6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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如果你係鍾意食麵包,又唔係太大食,咁呢間嘅sourdough應該可以滿足到你!而且,佢都好多款選擇,所以你可以揀自己鍾意食嘅!今日就同朋友去咗中環呢間,咁佢喺灣仔都有分店嘅。咁因為都係揀自己鍾意食嘅,所以我覺得一定好味!咁佢嘅好就係你可以揀你想要嘅麵包,你可以choose your spread,最好係,佢可以有兩個toppings俾你揀🤗咁我分享我揀咗邊兩款啦!🧡 smoked salmon +20🧡 tomato with mozzarella cheese賣相出嚟都幾靚㗎 !
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▫️Tailoring Toast 每款Toast都可以揀:1️⃣麵包底2️⃣Spread3️⃣2 個 Toppings我哋兩份都揀咗Sourdough Bread + Sun-Dried Tomato Cream Cheese Spread🧀而 Toppings 就分別揀咗:-Smoked Salmon + Tomato with Mozzarella Cheese🍅🧀-Avocado🥑 + Poached Egg🥚 👉🏻一上檯已經有心花怒放嘅感覺,因為擺盤真係好靚,一份裡面2邊包嘅擺盤都唔同㗎,仲有d花瓣🌸🌼作點綴😍個包硬到適中,Cream Cheese 芝士味比蕃茄味濃,仲食到少少牛油香☺️👉🏻三文魚嗰Set顏色非常鮮艷🤩一邊係三文魚,唔會好咸,好好味🤔另一邊係唔同顏色嘅蕃茄同幾粒 Mozzarella Cheese,仲有d 酸酸甜甜嘅汁,因為我哋Share 食,另一份有牛油果始終有啲濟,所以呢個包感覺好Fresh😚👉🏻牛油果好新鮮,一邊係切片咁鋪滿成個包,第一眼望到就覺得刀工好犀利,切得好靚😯另一邊就係牛油果蓉,上面就係兩隻好流心嘅水波蛋😋⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.▫️Hot Hochija Latte 👉🏻培茶同埋奶味都好出,又唔會搶咗大家嘅味👍🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️我當日係口痕諗住食Tea ,點知一份都幾飽,所以絕對係一個飽肚嘅Brunch (對女仔嚟講)——————環境:餐廳設計同用色都好簡約,有日式 Cafe 嘅感覺,座位唔會好逼,所以都坐得好舒服啊中環分店有上層,感覺私隱度高啲因為下層有Bakery Products 賣所以比較多人行出行入
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*✲゚*。 ☕️中環cafe💛 食物唔錯不過環境就有待改善🥵呢度嘅toast可以揀自己鍾意嘅combination麵包 Spread 同 Toppings 都有得自己mix & match我覺得Truffled scrambled eggs同 grilled pork 都值得一試😋Chicken breast 就麻麻哋比較淡🙈之前都食過呢間cafe嘅灣仔分店 覺得幾唔錯今次嚟左中環食 食物質素都幾好 不過坐上層熱到想死 食完係成身汗🥵🥵🥵去cafe都係想chill chill地 點知好似完全冇冷氣咁 仲熱過室外......
問咗職員可唔可以開大少少冷氣 佢話已經最大 我同朋友都覺得佢冷氣係壞咗冇開到而冇同我地講😓建議大家想試可以坐下層或者去其他分店🙈 或者等冇咁熱先去食😂-✨ Toast with two toppings ($118)+10% service charge-📍 APT. Coffee @apt.coffee▫️ 中環閣麟街34號美輪樓地下C號舖▫️ 灣仔月街2-12號地下A&B號舖▫️ 西環西營盤西源里1號瑧蓺地下3-5號舖
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[ APT. Coffee | 中環 ]I have been mesmerized by their toasts forever. Very happy to finally visit this place. Easy to find and arrive at on Cochrane Street. This cafe hosts a second floor above with more seating and decent air conditioning. The service is decent. One staff (male) is super attentive and friendly whilst another (female) was very passive aggressive. My experience here was kinda rocky as the original toast I ordered arrived horribly and moldy so I ordered another one. —— —— Toast tailoring $118 I ordered a Sourdough toast with Greek Yogurt spread and chose Soft boiled egg for topping one and avocado (+$10) for topping two. We had to wait twenty minutes for our food to arrive. It was rather busy but I still expect them to keep up with the service. The sourdough is grilled well with a crisp exterior and soft interior. Chewy with their distinct sourness too. Although the second piece of toast is rather small compared to the first. The Greek yogurt is tangy and creamy with a sweet aftertaste of honey. Nice portion too. The two soft boiled egg is not cut beforehand so I had to cut it to make it more photogenic. Moreover, it seems rather undercooked for a soft boiled egg as the whites are not fully cooked but half of the yolks are fully cooked so I don’t know what to make of that 😐 There is no seasoning whatsoever on the eggs, not even a simple dash of salt and pepper for flavor, resulting in bland and boring eggs. The avocado arrived in two parts. Some as a mash and some sliced into a circle. First off, there was an avocado pit in the mash which when I confronted the (female) staff, she just brushed it over and said “yeah ok…”. Also, the mash was very sour due to the lemon juice but also very brown?? So the acid clearly didn’t prevent enzymic browning or perhaps it was left for too long. Secondly, the circle of avocado was hiding the brown, rotten flesh. It disgusted me so much I asked to change the topping of this toast to pumpkin. When the (female) waitress was changing my plates, the soft boiled egg toast was left alone on the counter on the second floor for a good five minutes before she gave it back to me on a smaller plate. I know that leaving food unattended on a deserted area is a rather huge offense in a restaurant and this clearly shows the lack of knowledge and/or care this waitress has. However, after a while the pumpkin arrived. The pumpkin is sliced into chunks and baked before being chilled. It was not too cold but not ambient, it was refreshing. Very creamy and starch too which paired well with the tangy bread. It is also unseasoned which results in a mild natural sweetness but very one dimensional. I also want to note that all their breads are from Bakehouse 🥴 The other option of Fig & Walnut pretty much gave it away. —— —— 推介 🤷♀️💬 Overall, loved the bread and spread. Only some toppings are good. I saw many people ordering the smoked salmon, egg white with crab and chicken breast so perhaps I will try that next time. But the price for this toast is way too much for the quality and they also demand service charge for two pretty underwhelming waiters. Even after an unsatisfactory meal, I still want to come back to see if it was a one-time thing. 🗓 Revisit? ✅⭕️ / ❎
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介紹返💁🏻♀️ 。。🇬🇧 Café 在中環 🇬🇧。APT. Coffee 。美輪樓地下C號舖。Lunch Toast Tailoring Choose Your Bread-SourdoughChoose Your Spread -Sun Dried Tomato Cream CheeseChoose Two Toppings -Scrambled Egg。Prosciutto Ham。HKD108 + 10%Coffee Tailoring Choose Your Blend-House BlendChoose Your Coffee-Hot White Intense Choose Your Milk Foam-Silky。HKD38 + 10%Iced Hojicha Latte。HKD53 + 10%🤫 今次介紹嘅呢一間Cafe概念非常之特別..Cafe名簡寫叫做APT. 意思係A Personal Tailor..顧名思義樣樣都可以俾你自己揀..然後組合成獨一無二嘅選擇🤫 點解我會搵到呢間Cafe..純粹係上個星期熱到阿媽都唔認得..同朋友仔經過諗住坐低飲杯嘢涼吓冷氣..但係等嘢飲嘅時候..揭吓個Menu發現又幾趣緻之後忍唔住叫個Toast嚟試吓🤫 咁我哋嚟講吓個Toast先啦..我哋揀咗感覺好似健康啲而且烘得非常之脆口嘅Sourdough..配搭鹹香而且份量相當之多嘅Ham同柔滑香濃嘅Scrambled Egg.. Toast嘅dressing選擇相對有飽肚感嘅Cream Cheese..上邊嘅小蕃茄乾酸甜酸甜令味道層次更加多..成件事係高級版嘅腿蛋治..(咁好味過腿蛋治好多..)🤫 然後Coffeholic嘅朋友仔梗係整返個Tailor-made嘅White Coffee試吓啦..每個項目都可以揀自己最鍾意嘅..又點會有唔滿意嘅機會呢..朋友仔話呢度嘅White Coffee香醇又提神..有機會一定要Encore喎🤫 而我哩個完全唔識欣賞咖啡嘅人仔就梗係揀返我最鍾意嘅Tea Latte啦..咁老實講..呢度嘅Hojicha Latte正常水準啦..冇去到好似咖啡咁Impress嘅🤫 呢間Cafe窄身細細間有兩層..座位同座位之間嘅空間唔係太多..同隔籬枱非常親近..不過職員嘅服務態度就非常之好..而且地方乾淨企理..樓下嗰層仲可以望到大廚炮製Toast嘅情景..睇到聞到又食到..都非常之唔錯🤫 黃色經濟圈。。翻兜指數:🙆🏻♀️🙆🏻♀️ (5個🙆🏻♀️為翻兜爆燈)。。🦄認真地為食。有誠意地長氣🦄💜透過美食寫日記。每日為你介紹不同美食💜 🙇🏻♀️Since Jan 2022🙇🏻♀️
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