一間新開的酒吧CAFE, 裝修充滿歐洲格調, 氣氛悠閒, 食物多元化, 非一般酒吧食品, 特別午餐之咖哩飯, 是結合多國不同特色香料而成, 別具風味. 晚上搖身變成一間浪漫情調酒, 售賣多國紅白酒及特別COCKTAILS, 實是與友人把酒談心的好地方 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level4 2012-07-31
This newly restaurant has been on my wishlist for quite long time but every time I booked here, i just could not make it given various reasons Finally, i drop by this place with a colleague on Fri night spotaneously. It's almost full at 8pm but luckily we get the corner sofa table under the projector screen. Environment/decoration is a bit European style but mix with Projector screen broadcasting US movie "Seven" and Korea music, a bit wierd. We just ordered a set dinner + a main to share. Green salad, nothing special, but generous in portion. Main: beef lasnage: strong tomato sauce and large portion again but falvor just soso. Linguine with mushroom: light in flavor. dessert: marble cake, a bit too sweetfrankly speaking, the food quality is a bit disappointing but it's popular and recomended maybe with cheap price. (set dinner $148 at Soho is rare). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-22
買了"$239 二人蘇豪 á ce soír 晚餐" 的團購, 在一個下雨的friday night, 終於都可以放低工作relax下有不少連殼新鮮青口, 雖然不算大隻, 但頗肥美, 沒怪味海鮮材料有很多:煙三文魚、蟹柳、魷魚等, 另有薯蓉, 闊條麵, 個忌廉汁有芝士味, 味道幾好, 但比較飽吃不完想自行帶走, 有侍應看到, 連忙說可以代為打包, 用透明盒子裝著還包上保鮮紙, 很細心呢碟邊有兩塊脆的牛油多士, 好味我覺得這個肉眼扒稍為薄身了一點, 有點不像貴價肉眼扒, 但肉質尚算嫩, 叫了medium熟度意粉則軟硬適中頗欣賞這組甜品, 個梨好特別, 不太甜, 好爽, 泡芙裡面是雪糕, tiramisu有咖啡酒味另外還有一杯紅酒一杯白酒, 不過沒影相, 紅酒好飲過白酒這間酒吧餐廳的食物質素不算很上乘, 但看得出來很有誠意, 每樣東西的份量都很足, 絕不因團購而偷工減料, 而侍應的service都值得一讚, 很細心, 態度很好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-03-23
常在法式餐館"遇見"大蒜薯蓉湯,加入大蒜令平庸的薯蓉湯更香口。此店之同款湯頗creamy,再配合香草飽,是健康之選。沙律是一般的green salad, 沒加入特別的食材。主菜有咖喱肉腸拼意粉,咖喱味調得不錯,不太濃亦不太辣,很適合不能吃過辣的顧客。另一款主菜是蟹肉意大利飯,忌廉汁十分多,包着每粒飯。廚師大概加了一些特別的醬汁或香料於忌廉汁,味道很吸引呀!最意外是飯的底層原來舖了一層菜,吃完可大大減低忌廉汁帶來的油膩感。午市套餐的主菜共有三款選擇,是次沒點跟鴨有關的主菜。顧客可選甜品或餐飲。是日甜品為芒果慕絲蛋糕,賣相討好,及味道清香。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
齋看「A ce soir」這餐廳的名字與門面,大家會否以為它是吃有型法國菜甚麼的?答案:不,是。話說上週朕與一位多年沒見的老友聚舊吹水。近排朕的荷包是乾過牛肉乾,不想找間太貴的餐廳;蕩到中環卑利街,看到「A ce soir」這亮麗的招牌,字體是「疑似 agnès b.」,不禁入內望望。餐廳內裡是酒吧的格局,裝修簡約。瞄一瞄餐牌,嘩,全店只有三款食物,就是 set dinner,每款約一百元左右。以蘇豪午餐價,就能吃到三道 courses 的晚餐,是既划算又詭異啊。先上頭盤「Cream and Potato Soup」及「Green Salad」,很有快餐的風味。將貨就價,人之常情。 「Curry Pork Chop」$98咖喱與薄餅一向是金童玉女,是晚它們就變了牛郎織女,因為薄餅暫時失了蹤,換來了一碟炒雜菜作陪襯。椰汁味道濃重霸道,肥爆,吃後是很有罪惡感。沒有薄餅,無相干。「Rib Eye with Gravy」$118薄薄的芡汁配一塊所謂肉眼,侍應也沒有問我們要求生熟的程度。在𣈱談之間,咱們共點了十杯 house white,味道是很普通的貨色啦。最後此二人飯局,埋單是 $1,000。收費全跑到 house wine 那裡!應該怪自己疏於防範,還是怪自己酒量太好呢 ?! 現在荷包已不止是牛肉亁,而是變了亁屍木乃伊了。再一次證明這永恆的真理:酒水,重來都不是省油的燈。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-03-02
光顧兩次LUNCH!咖哩豬扒好好食,是斯里蘭卡煮法,非常好味,值得一試!肉眼扒入味而且不軔,跟意粉比白飯更好,因意粉經炒過再調味,很好吃。以中環來說,午餐不用一百元,有湯,飲品和餐湯,而且味道有質素,份量適宜,價錢本人覺得合理。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)