味千拉麵店始創於1968年,發源地日本九州的熊本。 continue reading
Additional Information
The bill be rounded to the nearest dollar
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
味千拉麵 黑和豚肉定食 箱根蟹子春卷 豬軟骨拉麵 蕃茄雞肉拉麵 蟹肉奶油薯餅
Review (31)
Level4 2015-06-17
久違的味千拉麵在香港曾經開滿街的拉麵品牌,到現在只剩下幾家分店,都很久沒有吃過,是因為太多有品牌的拉麵店衝擊,難得剛下飛機又和久違的朋友會面,當然吃我們曾經的回憶~~店家給的價格牌是套餐的,細問下才會給你單點的餐牌~點了一份套餐和一個單點拉麵~特盛叉燒豬軟骨拉麵(評分:6/10)湯底-剛開始覺得味道很夠,但越吃越鹹,而且感覺豬骨粉湯,有加味精的感覺~但值得一讚係個湯好夠熱~叉燒-超級硬,要牙齒很好才咬得開⋯沒有任何味道~豬軟骨-入口即溶,很入味,真的很好吃~拉麵-還算彈牙,不會太軟~有半粒溏心蛋算是很驚喜❤️️套餐配 秘製炸雞(評分:6/10)有點油,有點鹹,但炸雞不會硬,還可以。套餐配 可樂~(不能選其他)是百事可樂~老實說,味千的份量果然是特盛的,一個套餐兩個人吃應該剛剛好,可惜我和友人都忘記了,結果點太多吃不完~吃完還是覺得味千味道真的退步了,或者是現在都有更好的選擇~品質方面可能真的要改良~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-06-08
本身係因為機場搵唔到野食先去食味千,3個人叫左2個set dinner share(豬軟骨同叉燒),價錢同出面d味千拉面一樣,唔會話特別貴。味道都係, 同其他分店食ge差唔多, 係鹹左少少禁多啦,and豬軟骨有D偏硬,差D趙甩牙XDDD。不過可能哩個鐘數冇乜人,D野食出得好快.....不過無論o係邊度食味千都好,記得一定要落佢個蒜粉同醬!! 識食一定要落蒜粉先好食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
叉燒拉麵配豬骨湯底, 叉燒太肥. 拉麵質地差, 湯底淡而無味. 沙津冷麵, 很一般的麻醬冷麵, 完全貴得離譜.煎餃子, 厚皮包住少少豬肉, 餃皮濕潤味道一般. 泰式炸春卷, 肉碎春卷無咩味.雞肉串過得去, 芝麻香味重, 雞肉唔太乾硬, 不過稍咸. 牛油帶子非常之油膩而且細粒過提子. 服務一般. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-08-25
接完機就去左味千醫肚, 價錢比出面貴, 最平個套餐都$75 (一個小食加一個麵), 叫左3個餐, 泡菜唔入味, 個辣椒味唔對板的, 不過係日式連鎖店叫韓式泡菜... 可以要求d 乜。 餃子正常, 但個皮一夾就散, 個麵係"林"身底, 但起碼唔係楜口, 湯底無咩味, 我要勁落7味分。不過, 對機場食物無期待, 志在醫肚, 還算令人接受.. 用餐中途發生左令人O 咀既事, 隔離台老外一家大小, 倒潟左碗麵, 成台成地都濕哂, 個經理見到, 俾左一疊紙巾佢地就行左去, 咁老外企左身成5分鐘, 望住個經理, (個經理係完全唔想往LEE 邊望, 你係忙, 都俾手勢同個客表示叫佢等一陣呀... 無LAW) 之後佢先黑口黑面過黎拖地... 個客個麵明顯未食過的.... 大佬你國際機場餐廳, 收得人咁貴, 係咪應該俾過碗佢呀? M 記都會啦! 無LAW... 仲見佢有張咩服務大賞証書...呸... lee d 咁既餐廳唔好再放係機場啦... 趕客咩Firstly, the price is much expensive than outside the airport, the cheapest set is already $75 (1 snack and 1 noodles). We ordered 3 sets. Kimchi... it's too early to serve, I think it needed more time to get taste absorb into the vegetable, and its not the right taste as Korean Kimchi, but you ordered a kimchi in a Japanese chain stores, what can you expect? Dumplings, the pasty is loose, but it's OK. The BBQ pork noodles, BBQ pork was fine; noodles is OK, at least it is not sticky in your mouth. but I prefer "al dente" noodles. The soup.. it's no taste, I had to add many seasonings to finish the noodles. Right, what can you expect a chain stores at the airport?But during the meal, there was a disgracing thing happened at our next table. There was a foreign family, the noodles was overthrown, soup and noodles was everywhere on the table and the floor. The manager (YES, MANAGER.. ) just given them tissue, but didn't offer further help until the family stood up for 5mins and kept looking at the manager. Then he helped to clean with his very dull face! And I could see the overthrown noodles is not even started eating , but the manager had no intention to replace them another bowl! It's Hong Kong International Airport, the first gate welcoming our tourists! But obviously they got NO services in this restaurant! We even saw they got a certifications of Hong Kong services award at the door! I wondered what standards are needed for the services award. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次係機場禁區內既 food court 食野,見無咩選擇,試吓味千啦,諗住食拉麵差極都有個譜啦,我大慨已經忘記左上個月係大埔既教訓喇,可能因為我剛起身又唔夠瞓。無啦啦走左黎味癲拉麵食野,真係愚人節快樂 ﹗地獄黎既使者,好可怕呀 ﹗食完就出發去峇里 ﹗叉燒拉麵配豬骨湯底,叉燒太肥喇麻 ﹗雖則要有點肥肉才滑,太一舊舊肥膏真係接受唔到,味道就幾好。拉麵質地依舊唔似拉麵,腍劈劈又無蛋香 ﹗湯底依舊淡而無味。只見到得一個年約廿十既後生仔做廚房,慢條斯理地烚麵,出面圍住等麵都有十幾人 ﹗等好耐先有得食喇 ﹗ 日本煎餃子,感覺裡面好似空盪盪咁,搖吓佢仲有野係殼入面浪浪吓,夠搞笑 ﹗包皮殼包住少少豬肉,餃皮濕潤,溫度微暖,味道一般,在預計之內。 泰式海鮮冬陰功拉麵,我以後都唔敢喇 ﹗日式拉麵就應該用日式湯底啦 ﹗神推鬼貢叫左冬陰功添。無鮮味而帶雪藏味的帶子、蟹柳、蝦、魷魚及青口 ﹗湯底淡口非常,救命 ﹗邊道係冬陰功呀?﹗湯又唔熱呀 ﹗泰式炸春卷,唔知食緊咩,食唔出有咩料,肉碎春卷無咩味,脆口,係咁多。真係痴左線,走去叫左個冬陰功拉麵餐,食日本拉麵梗係要食日本湯啦,痴左 ﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)