5-min walk from Exit B2, HKU MTR Station continue reading
Australian-style coffee shop with Fire-King antique cup and casual atmosphere. Sidewalk cafe and coffee with attention to details, a place for relaxing. continue reading
Opening Hours
*closed on Wednesdays if Tuesday is public holiday and will be opened as usual
10:00 - 19:00
Wed - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Eco-Friendly Details
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level3 2019-11-10
Tucked in an alley near Hill Road, Artisan Garden Cafe is definitely a hidden gem with a cozy ambience and nostalgic decor. I love admiring its collection of mugs neatly lining up on the wall every time I come! (See the 3rd pic)We ordered:💚Portobello mushroom burger served with salad 大啡菇漢堡Honestly I didn’t expect the burger to be this good~really fragrant and juicy😋 I appreciate that it was served with salad too. Definitely a healthy and yummy option!💚Seasalt caramel waffles with icecream 海鹽焦糖雪糕窩夫The waffles were very crispy outside~ the ratio of icecream and waffle was perfect. Not sure if you’ve experienced this but usually one has to be very mindful not to finish the icecream too quickly so that you get a bit of icecream with every bite. But we actually managed to get some icecream left at the end 🤩They will be moving to central at the end of this month. Do try to come by if you haven’t yet. .P.s. It takes a bit of time for the food to serve~recommended you come when you’re not in a hurry..Artisan Garden Cafe是一間很有特式的咖啡店,尤其喜歡牆上整齊排列的杯和懷舊黑膠唱片💕食物方面,漢堡做得出奇的好~很香一咬下去,菇汁都淺了出來。窩夫外脆內軟,雪糕比例剛剛好,可以大口的和窩夫一起吃😉我還是剛剛知道,他們月尾便會搬去中環新址,我們正好趕得及到訪呢💕P.s.上菜有點慢,要耐心等候啊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-11-10
聽聞哩間店系拍攝志明與春嬌噶cafe店,我就好奇想試試裏面噶野食,就來翻個下午茶啦。裝修好有文藝氣息,擺設得好精緻,環境好舒適,系度食野令人好relax,而味道真系不錯,好似果個香蕉班戟,好香噶香蕉味,好鬆軟,超級好味,加多杯野飲,就更加好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-24
西環一帶而家好多小店cafe,其中一個星期六下午我就去左呢間。完全係求其入一間,連佢賣咩都唔知就入左去,結果有驚喜。朋友點左個牛扒牛油果沙律,牛扒唔錯,有牛味又唔會硬,沙律菜好新鮮,醬汁啱啱好。個窩夫完全係驚喜,本身唔鍾意食咸窩夫,所以我原本係想點炸雞漢堡包,點知朋友聽錯,點左炸雞芝士窩夫。炸雞皮脆肉滑,又多肉汁,好食過連鎖店好多,窩夫加芝士加炸雞出奇地配合,扭轉我對咸窩夫嘅印象,佢個窩夫都好好食,外脆內林。仲有杯signature iced tea都好飲,好襯食炸雞,但我唔記得影相。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-09
呢間舖真無限幫襯再幫襯,係西環呢間又係叫Artisan 就較為本地一點,記得春嬌救志明嗎?電影有在這間餐廳拍攝呢,牆上的杯都成為了餐廳特色之一!而我依然最愛Carrot cake,3年來都無變味!🍰三文治都好足料!!好味!有無發現佢地d杯碟都好特別,應該係自家整,有d仲可以出售ga!而家餐廳多左人認識了,店員依然好nice,同客人超級好傾!仲有走的時候一定會提你攞齊野呀!好warm!呢間係我係香港其中一間最鍾意cafe之一, 好有人情味!💗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-07
難得有個long weekend,好想搵一間Cafe靜靜地咁放空一下,逃離城市的煩囂。聽聞西環有好多高質素嘅Cafe,於是我地就出發去到西營盤尋找隱世嘅美食。餐廳位於香港大學站附近,一路上斜行十分鐘左右,就在轉角嘅小巷裏面。餐廳嘅裝修好vintage,有好多有品味嘅小擺設,睇得出店主嘅心思🥰男朋友揀咗佢最鍾意嘅all day breakfast 非常有驚喜!! 炒蛋炒得好滑好出色,伴碟嘅什菌好香好好味,仲有窩夫都好唔錯,外脆內軟😋另外嗌咗個steak sandwich,餡料豐富,牛扒煎到剛剛好。美中不足嘅地方係麥包烘得太脆,食落有點硬。仲有呢杯Flat white,從來未試過用印花圖案嘅陶瓷杯飲咖啡,好靚好精緻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)