4-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level3 2019-07-01
Churros (👅: 7.8/10)sugar dusted and served with chocolate This is the best but a bit hard to biteIt’s so surprise as not many places will provide churros and it’s really good but just a bit hard. As it’s not easy to find so I am really happy to taste it 😍Mixed Seafood Paella Burrito It’s too much sauce and the rice is too softit’s a place for people to have dinner, snacks or a drink👍🏻😎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-21
Alma Tex-Mex CuisineEnvironment: ★★★★★Service: ★★★★★Taste: ★★★★★今天想和大家分享的是一間位於佐敦的墨西哥餐廳,事源是因為筆者曾於馬來西亞和台灣旅行時,吃過某間連鎖墨西哥餐廳,隨即被墨西哥食物所吸引,返到香港想找找有沒有相類的餐廳,發現原來墨西哥菜於香港真的不多。後來有一日於某app看到Alma Tex-Mex Cuisine這間墨西哥餐廳有半價優惠和味道非常不錯,因此前後吃了幾次。餐廳的格局是走酒吧路線,內裹的光線較暗,如果正常晚餐時間如6-7點,是沒有甚麼人。電視上播著不同的球賽,等餐的時候可以看看電視,消磨時間。1. 粟米片忘了是收費還是送的,有一小碗,粟米片烤得熱和脆,但沒有甚麼特別。粟米片沒有像超市那些加入鹽之類,另外餐廳亦有附送的醫,那個醬是用紅椒加上某種微辛的醬汁組成,配上粟米片味道還可以。值得留意的是,餐廳有一道菜名為香烤芝士粟米片,用的粟米片目測是和送的一樣。不同的地方在於份量和調味醬,除非真的很喜歡吃粟米片,否則不建議另外點。2. Enchiladas (芝士焗慢煮肉墨西哥卷餅 牛肉): $ 148這個卷餅一共有三條,每條都包著墨西哥炒飯和牛肉。墨西哥卷餅外有很多熱溶芝士,同時亦有淋上醬汁。卷餅:厚薄適中,有少少脆,除了幾好味之外,我想不到其他形容詞。墨西哥炒飯:除了用的是墨西哥飯之外,沒有甚麼特別,正常炒飯。牛肉:用的是牛腩,煮得很冧,份量頗多。有調過味,但是不太入味,可能是因為外國比較少以中式的方法煮牛腩。醬汁:吃完都不知道是甚麼醬汁,但配上卷餅和芝士,味道不錯。雖然剛剛所提到的食材煮得普普通通,但是當你一口氣同時吃這幾種食材時,便會發現這個配答的味道非常不錯。每一口你都可以吃到卷飯,炒飯,牛腩和芝士,很有層次感。如果你未曾試過墨西哥卷餅加墨西哥飯這個配答,我推薦你一試。3. Quesadilla (墨西哥芝士薄餅) $118薄餅內包著的是煙肉,芝士,牛肉(也有雞肉可選,我兩樣都試過,推薦點牛肉),洋蔥,蘑菇和少量芫茜。薄餅外層烤得十很香脆,用的材料應該和上面的卷餅差不多。牛肉煮得類似是平日到茶餐廳吃到的牛肉片,切得比較小,咬落去很嫩滑。煙肉煮得很香,很有可能是炸過。蘑菇和芫茜也就是平常吃的那些,不多說。4. 醬料: 有三種,有牛油果,Cream和粟米片附送的那一種醬料。吃的時候推薦每一片薄餅沾上牛油果和Cream,風味更佳。薄餅內的材料雖然普通,但是配合得非常好。咬下去時會先吃到香脆的薄餅,之後是芝士的香味,同時又可以吃到牛肉,蘑菇和煙肉粒,煙肉粒是炸過,吃入口時就是很有油香,另外芫茜的味道也特出,令你每一口都可以吃到很豐富的味道。這道菜推薦一定要點,非常好吃。總結:推薦特意一試。餐廳的食材配合得宜,口感和味道的層次感豐富,提供優秀的墨西哥餐,加上半價的話,性價比優越。如果你未曾試過墨西哥菜,推薦你到Alma Tex-Mex Cuisine試試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-04-11
今日早早經過佐敦,佢新開果時經過已經好想食,但一路都冇機會,今日終於尼食左!!!唔知係咪今日比較早去到,所以冇咩人,唔洗等位本身諗住食沙律,但因為餐廳比較凍,所以最後冇叫到墨西哥脆片,係免費的,脆卜卜,份量都多,仲有紅椒作配菜咁我就叫左墨西哥芝士薄餅配雞,其實本身叫牛,不過佢比左雞,但都冇所謂,因為朋友都係叫牛,咁我都可以試下佢果d,$60幾,按份量尼講其實都OK可接受薄餅整個好香;芝士味都算重佢仲有3款醬附送,分別係Sour cream, 牛油果,同另一個係椒?點Sour cream好味D,牛油果味道比較重,搶左整個薄餅味道,而且唔太夾整體尼講都唔錯,環境幾好,唔逼,野食好味,只係餐廳凍左少少 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-18
Heard from a friend that there is a good mexican restaurant with reasonable price at Jordan!! Finally got a chance to try tonight!It wasn’t too many people in the restaurant at 630 and i secured a seat safely.The decor is simple with some drawing on the blackboard showing the special menu. The food menu is just a printed A4 page but you can find all mexican popular dishes!! Here comes to the foooood🤤🌮Nachos with chicken guacamole and sour cream with the cheesy crispy tortilla chips and chicken! But i think the sauce and the cheese can be a bit more n the chicken is a bit dry..🌮Foie gras and uni tacothis is superrrrr yummy!!! The uni is fresh!! The foie gras is creamy. This taste is superb and i reorder it again!! I just can’t stop eating from that!!🥘Fried shrimpit was shrimp mixing with black pepper and sliced bell pepper. Spicy hot shrimp !!The dinner is great and it just costs $100 pp! I strongly recommend the uni tacos!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-03-17
Portions are very big! Very delicious with good friendly service! It is a tiny but cozy restaurant which is close to Austin westrail station. They can improve the drink menu a bit to include smoothie if possible. Also they should get Coke Zero too. Need to put cokes in freezer first as it is warm. Very nice Mexican restaurant! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)