5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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It serves local Nepalese dishes made with imported spices. The signature dishes include dumplings, yak cheese salad and dhal dishes. It has an exotic Nepalese ambiance.
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Opening Hours
*Happy hour for all beverages 3 pm till 10 pm
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
$68+ $7(10% service charge)ordered set A問spicy or no spicy, 叫左less spicy配salad or soup, 有杯野飲咖哩幾稀 (水 dell dell)係因為本身spicy 溝水,定nepal curry 係咁稀?雞得幾粒,naan一般,全程食緊naan 浸咖哩水咁。檸茶多檸檬,冰唔會太多,呢點幾好。可能主打晚市,午市一般定係呢個定價圍唔到皮?環境係唔錯但相比下佐敦間小酒窩午市好食好多
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Lunch set is 68hkd and 75hkd with tax. Good price for the quick service, nice ambience and friendly service. Portions are not too generous, but sufficient. The restaurant offers seating near the street where you can look out or you can also sit inside with good air con. The bathrooms are clean and tastefully designed. The lunch set comes with a drin and soup or salad. You can also choose between rice or naan with your main dish. It is a very good deal for lunch time in this neighborhood. The food is authentic and can be spicy, no spicy or medium spicy.
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呢間餐廳嘅位置前身係一間食小龍蝦嘅餐廳, 之前都想試,但係未有機會試就已經變咗Annapurna。 位置唔錯,喺皇后大道中既一個街角, 地方好大,裝修亦見有心思, 有少少尼泊爾的風情 前菜叫咗是日餐湯, 當日係南瓜湯, 南瓜好濃重帶有點點嘅香草味還有尼泊爾式餃子叫Momo, 選擇了vegetables, 餡料好香,配上少少酸酸地又好濃香草味嘅湯汁,好食到我連湯汁都完全飲清主菜叫了Daal-Bhat-Tarkari, 意思分別係lentil gravy, rice 和curry。 咖哩有幾款選擇, 我選擇了羊, 咖哩羊住得好淋, 咖哩無印度咖哩咁辣, 但係有好濃嘅香草味lentil gravy 有好多豆, 亦都唔係好辣, 適合我唔係好食得辣嘅人對比起之前試過嘅印度尼泊爾餐廳,Annpurna 唔會煮得太濃味,又唔會太辣, 香料味夠, 十分適合我嘅口味(餐牌)
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無禮侍應今天下午和朋友到這餐廳午餐, 餐廳枱大約7成有人,但仍見疏落。我和朋友坐於其中一張四人枱,隔離兩張四人枱分別有2客人、和1客人。 喝了餐湯後,上主菜時,一位尼泊爾女侍應要求我們轉去一張廚房門口的2人枱,我們未及反應,她已拿走我枱上餐具放到該枱上,並放上主菜,和我們呼喝說聲come here . 我問她為什麼要求我們調枱,她表示有客人要坐,但當時已1:30, 跟本沒有客人等候。 我們不肯轉枱,她悔氣放回餐具/主菜,我話她對客人如此無禮, 她竟說I don’t want to talk to you anymore . 大概10分鐘後,鄰枱3客人已走。 I wonder how can the waitress treat their customers in such an impolite way . She rudely leave the words to customer . This is the worst service I have ever experienced !!!
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我超鍾意食濃味嘢,中環嚟講呢個價錢都ok合理 cheese naan $38, Tandoori chicken 有9粒$98, strawberry lassi $58 ,happy hour時段食 6pm~10pm ,如果唔駛加一就好了,重慶大廈食tandoori chicken 9粒雞都要60蚊,cheese naan 都要40蚊,咁如果計埋地區,環境,服務,咁呢度唔算好貴,不過可能過咗happy hour 就會貴好多 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
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