Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
近過呢間bakery 見到差唔多所有面都係用竹炭做..黑色的.幾得意就去買返個試啦咩道啦竹炭車輪面都幾大個ga..1個人食都ok !但食落就同普通白面包無分別啦個味...竹炭係健康野..但應該要keep住食先有效啦.我呢d 食一次就未知佢ga效力啦
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返娘家...終於買下烏卒卒既竹炭合桃包, $16, 今早切了約六塊, 面有好多芝麻麥皮, 但內餡就唔太覺有合桃, 真係得少少咋, 麵包肉都幾軟熟, 一點竹炭味也沒有, 試試就算了! 另再買了上次買過既袋裝什錦菜同珍珠瓜, $18, 簡中用黎送飯真係唔錯!
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有日行過, 見有黑炭包賣, 因買兩個 $15 (一個 $8), 所以貪得意又買了兩個來試, 分別是竹炭提子包和竹炭蘑菇煙肉包。兩個包都是黑古勒突的, 還有些黑得發亮呢。竹炭提子包我相信有點提子乾 (這個倒是吃到的, 不過都和包身一樣黑才看不到), 上面鋪上燕麥碎, 挺健康的啦。竹炭蘑菇煙肉包的蘑菇卻好像只是包面上的那片, 包裡面好像不太多蘑菇喎。不過吃到煙肉的點點油香, 還算吃得過啦。雖云吃竹炭有清腸胃之效, 我睇都是見仁見智了, 當佢普通包食又唔值咁貴囉。
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Its worth visiting, not just for food, but generally looking at their bakery, black bread, purple bread! The shop is called 39C, it makes u think of body temp but a few degrees higher so you would except a warm feeling, however its cool blue in design, so quite contradictory, yet it gives u a cool image.Again another chain of QQ Rice, as they use purple rice, charcoal, as main ingredients. Anyway I got the little cups of desserts from the fridge, cheesecake and milk pudding,quite tiny, but quite cheap.The milk pudding tastes the same as the one from QQ rice, had a soy taste in it rather than milk. Sort of like a hard jelly.As for the cheesecake, the sponge at the bottom was pink, a bit unusual, but tasted ok.
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