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Review (5)
Level4 2017-02-07
buy Australia 🇦🇺 water 💦 peach Promoter price 47$To 36.9$When we were small The north water pouring honey 🍯 peaches were very delicious and quite expensive The fruit is delicate Easy to be pressed and spoiled Very difficult to have a good bite find the old fashioned peach in the super market From Australia Look lovely 😊 36.9\for 3Makes it 12.3$eachNot too bad for the fruit is fresh because it's heavyweight Or is dense Meaning full of water My taste is it must taste like the taste of our child hood Soft and watered Sweet of pure fresh and natural These are okJust ok 👌🏻 the experience of water pouring Good 😊 fruit 🍉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-31
話說周日無咩好做,同食家兩個去左禾輋吉之島行吓,竟然又俾我地發現好野食,當然介紹俾大家﹗食家今朝無端端話想食生蠔,於是我地去左吉之島睇吓。其實外賣生蠔真係唔平,$100得三隻,我地唔多捨得食,貪得意就決定買最平的澳洲高濱灣生蠔試吓就算﹗海鮮成日買返屋企煮,但係外賣生蠔,原來都係我地既第一次﹗$120有六隻﹗俾完錢就開蠔,有一隻比較細姐姐俾多隻過我地﹗冰袋包好哂,附有檸檬及Cocktail醬﹗呵呵﹗好耐無食蠔,老實講,一人得三隻邊到夠食,10隻都唔敢皮啦﹗雖然係平野,不過好滑,海水味極濃亦鮮。我覺得加少少檸檬汁吊一吊已好好味,加醬反而蓋過蠔味﹗小食多滋味,吃完也很滿足﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-02
今年團年飯我响吉之島訂咗“發財海味細盆菜”($398),都算唔錯,起碼六隻鮑魚都有鮑魚嘅質感同味道,但係啲蝦就削少少。 其他餸都中規中舉。份量方面,四個人食可以,六個人食就要加餸。用吉之島會員卡可享九折,但要俾現金,用AEON吉之島卡亦享九折但要用該卡簽賬,上吉之島網頁可訂,有的个時間選擇。衛生方面唔錯,若依指示侭快食用應沒有問題。綜合價錢及質素算是尚佳之選! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-08-13
懶煮送, 行過見到 "士汁煎封盲鰽魚"只係賣 $25, 加$5 可以換兩包細細既果汁先生, 好抵!返到屋企用慢火叮叮佢, 佢d士汁好惹味, 送飯一流, 條魚首先係炸左ge, 跟住加蔥粒, 士椒....魚肉冇梅到, 冇咩骨, 啖啖肉, 但可能已經炸左一段時間又可能炸得過火左, d皮 "un"左d......overall ok ge, $25去邊度搵, 仲要煮熟埋la wooooo~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上個禮拜去行沙田新開o既 "吉之島" 超市....買o左好多 "零食" & "韓式撈麵".....『一品撈麵』&『泡菜撈麵』先講『泡菜撈麵』.... 嗯.... 冇乜特別....坦白講... 真係一般.... 冇乜泡菜味....只係有少少帶酸、辣o者....麵質同一般公仔麵冇乜分別.... 我會情願食返 "公仔牌" o既公仔麵喇!主角係佢喇『一品撈麵』yummy、yummy....入面有豬肉碎、薯仔粒.... 等等!十個 good 呀.... 有意外驚喜!一包有 200g... 原來漿汁已經有 100g...漿汁 100g + 麵 100g... 製作超認真喎 而且... 薯仔粒唔係細個隻...個漿仲好好味添...仲要、仲要係我鍾意o既厚身麵...有 d 似 "辛辣麵" 個種麵質...係較硬身 d o既麵o黎呀!I like it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)