1-min walk from Exit D2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
In addition to all teh ingredients you usually expect, Al Pasha offers Silk Road specialty dishes featuring rabbit, ostrich and hourse meat. Together with the belly dancers' possionate performancesevery night, Al Pasha will charm you with beauty and mystery of teh Middle East. continue reading
Good For
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
Sunday to Thursday & Public Holiday: 12:00-01:00; Friday, Saturday and Public Holiday Eve: 12:00-02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (109)
Level4 2016-01-08
Since the last visit for the very fun Xinjian night, which they are going to hold again on 14th Jan. I decided to come again with my friends to try some more dishes. We were greeted again with the traditional hand washing gesture at the door. Then was brought out to their big terrace. Baked Bread with Olives, Walnut and Chicken Liver DipWe were served this complimentary baked middle east bread along with some dips. Both dips were totally different. We thought the black one was mushroom dip but it's actually an olive dip which was like mashed dried olive with a flavourful fresh olive taste. While the walnut and chicken liver dip tasted a bit stronger with just like any other pate, with a hint of buttery walnut nutty taste to it. The bread was flurry and still warm when it was served. The portion was just perfect to start a meal with. Grilled Roast Duck with Xinjiang Dried Fruit Tagine ($188)Since my friends cannot eat neither beef nor lamb. I thought I have picked the wrong restaurant but I was wrong because there are a lot of other options on their big menu. The duck was very succulent and was cooked in savory and sweet sauce. There were also some chestnut at the bottom which was all cooked and almost mashy. All the flavour from the sauce has been absorbed by the duck after being cooked for a very long time. Xinjiang Style Chicken ($148)The first impression was that the portion was really generous for $148, there was almost like a half chicken in the pot along with some very well seasoned sauce. It's actually a very good dish to go with some rice. Again, after being cooked for a long time, the meat was very almost like falling off the bone. The juice coated each piece of chicken, delivering a mouth watering taste with a hint of spiciness. Stir Fried Green Beans, Ganbajun Zang Mushroom, Almond and Garlic ($98)You could tell the green beans were fresh when you could hear a snap sound when biting into it. It was cooked with a special savory paste and dried chilli. The taste was quite strong compared to any traditional Cantonese cooking. We all liked the flavour much when having it with a bowl of rice. Curry Pizza with Vegetables ($98)Since we already had so much meat, we have decided to go with the vegetables pizza. OMG! I couldn't believe the incredible amount of cheese on that small piece of pizza dough! It was very cheesy instead yet with a Xinjiang taste. There were no tomato sauce instead ony vegetables and topped with a lot of cheese. I would say this could be a fun dish to share and enjoy with children or big children! We had a very enjoyable dining experience. As we were sitting outside during a cold winter night. There were fire heating up each dish to keep the tempreture of the food. We even asked the staff to change the fire for us once and they were all very happy to help out. The service was on point and friendly. The atmosphere was great for a night out or any occasions. Shisha was also available if you fancy some more fun with your friends. Food was great to go with their wide range of alcoholic drinks as well! We will be back again on 14th Jan for their Xinjiang night again! Can't wait!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-04
2015-11-30,晚上和五位俊男美女朋友,來到尖沙咀K11商場一間主打絲綢之路特色菜餚餐館。闊別五年的帕莎,久違了!$78大菌香辣蒜茸拍青瓜~~醒胃啊!免費送的小饟包~~配略帶臊味的牛舌醬、橄欖醬 。$78烤羊肉串、$88烤牛肉串~~美味!$218石鍋炆羊腩~~夠淋又入味。$128雞肉抓飯~~雞胸肉口感不粗糙,肉汁滲入飯粒很美味!$248黑松露銀雪魚伴帶子~~很有地道美味。$48手抓燒餅兩份~~酥脆、稍嫌油膩!$98新疆羊肉餅~~略帶臊味但可口的!八點多鐘開始第一場熱情肚皮舞蹈表演大家邊閒聊邊吃小食和甜品,不奕樂乎!兩碟春卷$68雞肉春卷~~香脆!$68阿曼菇素春卷~~有咀嚼口感!這是其中一碟$98巴遠木紅棗糕配石榴雪糕~~紅棗糕的黏黏韌韌,好好感覺!還有:$68蒸素餃$68紅豆綠茶桂花糕都因為太開心忘記拍照片啦!肚皮舞平日每晚有兩場表演,星期五六日有三場場表演,舞蹈員會邀請客人與衆同樂,令氣氛更高漲!我們一行六人非常盡興,這裏最低消費每位$250另加一小賬,因為沒有飲酒,所以吃到滿枱佳餚!結帳$1702.80,平均承惠每人283.8。值得一提,餐廳服務員服務良好!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-27
由識食朋友推薦,趁拍拖紀念日就去試試特別新疆菜。原本book左8:30坐出面但8點到達咁岩有位咪坐入面(最低銷費$250/位)。餐廳較暗但頗有特色,一出笠門已經見到特色裝飾。入餐廳時候用水洗三次會帶來好運喔,waiter話俾我地知既😊餐牌每樣食物都好吸引,無諗到咁多選擇。仲有肚皮舞表演,好有氣氛。食物大部分都好味,羊肉好味但唯一覺得唔抵係醉三樣,份量非常少但多謝$168(當然未計加一啦)最近埋單兩位$7xx! 推薦餐廳但唔建議食醉三樣(太貴)同炒七彩粉(難食,極咸,口感差)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-29
漢武帝時期,張騫抱著尋找同盟夾擊匈奴的使命,出使西域。百餘人的隊伍,只有兩人回到長安。失敗而回,卻把在西域的所見所聞帶回長安,富庶的國家、美麗廣闊的大草原、前所未聞的珍寶和動植物,令漢武帝決意開拓西域。張騫帶領龐大的使團,再次出使,成就了絲綢之路的開通。張騫兩次出使西域,行程數萬里,歷盡艱辛。回到今日的香港,地鐵搭幾個站,便能吃到美味的新彊菜,還有肚皮舞表演。要不是前人的努力,今天又何來如斯享受。他們的堅持和毅力,實在值得我們敬重。升降機門打開,彷彿踏進另一個世界。一遍昏暗,播著令人聞歌起舞的音樂,充滿異國風情。店員穿著地道服裝,纏著金光閃閃的腰帶,走起路來沙沙作響,令環境更疑幻疑真。在入口處,店員按新彊習俗,為我們潔淨雙手。繞過屏風,探險正式開始。經過吧枱,旁邊的梳化位,牆上畫了雙目炯炯有神的中東女子,咕𠱸和食客為她們蓋上最神秘的面紗。來到用餐的地方,一樣的柔弱燈光,卻換成浪漫、優雅的環境。很喜歡燈光的設計。柔和的光讓人放鬆,餐桌的中央卻有射燈照射,可以看真食物的賣相,滿足兩個矛盾的要求。新彊菜必備的調味料-鹽、辣椒粉和孜然粉,放在迷你塔吉鍋裡,甚為可愛。隔著玻璃,可以看到大廚燒烤的功架。把製作過程公開,也是一種信心的體現。十來頁的餐牌,菜式甚多,包羅萬有。除了常見的雞牛羊、海鮮、菜,也有馬肉腸、兔肉,甚至駝峰肉。煮法亦多元化,蒸、烤、炒、麻辣、咖喱,應有盡有。圖片精緻,沒有選擇困難的人也要花上10分鐘,何況花心如我。最後終於在店員的協助下,點好菜。麵包正當我在烤包配中東三重奏和其他小食之間猶疑不決時,店員建議點羊肉卷,避免跟附送的烤包重複。烤包帶微溫,軟綿綿的,沒有油膩,中間的洋蔥碎十分清甜。欠麵包香,正好為雞肝醬和核桃橄㰖醬鋪設最佳的舞台。兩款醬配麵包都一流。石榴茶到土耳其旅行,其中一樣最難忘的,就是茶。有各式各樣的口味,只需把粉末加水,便成了美味有益的茶。清澈鮮紅的石榴茶,清甜的味道勾起到土耳其旅行的回憶,連杯子也如出一徹,令人回味。芝麻羊肉卷 (8.5/10)一心想著上海菜的芝麻餅,十分肥膩。要不是店員推介,未必會點。實物卻令人驚喜。皮又薄又輕,裡面有層薄薄的蛋,包著切成碎的餡料。輕輕一咬便分開,且一點油膩也沒有。清淡的味道,混雜蛋香和羊肉香。丁點兒羊羶味,令味道更鮮,另外有青瓜碎添點爽口。烤羊肉串 (7.5/10)羊肉串優雅地以炭板呈上,三色調味粉添上色彩。羊肉咀嚼起來特別滑特別腍,肉味清香,羶味不重。要挑剔的話,夠軟卻不夠鬆。雖咬得不吃力,但始終有點韌。碰巧上星期在喜馬拉雅餐廳吃過烤羊肉串,印度菜的羊肉更大更厚,沒那麼嫩滑,卻烤得較香,味道較重。帕莎的羊肉串像文質彬彬的書生,喜馬拉雅的則像豪邁不羈的漢子,各有特色。香酥羊排骨 (7.5/10)跟前兩道相比,這道顯得相當油膩,當然較香口。外層有炸過的痕跡,比乳豬皮更脆,卻薄如紙的一層。排骨肥瘦夾雜,尤其可口。脂肪入口即融,香滑的油脂滲在一絲絲的羊肉中,濕潤、入味。骨肉分離,吃起來十分方便。旁邊附有少少軟骨,咬下去嚓嚓聲,更有風味,又多重口感。香辣七彩粉條 (7.5/10)未見七彩,但絕對有七種蔬菜和七種口感。滑溜溜的粉絲,穿插在其他蔬菜中,口感豐富。餐牌上畫了3隻辣椒,沒有預期的辣,但可以把普通的蔬菜炒成刺激惹味的一道菜,也很不錯。手抓燒餅 (8/10)在花樣多多的烤餅中,選了沒有餡料的手抓燒餅。薄薄的燒餅,燒成誘人的金黃色。取酥皮的香和鬆,也有麵包的濕和軟。吃下去滿口油香,卻不算油膩。最基本的菜式,有時候反最回味無窮。燈光忽然轉暗,音樂也換上輕快的節奏。遊客來香港,可能會到蘭桂芳clubbing。我們到土耳其,則被安排去看肚皮舞表演。還記得沿著旋轉樓梯,走到星形的地庫。排排坐在星形的五角,聚睛會神地欣賞中間的表演。想不到,腦海中的女郎竟然出現眼前,妸娜多姿地擺動,還頭頂蠟燭,平衡力驚人。拿去蠟燭盤後,再次出場,跳起肚皮舞來,贏了不少掌聲。巴達木紅棗糕配芝麻雪糕 (7/10)這天沒有石榴雪糕,改了芝麻雪糕,難掩失望。紅棗糕很煙韌,清香的紅棗味夾在糯米香中,還有紅棗肉,味道不錯,但未算驚喜。意料之外的,反是芝麻雪糕。冰涼的雪糕,吃在口裡嚡嚡的,粒粒的芝麻碎令芝麻味特別香濃,一吃便停不了。一開始,看到桌上放著King Parrot Group的濕紙巾,才知道這是大集團旗下的餐廳,閃過一剎那的猶疑。上菜很快,服務周到,態度有禮。行完街、手拿蛋糕盒的我甫走進餐廳,店員便細心地問要不要放到雪櫃。當我對著菜牌,下不了決定時,店員主動介紹。笑面迎人的肚皮舞女郎對拍照的要求,有求必應。滿足地捧腹而回。男友說,很久也沒有吃過如此有氣氛的一餐。應該說,很少吃到如此有氣氛的一餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-06-23
朋友是要見的今日我地聚埋一齊食晚餐,今次比較特別呢,我地挑選是新疆加蒙古菜,除左好多「羊」肉的菜式外 ,重點項目係呢到食飯會有埋「肚皮舞」睇∼ 這裡裝潢帶點神秘感,配以昏暗的燈光,情調適合情侶之外,都好岩一大班朋友黎,當肚皮舞開始時,餐廳內的氣氛熱鬧之外又開心。(餐廳最低消費要求$250加一/人)當邀請顧客一齊跳肚皮舞時,氣氛特別好,他們很投入盡情試試跳,睇到佢地舞姿會哈哈大笑 ,好正XD請注意 : 肚皮舞開始時, 請安坐座位中食物方面,今餐我地點左幾個羊肉的菜式,這裡的羊肉可隨意配孜然粉、淮鹽、辣粉,增加香味。<烤乳羊(例) 配薯菜 $280> 肉質最嫩滑,油脂感帶多,羊肉味道較重,較膻。<烤羊肉串 $78 (兩串)> 「我的心水推介呢」烤完既羊肉特別香,喜歡咬落仲有份juicy感。<香酥羊排骨 $178> 一客有4件香酥羊排,肉質相對無之前兩隻咁juicy,肉質會乾一點,這個外層很脆,是亮點。<新彊乾果扒烤鴨中東塔 $188> 以鍋上鍋底伴有小小爐火,邊食邊保持食物溫度,除左羊肉好味之外,這裡烹調的鴨肉同樣不錯,味道方面很濃,混入不同香料及乾果,菜式比較重口味,建議最少四人share :p<醋溜野山木耳大白菜 $98> 我地食左好多肉呢,點番個菜先,大白菜以酸酸辣辣的方式,蠻有新鮮感。<火燒餅 (雞/ 牛/ 羊 可供選擇) (兩件) $78> 牛肉火燒餅,皮薄餡料肉汁很多~最後... 當然少不了甜品環節(笑),<新彊金瓜豆沙餅(兩件)配石榴雪糕 $98>,豆沙餅質地超軟熟,咬一口軟綿綿的,石榴雪糕味道天然清新,雪糕口感有點似雪芭,感覺不會太甜太膩,作為飯後甜品呢個雪糕值得一試。分享至此 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)