2-min walk from Exit B2, HKU MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (80)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 20:30
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 20:30
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
08:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Seen this set of cakes widely advertised in the MTR concourse and since Valentine’s Day is approaching, we decided to share a cake together. Our decision landed on this particular cake - Japanese Strawberry Lava Yoghurt Lychee Mousse Crunch Cake ($ 228 after 12% discount with the Arome app) as we wanted to try its lava yoghurt and peach jelly layers. Unfortunately, the strawberry outer layer was too geletinous so it tasted a little unnecessarily dense. However, what they did well was the fact that although this cake was nothing more than a rudimentary sponge cake layered design, the strawberry taste was present and wasn’t too overbearing. The strawberries on top were fresh and the peach jellies were every spread. One aspect of the cake that somewhat disappointed me was the so called lava yoghurt layer. While we were eating the cake, we incessantly attempted looking for this layer as it was one of the main motivations to get this cake. We found it weird that we finally located it somewhere in the middle but in a very obscure area that wasn’t even large in size.We have learnt that cakes of new designs are not always better than the traditional cheese cakes / petite cake slices they do so while they are still offering promotions for them, they are probably the better buy! Also, as New Year festival is around the corner, they gave us two sets of red packets for free, how sweet! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-06
母親大人生日,食完晚飯,剛巧經過東海堂,想買個生日蛋糕,母親大人說晚餐食得太過飽,買個細細個的蛋糕就可以了。太夜了餅家好多蛋糕已經售賣完了。在陳列𣕧上見到個圓圓的細細個用紙包裹着像是芝士蛋糕的物體,細問店員是新推介深旨‧原味芝士蛋糕和朱古力雲石芝士蛋糕,出了一段時間反應好好,以深焦軟滑為最大特色,軟硬度介乎紐約芝士蛋糕與日式輕芝士餅之間,而且帶有焦香甘甜的外層,配合軟滑細膩的內層,服務員提議先冷藏後享用口感更如雪糕般幼滑。買了深旨原味芝士蛋糕,還不錯軟滑細膩,好濃郁芝士味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-12
朋友新居入伙又新年,約在她的新居附近酒樓飮茶。 飲完就繼續下半埸,準備行去她新居參觀。 行到途中見到東海堂,走入去買蛋糕及撻準備下午茶。 遠看見綠茶雪糕好吸睛,蛋糕夾著綠茶蛋糕丶忌廉丶jelly 及朱古力脆脆,好多層次。 蛋白撻放在保溫盤上,個撻仍好香及熱。 宇治抹茶黑糖竹炭蛋糕好鬆軟,外層忌廉好滑,甜度適中。 不過蛋糕傾斜程度嚴重,而且底層朱古力脆脆較鬆散。北海道3.6牛乳蛋白撻焗至撻皮十分香脆,牛乳蛋白餡好滑但牛乳較淡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-09
新年口痕想食甜野, 食撻食蛋糕好似好普通, 所以揀左個芒果大福, 好似比較有新年氣氛。芒果大福糯米皮好薄好煙韌, 裏面係-層鬆軟嘅蛋糕, 而中心就係一塊大芒果。芒果咬落香甜多汁, 好清新。可惜咁細舊大福賣成$29, 有點少貴, 但新年就係要放縱自己食得奢侈-啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-12-11
話晒生日,點都要買返個蛋糕慶祝吓! 雖然東海堂有啲行,但勝在就腳! 同埋其實佢啲蛋糕以呢個價錢黎講,我覺得某啲都唔錯嫁,而且啲款都成日轉,又有期間限定個啲,都幾吸引。呢個皇室奶茶都算係近期幾吸引我既一款,因為我本身都鐘意飲奶茶呀嘛,哈哈! 切開之後,見到佢其實有好多層。除左面層既奶茶慕絲之外,中間仲有奶茶啫哩,奶茶奶凍咁,而底層除左餅底,都仲有層奶茶蛋糕,都幾多層次。食落去佢唔係港式奶茶味,而係英式奶茶。會比較light啲,本身以為Mousse蛋糕會奶漏,但食落又唔覺,話咁快就KO左,都幾好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)