道菜嗌咗朋友食過覺得好食嘅Roasted Suckling Pig(烤豬),呢款烤豬好似中式乳豬,配嘅醬都係甜鹹為主軸,皮薄而肉質實在帶有豬肉香味,配上沙律冇咁肥膩。⠀本來想嗌埋甜品,不過兩個人三款嘢食已經足夠,留返下次先嗌布丁☺️。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-16
Finally! 22 ships is now accept reservation after 11 years opened. Food and service has always been excellent here, best Spanish restaurant in HK. Time slot to book through openrice is limited. However when I go directly to their official website, more options are available there! Sit at their bar counter to watch all their action, food and drink preparation by the team. It is still a NO service charge restaurant, will suggest to add a 10% on top of the bill for their hard work! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)