3-min walk from Exit A, Jordan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 05:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Randomly chose this restaurant for lunch as in the area. First time going to this restaurant. Got a table quite quickly for 2 adults and 1 toddler (1.5yo). The restaurant was not busy when we got there. The restaurant is small with only 4 small tables and served by one waitress. Initially when we ordered, there were no issues. We ordered 2 lunch sets. However after ordering, the waitress became very rude to us, whilst she was still friendly to other customers. She told us off as our 1.5yo toddler was touching the wall decorations so will held him tight to avoid him touching. She was impatient when we asked what drinks were served with the lunch sets, as it wasn’t listed on the menu. One of the two lunches we ordered was served. She forgot our drinks order until I reminded her. Then she gave us only 1 drink. When I asked for the 2nd drink, she gave us the wrong drink and gave it to us unwillingly, dropping it on our table like we were beggars. At that point, I realised maybe she was rude to us because she thought we ordered only 1 set lunch to share (which was not the case and also not a valid reason to be rude). We already finished our 1st set lunch, but she completely forgot our 2nd set lunch. 3 customers at other tables who ordered after us received the same lunch that we ordered. When I enquired, she had no idea she forgot, even though she checked that she had written down the order. As it was already a long time since we ordered, we end up paying without ever receiving the 2nd set lunch. Waitress was not apologetic and charged us for 1 lunch set and the 2nd drink. I’m very disappointed by the rude and unprofessional service. Will never visit again and do not recommend visiting.
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從新界到此一食,我男朋友(2個人)一共叫左5樣嘢🤣🤣1,燒蒜蓉包 2,馬拉盞抄通菜 3,泰式拼盤 4,生蝦刺身 5,泰式燒雞大致整體味道OK👍👍蒜蓉包香口,但如果多蒜蓉就好了😀😀最值得一讚係泰式燒雞,因為師傅用心烹調,等咗30分鐘😂😂,但出到嚟效果整體幾好,係有幾舊過左火。值得一試👍👍
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走到門面並不是非常吸引,但見價錢合理,便進去試試。環境方面,全場大約容納30多人,地方不太夠,但都坐得舒服。最重要是食物質素非常好,性價比極高。食物方面,我們六人共點了七個菜。最後埋單每人約$140,晚餐來說非常抵。首先,鹽焗鯽魚是最有驚喜的。甫一坐下,店員便向我們介紹鹽焗魚,並說烤焗需時30分鐘。鹽焗魚可以選擇烏頭或鯽魚,因為鯽魚較烏頭的肉滑,便即管試試鯽魚。上菜時,味道極香。揭開香脆的魚皮,白滑的魚肉望落不會很乾,夾上去魚肉亦不會太散。魚肉口感滑溜,味道並不是很濃,配上泰式酸辣醬汁及一些鹽焗留下的粗鹽,整體感覺是剛剛好。以$148一條來說,性價比極高。另一個值得一試的是蒜蓉包。嚴格來說,這是一個蒜蓉多士。他採用的麵包是厚多士,並非像Pizza Hut的以法包製作。蒜蓉味及牛油味沒有很濃,重口味的朋友或者不會喜歡,但它的口感非常好。海南雞,雞肉嫩滑,屬於水準之作。紅咖哩牛肉,配白飯非常好。牛肉及配菜口感一般,但紅咖哩汁非常吸引,奶香味特出,完全唔辣,對於不太會食辣的我來說是不錯的。生菜包,生菜新鮮、大塊,肉碎則比較辣,味道適中,不會太鹹。燒豬頸肉的味道不錯,燒得香,唯獨鹹了一點。飲品方面,點了龍眼冰及菠蘿冰,若然你是喜愛非常凍的,建議你跟他說多一點冰,因為我的龍眼冰上枱時是暖暖的,而冰粒都近乎融化了。飲品用料充足,不是很甜。最後老闆仲送我們每人一盒芒果布甸,配合花奶食,非常滿足。絕對適合三五知己再去食一次!
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星期六睇完戲,返送中又行緊,廟街鋪頭出奇地好靜。驚夜晚又"宵禁"諗住先返港島。不過途經呢間小店,俾佢門口嘅串燒吸引咗入嚟(自問自己對串燒真係毫無反抗力)。鋪頭好細人唔多,一坐低即刻嗌咗幾串串燒。嚟到賣相唔算吸引,似乎燒得唔夠火喉, 食落去仲唔係好夠熱,有少少失望。不過佢個醬算唔錯,應該係加左唔少花生,所以出到嚟夠香。是日女朋友想試青木瓜沙律。嚟到試一啖發現出奇地辣,食得好過癮。本身諗住食完走,不過見個肚仲有少少位,不如嗌多個生菜包。生菜包嘅豬肉有少少偏肥,個人鍾意加多少少香茅落去炒,不過佢應該冇。不過反而D herbs 非常之香。佢provide 兩款啤酒,象啤都幾好味😂。一啖生菜包,一啖啤酒,真係無敵呢間小店其中一個估唔到,係佢出餸嘅速度超乎想像地快。可能嗰日真係好少人,大約order 完4-5分鐘就上。同埋個老闆好nice。第二支啤酒特登揀雪櫃最裏面嗰支,夠凍,呢個值得一讚!
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