1-min walk from Exit N4, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (27)
意大利嘅美食我最掛住嘅其中就係Pizza🥹本身唔係好特別鍾意食Pizza 不過係羅馬食到嘅羅馬Pizza雖然係街頭小食🇮🇹但係味道配搭通通都好有餐廳既水準😊呢間過江龍嘅Pizza店都唔例外💚主打手切薄餅每一款既口味都超級有特色同風味🤪⭐️ Breasola 🥩⭐️ Parma 🥓⭐️ Mortadella 🍖⭐️ Marinara 🍅總共叫咗四款手切Pizza份量都好豐富🥰 特別鍾意Breasola既風乾牛肉好有鹹鮮嘅味道🐮配上火箭菜好清新☘️另外Parma既巴馬火腿都充滿香氣👍🏻 Mortadella火腿配上水牛芝士同埋開心果嘅口感好有新意🌰另外一款特別推介嘅就係Marinara❤️蕃茄味濃郁平衡返唔會太膩仲有Anchovy既點綴好道地⭐️ Nutella 🥜⭐️ Nutella Delight 🍰仲試咗兩款甜品Pizza以Nutella口味為主好邪惡呀🤤 Nutella Delight面頭再加上開心果榛子同煉奶🍼絲絲甜度配上酥脆嘅餅皮好配合🤍另一款咬落去就係滿滿嘅爆餡Nutella感覺好正😈⭐️ Forest Fruits Juice 🍇⭐️ Pineapple Juice 🍍飲品點咗兩款黎自意大利嘅果汁🧃甜度唔算太高飲得出雜莓嘅果香同埋菠蘿既清甜🫐水果味都好天然 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-22
🍕BresaolaPizza 底勁脆,蕃茄醬底鋪上義大利風乾牛肉,鹹香十足,令pizza 味道更濃郁;配新鮮火箭菜,味道勁夾,平衝風乾牛肉的鹹度,再加上義式乳酪調味,整體味道相融又突出。🍕Mortadella義大利燻製肉腸+水牛芝士+開心果碎,沒有蕃茄醬底味道稍為平和,肉腸鋪面份量多,配水牛芝士味道相配;開心果碎有添加口感。🌰Nutella delight榛子開心果碎甜點pizza,外國式風味甜品,完美收官。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-09
Was a delightful experience at Alice Pizza! The ambiance of the restaurant is warm and inviting. There are loads of options to choose from. We ordered pizza slices of bresaola, mortadella, and onion & tuna. Bresaola was a standout! The thinly sliced cured beef was perfectly complemented by a drizzle of olive oil and fresh arugula. The crust was crispy yet soft! The mortadella pizza was a delightful surprise. The rich, savory flavor of the mortadella paired wonderfully with the creamy cheese, creating a luscious mouthfeel.Onion & Tuna offered a unique combination of flavors. The sweetness of the onions balanced beautifully with the savory tuna. It was refreshing!! We also ordered sweet pizza Nutella, featuring the perfectly baked dough, with filings of rich, creamy Nutella. The crust is slightly crispy on the outside while remaining soft and chewy on the inside!Alice Pizza is a must-visit for pizza lovers! The real and original taste of Italian pizza crust! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-08
呢度嘅 pizza 最特別之處在於佢哋係按克購買,而且可以自選口味,真係超級貼心!對於我呢啲想試多幾款口味,但又怕一個大 pizza 食唔晒嘅人嚟講,呢個選擇簡直完美🤩食材方面,聽講佢哋採用嘅都係意大利進口嘅材料🇮🇹薄餅嘅麵皮烘到金黃香脆,口感一流,一咬落去“咔嚓”一聲,真係爽!🫓醬料嘅味道亦都好濃郁,番茄嘅酸甜、芝士嘅香濃,完美 mix 埋一齊,每一口都充滿咗意式風情!🎉經典嘅瑪格麗特 pizza,新鮮嘅番茄、柔軟嘅 mozzarella 芝士同 basil 葉嘅組合,清新又好味,簡直就係經典永流傳嘅代表😺仲有一款加咗意大利臘腸嘅 pizza,臘腸嘅鹹香同芝士嘅醇厚配合得天衣無縫,每一口都好滿足🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-07
來自羅馬的Alice Pizza在尖沙咀終於開分店了,吸引不少食客前來品嚐。與一般圓形薄餅不同,這裡的薄餅呈方形,色彩繽紛,整齊擺放在櫥櫃內。店員現場切割並加熱,按重量計算,價格介於每100克$25至$45,性價比高。店內提供超過二十種口味,適合不同需求的客人,甚至有全素選擇。採用優質意大利食材,創新與傳統相結合,每塊薄餅味道獨特,口感輕盈。🍕Chef’s Choice這款Pizza搭配了意大利煙燻火腿和牛肝菌,香氣四溢。梨哥達芝士與馬蘇里拉芝士的 creamy 口感相得益彰,讓每一口都充滿層次感。意大利蕃茄的酸甜平衡了整體風味,讓人食指大動,絕對是一道值得一試的美味!🍕Salmonella這款Salmonella Pizza以蕃茄醬和煙三文魚為主角,搭配蛋黃醬和新鮮蕃茄,味道清新。薄餅的口感煙韌,讓人一口接一口,生菜的脆感也增添了層次,整體風味獨特,十分推薦!🍕Bresala這款Bresaola Pizza以蕃茄醬和蛋黃醬為基底,搭配意大利風乾牛肉和意式乳酪,風味濃郁。火箭菜的清香和特級初榨橄欖油的香醇,為整體增添了新鮮感。🍕Eggplants 這款素Pizza以薄片茄子為主角,層次分明,口感柔滑。灑上的辣椒粉增添了微辣風味,讓每一口都充滿驚喜,清新又美味,適合素食者享用!餐廳也提供了2款甜pizza, 分別有Nutella Delight & Nutella,這兩款甜pizza以Nutella為主角,口感濃郁,甜而不膩,搭配餅底的酥脆,令人回味無窮,實在值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)