Situated at the street corner of Leighton Road, the first le pain grille restaurant creates an intimate and warm setting for any rendezvous. The antique French decoration from 19th centry gives a cozy touch to this place. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Casual Drink
Additional Information
CorkageFee for Red wine and White wine is $200 per bottle and CorkageFee for champagne is $300 per bottle
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
All day full breakfast Creamy white wine mussels French galettes Rib eye burger Roasted duck leg confit Terrine burger
Review (109)
已經很久沒有和朋友來個casual dinner,今夜公關朋友在禮頓道agnès b. le pain grillé,舊址新店,可以重回這地段真好,一來是沒以往在cubus 的拘謹,二來走All Day Menu會比較有彈性和多元化,所以這個晚上大家開懷大笑大吃,最愛這氣氛,我們整整KO了三碗薯條,太好吃了! 而且最後也不錯過agnes b一向拿手的甜餅,無論價錢與質素都比那藝術般的蘿柚好Salad of fresh fig and parma ham [$88] - 簡單的配搭,只要有新鮮的無花果點綴,整道沙律的味道即時提升,鹹鮮的Parma Ham,再吃一口沾滿醬汁的沙律菜,最後吃甜甜無花果,鹹味全消~~終於不用再排大隊在La Creperie吃galette了,這裡的也相當有質素,第一次吃就選了最classic的ham and cheese and egg [$78],出來的成品賣相不錯,餅皮薄脆,切開與蛋汁同吃,是一頓Lite Meal的伙伴,以後會常來吃了~!Mussels in white wine and cream, served with fries [$188] - 不得了不得了,當季的藍青口細隻但肥美, 三兩下就吃完,而且薯條是超級好吃,雖然是幼身的,但連皮且超脆,無論沾茄汁又或者白酒忌廉汁都很配合,如果鹽少dd會更完美;這個mussels我們四人也可以encore多一份,抱歉我超大食 =PCroque with roasted beef and cheese [$98] - 邪惡的Croque,數年前吃過一次後就深深上癮,因為內內外外都是芝士,焗得超脆,多數會選吃芝士火腿,但既然Galette要了ham,這個就選燒牛肉,同樣精彩~~四個女生,現在才開始吃主菜,這個紙包鱈魚 [$188] 我是滿有期待的,最後沒有失望,魚肉嫩滑,在紙包內可以盡吸收普羅旺斯燉雜菜的味道,紙包得來也很工整,不會呈上一團糟的樣子,所以特別欣賞這個~~~Rib-eye steak burger [$168] - Crazy~這個又有薯條,結果飽撐也按捺不住,又清碟了,而五成熟的肉眼在火侯方面控制得很不錯,加上滿是芝麻的麵包,又香口又豐富,還有牛油果作餡料,好健康的食材~~最後一道主菜是油封鴨扁意粉 [$148] - 油而不膩,也不過鹹,別問我們為何吃到那麼多,總之就是清碟了,凡有蒜片的意粉都是我的大愛新店的氣氛有點像Gough Street那間,帶點cafe氣氛但又有主餐吃,同時也有三文治、包餅外帶,這裡的地板是一如以往地美觀,雖然每格不同卻沒有紊亂感覺~~五件餅,四件是新出的,第五件就是我的堅持,每次也要吃拿破崙,Amelie像極Rainbow cake,即使有white chocolate cream又不覺甜膩,因為中層有apricot jam,而海綿蛋糕也有Raspberry, chocolate和開心果三款,所以口感層次都很多,但就層於比較乾身的蛋糕 Valerie 是舊瓶新樽的做法,外觀和用料都同以往有異,很多時會滯的mont blanc,這件沒有這問題,三兩啖就可以完成~~Carla 是芒果與雲呢拿的mousse cake,夏天當造的芒果,不再酸酸,推介清新的一試;而Veanne 雖然外表比較平凡,像普通的雜果蛋糕,不過蛋糕夠細密,生果整齊款式多,也是優勝之處回歸舊址的agnes b,沒有以往的神秘,晚上反而多了份壯麗感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-23
Prelude:I used to know Agnes b only as a French fashion designer.A few years ago, they started to serve coffee and light snacks in their boutiques.Then came the brasseries, le pain grille in CWB, and later in IFC.The IFC has been a hit in town. Never tried it. Pricey, don't think it's value for money. Was passing by the CWB brasserie the other day and noticed that set lunch was offered at $198. Price was affordable for lunch. So the date with Agnes was set. The Date with AgnesIt was a Saturday.Our reservation was for 12:30 pm. There were only a few customers in the place. Half-height glass lined the two sides of the place overlooking Leighton St. The setting was cosy and casual. We were led to a table by the window. The hostess then brought us the a la carte menu and also explained to us the set lunch menu on a chalkboard. Friendly and casual service My order:Appetizer: Main course: My partners' order:Soup: Cream of spinachMain course: The food was elegantly garnished and tasty. There was nothing special about the soup but the deep fried cheese filled mushroom was very rich and delicious. The veal was tender, but the portion (4 slices) was a bit small. The lemon and butter sauce was very refreshing.The steak was grilled to medium well, charred to a crispy crust outside and tender inside. It was a bit thin though and so not as juicy as I would have liked. So far so good, and I would pay the $198 for just the above.Sweet AgnesThen came the highlights - the hostess presented us with a full page of dessert photos. We had:The desserts were really great, the sponge cake was moist, and the raspberry filling added wonderfully to the chocolate background. We spent another couple of hours chatting, desserting and sipping our coffee.A memorable date with Agnes.Tres bien. Will come back for an encore. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-01-23
I was there with two friends yesterday, Jan 22 for afternoon tea. I ordered tea with lemon. Lemon slices were found to be quite dried up. I told the waiter. He replied "our lemons are organic lemons". I asked to change because they really looked unfresh. Waiter said OK. However, he never returned and didn't even come closer to our table.What has "organic" got to do with this? What kind of service is this? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-12-30
不知所謂的餐廳明明已經打電話book 左24/12/2010既檯, 於電話中已經問得好清楚有沒有booking no., 職員說沒有, 只需要於8:30前還檯便可因當日分2個時段, 一個係6:00pm-8:30pm, 一個係8:30pm 開始, 而該職員亦沒有告知其他事項, (因我地係早一日即23/12/2010打去book的, 而果個聽電話既職員講得好清楚係頭輪時間, 仲問近門位置既介唔介意, 同埋要8:30前還檯, 所以我地一心諗住係無問題, 因今日打去book 第二日既檯, 時間上咁短, 應該唔會有問題),所以我地book 左7:00pm我地6:45pm去到, 搵左好耐都搵唔到我地既booking, 果到既職員問我地有沒有booking no 或e-mail confirmation, 我話無, 之後再問左好多次, 再之後又話一般係要full payment, 我地話無, 再講一次book 檯既過程比佢聽但果到既職員就話我地book 左錯左第二間, 再之後一陣又認話有同事收到我地既電話, 但話我地誤會左, 佢係話第二輪8:30仲有一張檯係waiting list, 總之攪左一輪都係無檯, 我覺得攪到好尷尬同好不滿, 第一, 我係顧客, 每間餐廳都有唔同的做法, 有d餐廳book 檯時有booking no., 有d無, 有d要比 deposit, 有d係唔駛, 我唔知你呢間餐廳既做法係點, 而呢個責任唔係我地到, 因我地book 果時已問得好清楚, 如果係無檯或係第二輪既時間, 果個職員又點會話坐近門口位介唔介意 同 要8:30前要交返張檯比佢呢?第二, 我企左十五分鐘等佢搵, 佢只無不停問有沒有booking no 或e-mail confirmation, 已經答再沒有, 佢仲問左好多次, 而周圍既客都望住我地, 好似我地白撞一樣,第三, 一時又話我地打錯電話book, 一時又話同事接過我地電話, 話誤會左, 完全係講大話加推卸責任第四, 完全沒有意圖去解決問題, 問佢地野只係唔講野,同埋最終只係想我地走 一心平安夜book 左檯想好好地食飯, 點知攪成咁, 仲要唔知去邊到食, 果日到到都咁full, 總之對呢間餐廳, 呢個品牌極之失望, 只可以用不知所謂嚟形容題 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-10
又到同人慶生的時間,由於有人唔得閒食晚飯,咁就同佢tea一tea啦。朋友想食呢間野好耐啦,我地叫左一個tea set同一個puff。個tea set都幾豐富,有4鹹4甜點。甜點首先有朱古力mousse,好香又唔甜,有少少似雪糕;跟住有個cake係baileys味既,超好味,但如果dbaileys再勁d會更好味;一個朱古力mousse蛋糕都ok,另外有個vanilla puff都好食。鹹點方面有兩個係ham pastry,一個三文魚,一個係好似鵪鶉蛋,都唔錯的。至於另叫的puff裡面有自製的vanilla雪糕,好好味呀!絕對唔係買個d咁味。茶方面叫左一個vanilla味既紅茶,但唔夠vanilla味,仲有一個marco polo茶同一杯latte,個杯都幾靚。呢度既裝修好似法國咁,但法國一定冇呢度咁多人同咁嘈,除左paris間amelie cafe之外。佢連個廁所都係寫法文既,不過好彩有公仔解釋!總之呢一餐大家都食得好滿意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)