Opening Hours
08:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
今早突然間想食蛋糕或者麵包.... 在這小小的麵包蛋糕店, 窗外商場的燈光透過, 一缕缕金色的光, 照在櫃檯上, 那裡,葡撻靜靜地躺著, 金黃的外殼, 像笑容般誘人, 一口咬下, 果香四溢, 酸甜交織, 回味無窮。而芝士撻, 如同柔和的夢, 白色的乳酪, 滑順如絲, 輕輕一碰, 入口即化, 那濃郁的奶香, 伴隨一絲微鹹, 讓人心醉。在這外賣的時刻, 匆忙的生活中, 帶走的不只是美食, 更是那一瞬的幸福, 每一口, 都是對生活的讚歌, 在忙碌的日子裡, 找到一片刻的寧靜。
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The Blend 117 ☕首次與 東海堂 (Arome Bakery) 聯乘合作,推出以意大利的經典甜品Tiramisu!🇫🇷Tiramisu夾層以意大利芝士慕絲及手指餅為主要材料,配上口感濃厚的🇯🇵UCC The Blend 117,咖啡香氛芳濃郁,苦中帶甘,揉合精湛製餅技術,將芝士味和咖啡味發揮得淋漓盡致,忌廉口感非常幼滑!再加上不含酒精,可讓一家人細味品嚐!
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日式流心芝士撻 東海堂喺地鐵站經過,就比佢漲卜卜嘅外表吸引住🤩🤩金黃色嘅外皮,搞到我都要買一個嚟試下!!佢$14/1,我用alipay比錢仲可以減$2😏😏果然係師奶仔🤣嚟到要急不及待咁咬佢一大啖!!🤣入面嘅芝士味好濃沃!份量都好足!仲熱辣辣!唔會話食曬啲餡仲有層皮嘅感覺🤣攞嚟做甜品係一流!😋😋
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They always launch new Matcha products, but I seldom shop for. I like strong Matcha flavour and their products are always too sweet that you can't taste properly.Warabi mochi is one of my favourite Japanese desserts and I found that they have introduced a new product from Japan directly. Let me give it one more try.Five big pieces in dark green color look really nice, the Matcha flavour seems strong. There are red beans inside but they are too sweet again.The overall experience is exactly the same as most of their Matcha products, it is more like a sweety rather than a Matcha 🍵 gourmet.
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