2-min walk from Exit E, Central MTR Station continue reading
The bar provides outdoor seats. It uses red and black as the main colour of decorations. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
16:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
16:00 - 03:00
16:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
16:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (18)
Drinks even the happy hour deals are still on the pricey side. Food nothing special and pricy for very small portions u get. Crowd not too bad but difficult to hold a conversation due to our proximity to the music speakers. Ambience is not too bad. Waitresses a bit of a snob if you’re not wearing business attire. Went on weeknights and waitresses were still hard to flag. For a table of 15, we were only given 2 small bowls of spicy nuts. Not a big deal but something that could help leave a good taste to your palate especially with their steep prices! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-06-12
呢間野嘅價錢地點外貌,同佢provide嘅Service完全係兩回事。當日係朋友包半場搞求婚party,我哋自備左一個10磅嘅大蛋糕,大概35 cm ×35 cm左右佢居然冇一隻碟可以放得落個蛋糕。都算數啦,咁我地自己執生,個surprise party大概係6點3要出個蛋糕,當時五點半左右我哋請waitress幫忙將個蛋糕儲存喺佢哋個雪櫃,當到左時間我哋要求佢攞個蛋糕出嚟時,佢哋居然冇人知道個蛋糕擺咗係邊,搵左勁來差啲破壞左成件事最後俾我哋發現咗佢將個蛋糕擺左係佢哋自己平時嘅地下角落上。有少少衛生常識嘅人都唔會咗個蛋糕放喺地下你仲要呢一間係聲稱自己係高級地方😡😡😡😡😡接落嚟切完蛋糕之後,佢哋將啲蛋糕分晒啲小碟度再將啲小碟係垃圾桶上面。第一你咁多個員工喺企度望住我地,佢地冇呢個sense去問啲客人有冇人需要蛋糕。第二,點解你又係可以將一啲食得落肚嘅嘢放喺垃圾桶上面。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-11-03
同朋友食完飯就想搵個地方坐低飲杯野,傾下計。本身想去LKF酒店上面間AZURE既,點知原來已經結業...好可惜。跟住就諗到呢間啦,因為我地鍾意啲露天,望到街景,居高臨下既地方。呢度遠離LKF既煩囂,但係一個好好既選擇。可能因為係平日,所以好少人,不過咁樣仲好,靜靜地,可以FF下我地自己包哂成個area咁。Berry Blossom $155我就叫左杯用gin做base既berry blossom,甜甜地,易入口,唔錯。朋友叫左杯armani mojito (無相)我試左啖,唔知係米隔離飯香,我覺得仲好飲仲易入口。不過其實飲野都唔係重點,主要都係想靜靜地坐低chill下,吹下水睇下風景姐。而呢度的確係一個好好既選擇呢個balloon係間bar既signature,我就覺得好靚啦如果係星期六日黎既話應該會幾熱鬧,隔離好似有個DJ位打碟既。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-10-27
係中環返工真係好方便,每次比老闆鬧完,就可以約同事落樓下happy hour,而我最愛嘅就係Armani Bar,因為佢有露天bar area,企係度吹下水飲杯酒又得,坐底飲多幾杯慢慢談情又得,環境又好,可以望住中環成個商業區!感覺非常舒服,可以將返工嘅悶氣掃走!飲品方面有很多選擇,有紅酒、白酒、香檳、烈酒、雞尾酒。令外更有20多款小食可以選擇,有Pizza、仲有日式嘅tempura,炸薯條等等..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-09-17
armani我記得已經開左好幾年 間唔中經過中環都會見到佢地既ballon 但係一次都未去過 一來唔近我住果頭 二來本身都好小去酒吧  咁岩有個中學同學仔番左來香港 咁約左一班舊同學出來聚下舊 佢地提議話去armani prive 因為地方比較大 傾計大聲D都冇問題咁話wo lol 上左去rooftop果層 前後都有一個bar 因為多人所以揀左係梳化位坐, 我叫左杯佢地既招牌cocktail 叫armani jade 見到有basil所以叫杯試下 甜同酸都好平衡 又唔會太烈既酒味 會比較易入口 . 幾中意依杯 下次會再同朋友來過 (; continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)