5-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (74)
Level4 2018-08-06
I'd heard about this place for a while but was hesitant to try because their English name 'Al Dente Balls' gave me the impression that they'd be making an overpriced and pretentious version of a beloved HK comfort food However... as fate would have it, I happened to be in MK after a looong day of work feeling tired and hangry af and happened to see Al Dente Balls so I decided to give it a try.  The fishballs have a slight 'fishy' flavour (which I didn't mind and to me it tasted different from the 'usual' fishballs but maybe it's all psychological and it was just fishy?? LOL) but what really stood out was the 'shake shake powder'. We opted tor the garlic and chili powder to go with our fishballs and it tasted soooo good, it was a perfect combination with the fried texture of the fishballs. So, after finally trying this place, I would say that it's definitely worth a try, but it's not the kind of place you'd visit very often since it's a little pricier than fishballs can get anywhere else! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-07-24
之前訓左兩個月廣華, 屋企人黎探, 咁醫院冇啖好食, 開 Openrice 睇下醫院附近有乜, 就見呢間野, 間唔中叫佢地買 D 野畀我, 其中一樣就係呢度 D 魚蛋魚蛋係幾好, 亦唔算貴, 不過...出左院一排好耐冇食, 咁返黎覆診經過又想食下, 自己去買, 排緊隊買已見女店員特別串, 一派白鴿眼唔憂做咁款, 咁到我, 唔知係咪見我要拎拐杖態度再差一截, 想要大魚蛋配醬, 點知原來話大魚蛋冇得配醬, 唯有要細o個 D, 近乎被呼喝, 感覺唔良好唔敢再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-07-08
小編一直想試這間小食店很久,們今天有空在旺角街頭逛逛,順道來到彈彈旦吃彈彈魚旦😋 回了一份白色魚蛋,配肉鬆bbq醬,魚蛋選了最原始不經油炸的,食落未有想像中那麼彈牙,但也不過不失,肉鬆和bbq味原來也挺合襯呢😋👍🏼 這間以售魚蛋為主,但款式算多,也夠創新,回頭率高👍🏼👍🏼大家不妨一試呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-23
里間野都開左業唔短時間,之前某電視台又介紹過,不過次次都係過門而不入。難得今次經過肚餓,又未食得飯,就試下啦⋯⋯位置其實都有啲隱蔽,見到門面要轉個灣先係點餐處👈🏻主打魚旦,好簡單禁分左炸同唔炸唔炸的話,咪同陳XX無分別,所以我當然要食炸魚旦啦店員推薦孜然口味炸左的白魚旦,再加調味粉,味道咪就係孜然粉的味囉⋯⋯彈牙❓❓❓還可以。。。即叫即炸點都唔差得去邊的$22有六粒,又唔算貴的只不過,旺角禁多新野食開張,下次應該會試其他 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-18
今晚我們行過旺角廣華街見到呢間「彈彈旦」居然係無乜人「幫襯」!因較早前係好多時都有好多人排隊買嚟食,所以我們一直都買唔到嚟食!但今日竟然無人排隊,所以我們就即刻去買嚟食!我們買咗白魚蛋,而醬汁我們就揀咗蒜香香辣汁,醬汁係他們自家製,味道相當惹味,但白魚蛋嘅質感就極之腍身,一啲都唔爽口彈牙,而且味道非常腥,就算配埋惹味嘅醬汁一齊食,都掩蓋唔到啲腥味,所以真係令我們覺得好失望呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)