6-min walk from Exit A1, Olympic MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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After eating at God’s Restaurant I was attracted by these pontikeges, which looked quite big, so decided to go in and get some.They had some other really interesting items such as the coconut tarts, which were immensely yellow.The chicken burgers looked really delicious because the chicken patties were uniform and I liked how thin they were because they looked crispy.The pineapple bun cakes were interesting too because they were pineapple buns made into cake form with a pineapple cake looking top.Overall their items look quite inviting but they did not like people taking photographs of their food.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★cheese pontikeges:The pontikeges were nice and chewy, the cheese taste was prominent, but I didn’t like the slight sweetness and the heavy butter taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★I want to come back for their chicken burgers but their atitude really discourages you to come back or maybe I will come back but not bother to write about it.
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安妮係我由細幫襯到大的面包店 , 我仲好記得10幾年前叫百樂門大角咀入面 , 佢都算係幾間面包店較大型的一間佢有好傳統既 腸仔包 , 雞尾包 , 麥包 , 排包 , 方包 , 叉燒包 , 奶皇包 , 吞拿魚包傳統到連合桃酥 , 叉燒酥 , 皮旦酥等等傳統小食但係亦都有比較特別的日式雞包 , 雞批 , 之士包 , 小型pizza , 牛油cookie , 卷旦等等而且仲有好多款cream cake , 芒果布甸 , 甚至你買旦榚一磅 , 你可以自己擇公仔 , 擇咩味今朝我食既就係日式雞包 同埋 雞美包日式雞包外形非常 beautiful , 入面有白汁加雞肉 , 火退 , 洋蔥面包皮有鹹香 , 餡料好食 , 大大個口感豐富雞尾包我認為係全大角咀最好食的一間面頭有之麻 , 橫間唔係普通既狀飾 , 而係類似墨西哥包既味道入面既餡係鹹奶黃椰絲 , 好似流沙包但係liquid 左的流沙包 , 而且有類似沙粒椰絲既口感現在面粉加價 , 而一個 日式雞包 + 雞尾包也只售7.5元在一個a1面包都不到的價錢下 , 吃到2個城市鄉村風味的面包 , 又飽肚又好味是一種滿足感p.s 面包涷了的時候 , 味道會變得很差 , 用一個微波爐叮一叮佢 , 即時變了人間美食
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呢間面包店,我已經有好多年無幫襯啦!因為我無去開果頭啦!係度想講,應該係1999年我做第一份PART TIME 時成日幫襯既,最記得當時最好食係大麥包,老婆餅!當時好中意食,因為面包好夠味^.^,一定買定一個番夜校食!最重要係當年,賣面包既亞姐好好人,又中意同人講野,又好記性,我走左兩3年番去買野,佢仲記得我,不過近年我都經過,已經唔見果個亞姐啦~ >.<""
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