7-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
In the Dark 3-courses Menu
Review (15)
Level2 2017-07-01
因為想比男朋友一個生日驚喜。早在1個半月前已預訂,有3次分別在早午晚時段打電話無人接,留言又無人回覆。到留whatsapp竟然有回覆。心諗生意咁好一定好。兩星期後whatsapp聯絡都仲有人應。晚飯前見未有人打黎double confirm 都自行send whatsapp 自我confirm. 竟然6:30pm到達 (訂座時間為6:45pm) 餐廳未開。果時真係紅都面曬,仲同男朋友講'香港人應該成日遲到所以人地6:45後先開門'6:50pm再返去都未開就開始驚,上網見openrice同Facebook 都有人講佢無開門先知出事。到晚上9點食完飯再返去都係未開。其實你唔開門或執左都講聲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-06-29
此餐廳已結業,請更新不要再連累人訂了位但失望而回!本人已是受害者之一!經whatsapp確認,但到當天去到門口內裏烏燈黑火,沒人招呼,沒人聽電話等了接近廿分鐘內裏有裝修工人剛巧行出來說:唔洗等啦,冇得食架啦!事件過了8天還沒有人正式打來道歉,這餐廳真不知所謂,結果佢地有幸重開,請提早通知,為免掃與而回😤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-06-26
This is the first time I'm commenting in OpenRice.Around several weeks ago, I made a reservation in this restaurant to celebrate my first year anniversary with my boyfriend. The booking time was 6:45 pm, but when we arrived at the restaurant entrance punctually, it was closed! There were two other couples also waiting impatiently at the front door at that time. On OpenRice, it says the restaurant supposedly opens at 6:00 pm, and it was already 7:00 pm! When we called the restaurant, it was directed to the answering machine, and the voicemail mailbox was full!Ok, I understand perhaps the restaurant was out of business, or the boss had to run away from its creditors, or there were urgent incidents that occurred within the family or something. But at least you should contact those who have made reservations to let them know, or make some announcements on the OpenRice or Facebook pages. This way, we'll have time to book other restaurants.Since it was already 7:00 pm at that time, it's not easy for customers to find alternative restaurants nearby, especially on a Saturday night. And I wanted to give my boyfriend a surprise, and lo and behold, I was the one who got surprised when I saw the restaurant was closed (and thousands of profane words popped in my brain).Such irresponsibility is not acceptable. From now on, no matter whether I book anything (restaurants, hotels, events), I'll call the venue on that actual day to triple confirm they haven't run out of business yet!第一次在Openrice留言。提前幾個星期就預約了這間餐廳,慶祝我同男朋友的週年紀念。預約時間是6:45pm,但當我們準時到了門口後發現,餐廳沒有開門!當時門口亦有另外兩對情侶站在門口等。前提是,餐廳的營業時間是下午6點開始,我們那時已經是7點!!!打電話餐廳沒人接聽,留言信箱滿。ok,我可以理解可能餐廳已經執笠,或者經理老闆跑路,或者家裡發生大事來唔到,whatever。但是,唔該你打個電話通知一聲已經訂位的客人,或者openrice、facebook告示出來。這樣大家會有時間預定其他餐廳!已經7點,你要客人臨時在附近找家餐廳是不容易的ok?因為是星期六!而且是給男朋友的驚喜!現在臨時臨急也很難找到合心意的餐廳,仲驚喜彩虹咩!只想講f!此處省略一千字⋯這種極度不負責任的餐廳相信無論之後去邊都唔會成功。此後,我預訂任何事情,餐廳,酒店,我都會在當天打電話確認佢地未執笠! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-06-24
I made a reservation 10 days before the date for dinner at 6.45pm. We arrived on time but the restaurant was shuttered and there was no sign of anyone being inside. There were two other couples besides us who also had reservations for 6.45, and when we tried to call we only got voicemail. Any type of notification that the restaurant wouldn't be open would have been appreciated. If there had been an emergency, even a sign on the door explaining why they were closed would have been better. Very unprofessional and will not be visiting again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-17
同這位好友講話要去一間extraordinary嘅餐廳相聚話哂都幾個月無見所以就黎咗呢度⋯環境: 😎😎😎😎除咗entrance有正常光線之外,成餐飯都係漆黑一片 ... a real experience of dining in a complete darkness or even with your eyes closed!!!! (Note: 餐廳只有個細locker比你放低隨身物品包括手提電話,手錶.... 所以輕便會好d) 食物: 😋😋味道一般,食物用的器皿都係膠碟。重點係個進餐的過程。價錢: 💸💸💸💸CP值不高,始終食材比較普通。Comment: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻整個experience 好有趣,一試無防!好耐都無試過成餐飯冇玩過電話...好耐都無試過食飯唔係相機先食⋯更加未試過成餐飯我都冇開眼 haha.... 漆黑一片原來會另聽覺同味覺level up咗...Menu係食完先話你知既,可以考考自己嘅味覺,估下食左d乜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)