3-min walk from Exit B, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
9386 8984
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (26)
Level4 2017-02-16
好耐之前好似係新假期見到推介 差唔多一年之後先有機會來到鰂魚涌 咁就試下囉去到差唔多平日1點幾 店舖都算多人 但至少order完之後仍有位坐 比起隔離果間foodbox韓國野要排隊 人氣好似有d唔同去櫃檯order 卻因為第一次有d茫然 店員開始用你用很快語速的英文交流 我揀左一半salad一半brown rice,topping雖然佢有講 但語速太快 唔明佢講咩 同埋覺得佢好似好趕時間就無繼續問 隨便指住兩款吞拿魚其實款式唔多!我記得新假期推介是話有8種魚生 但係我今日去 吞拿魚同三文魚分別得三種 感覺選擇唔算多,而且我食完都唔知我揀左邊兩款吞拿魚 餐牌都無中文 所以話 英文唔好既朋友唔好去?味道唔錯 酸酸甜甜 同暖暖既糙米飯,涼涼既salad一齊食好夾 我很中意不過份量就很難講 全部飯就會太多太單調 一半salad 一半飯份量就麻麻 雖然魚生份量係ok既 但總覺得唔夠滿足我食完1半左右 但我估我一定撐唔到下午五點 一定會餓或是饞😂😂btw尼間店值得一試 但80蚊一份最基本既(仲無加其他配料)其實係有d貴既 魚生飯周街都是,所以第一次試值得!第二次會考慮囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-11-13
半年前幫襯過幾次,覺得唔錯今日行徑就打算買外賣番屋企食1.餐牌唔同左,吞拿魚同三文魚種類少左一半,應該已經轉左手唔係我之前幫襯嗰時嘅老板2.之前三文魚同吞拿魚可以half/half咁揀,但而家只可以揀一種3. 佢問我個底跟咩,我問佢有咩跟,佢就話可以跟brown rice,sushi rice,藜麥,沙律,我就揀左三文魚配藜麥,收錢嗰時無端端變左$100(個餐牌寫住$85),跟住我咪問乜藜麥要加錢?有個肥女店員"嗯"左一聲就算,佢地喺我俾錢前已經將啲三文魚放左落啲藜麥度,即係我想reject都唔得,好!當我睇漏眼藜麥要加錢,跟住肥女店員問我要唔要加糖心蛋,見過鬼仲唔怕黑咩!我梗係問佢要加幾錢,佢話加$10,我話唔駛,跟住佢一臉"覺得你唔識貨"嘅樣同我講"我地啲糖心蛋好出名架…",而家唔係糖心蛋好唔好食嘅問題,係你要加錢嘅野通通無同人講要加錢/加幾錢,剩係問人地加唔加,作為店員我覺得要加錢嘅野要講囉,剩係問人揀咩/加唔加野,但又無講要加幾錢,已經唔係好唔好食嘅問題,係間舖頭老唔老實嘅問題囉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-10-24
下雨天的Lunch,, 個人又飽飽濟濟,,來回office 在附近的食肆踱步,,,見呢間Aloha 開左好一陣子我都未試過,, 門面又好像是light food 的清新green & fresh 裝潢,, 同飯友走入去了解下咩野黎!!!老實講佢話sell 夏威夷風的魚生飯呢....我就感受唔到咩夏威夷味,, 但呢度mix 左source 的魚生粒,, 可配搭暖飯或salad 等配菜又的確讓人容易入口,, 但又清清腸胃幾refresh~呢度就show晒你可以揀的魚生料, salad 同配菜~main menu 就係得呢張紙架咋~ 先決定你想食tuna, salmon 或者其他魚生/素菜 作為"餸",, 揀定左再睇下配咩source最後決定你要全飯 (可選白/啡米飯), 半飯半salad, 定全salad~ 然後再按個人胃口睇下加唔加錢追加配菜~我叫左半啡(糙)米飯 / 半salad 配tuna~~~ 欣賞佢個tuna魚生啲source mix 得幾好味~ 有一半salad 都好襯,, 唔洗叫全飯咁full~飯友點了全salad 配salmon 魚生~~~ 佢覺得下次半飯半salad會好啲~~~又係嘅,, 我叫half/half 都唔係好飽,,, 叫晒全salad 肯定好快就肚餓~ 份量黎講男士可能會覺得搵苯~~就咁一碗魚生飯盛惠$90~~~ 久不久想清腸胃食下無防,, 係好味嘅,,蔬果都新鮮,, 但值唔值就見人見智~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-10-24
One of my favorite Hawaiian food is the Ahi (tuna) poke. And I'm so happy to found it in HK now.Since it's open, I've tried 3 times. During their trial operation, actually you can make a choice of 2 different kinds. But now they seems to changed the menu they you can only choose one.There re 7-8 different choices with spicy or non-spicy. And different toppings.even rice,3 choices. The sashimi itself is very fresh. taste good. Price wise not too cheap but acceptable and reasonable as if it's too cheap, you will question the freshness of the fish. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-16
今日要去西灣河練合唱團,放工當然首先要去醫肚啦,今日想食清d,係openrice望到呢間aloha就決定試下,佢係一間賣夏威夷式既魚生飯既餐廳六點幾去到無乜人,就去左買野食先,原來雖然佢得三文魚,吞拿魚,同蝦,但佢每款都有幾隻唔同既style,我就叫左個aloha special tuna同go greek salmon,個base除左普通日本壽司飯,仲可以揀糙米,沙律或者加8蚊既彩虹藜麥,不過我最後都係要番壽司飯就算~成間舖無乜人,有既都係take away,靜靜一個人食都幾舒服aloha special tuna有牛油果,芫荽,希臘乳酪撈吞拿魚,d魚無乜筋幾好,撈埋黎食無左淨係食刺身果d油膩感覺~~~至於個go greek salmon就係用希臘乳酪,青瓜同檸檬汁撈三文魚,食落都幾清新同埋開胃~除左呢兩樣野我仲加左個poke bomb,原來係腐皮包住舊飯同埋sober sake tuna,呢個tuna甜甜地幾得意,又有麻油同埋清酒既香味~~呢餐都幾滿足,個感覺仲好似幾健康咁(雖然我知應該唔係....XD) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)