6-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This bar and restaurant locates in Tsim Sha Tsui with indoor and outdoor seating. It serves Western style dishes such as pasta, pizza and cocktails. continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 03:00
Mon - Thu
16:00 - 02:00
Fri - Sat
16:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Live Sports Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (86)
Level2 2024-07-28
Assembly喺諾士佛臺都算係做得幾耐,之前見其他Bar都轉哂手嘅時候,佢地依然喺度!嚟親都見到有好多人嚟happy hour, 我覺得飲嘢同食吓嘢都係幾chill架!今次我哋3個人嚟食嘢同飲嘢,水準依舊~有時好怕cocktail會假味或者過甜,我覺得呢度都調得啱我口味如果鍾意玫瑰同荔枝味嘅我會推介White Rose,女仔一定鍾意今次見佢嘢食多左D墨西哥菜選擇,3個人叫咗4樣野食已經太飽喇!Sweet Potato Fries 佢係厚切架,唔係平時食果款幼薯條,好有咬口,食食吓我已經半飽....Shrimp Taco SaladD菜好新鮮,全部材料加埋好清新,下面仲有個新鮮炸嘅脆脆 (有趁佢淋之前快D食)Chicken Quesadilla呢個多芝士同埋多餡!又係要趁佢仲熱嘅時候快食 (笑)Chili Garlic Prawn 呢個有D辣,食食吓好過癮我好鍾意!全部份量都好足!同幾個朋友share其實都好抵食~服務都好好,不時都會過嚟幫手加水 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was there a long time ago but am only free to write a review now.Their food and mocktails are nice. That's the reason why I visited this place 3 times.However, for the last time, I had a life threatening experience.I ordered another mocktail of the night. After a while, I realized there was something I'm unfamiliar with in my drink. I am allergic to alcohol so I never tried it for decades. And also, I can't have grapefruit juice because it clashes with my medicine.My face started to blush, I had itch all over my body and I went out of breath for a little. So I asked a waiter what exactly I was drinking. The waiter (I think he was the manager) said I was having a cocktail with grapefruit juice. I said that's not what I ordered since I am allergic to those ingredients. And I only asked for a refund. That waiter said they messed up with my order but did not ask if I was OK. He just rejected me straight away. And when I insisted, he said he could change the bill back to what I ordered originally which was a cheaper mocktail, instead of charging the more expensive cocktail. I was like but that's not what I wanted or ordered. He said you already drank this much, I can't refund the whole drink to you. And he implied that I still looked ok and not sick.I quit arguing with him because I had to rush to the hospital to keep myself alive.I believe some may say I shouldn't go to a bar when I'm allergic to alcohol but I always like the vibes, the mocktails and I was there to socialize and eat with friends.Just sharing my experience here to alert you guys continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-26
唔使行到意大利,喺本地就嚐到幾款地道西餐,味道幾正!新奧爾良烤雞薄餅,一啖咬落去,薄薄脆卜卜嘅批底,加上烤得啱啱好嘅雞肉,辛辣嘅新奧爾良味道同埋溶嘅芝士,一切就好似在街頭嘅酒吧嗰度咁悠閒。龍蝦扁意粉,啖啖鮮甜龍蝦肉,夾雜在濃郁蕃蓉醬汁跟意粉嘅組合,真係正到爆燈!雖然龍蝦唔算多,但加埋酸酸甜甜嘅醬汁,呢個味道我當真係愛咗。至於烤蝦濃汁芝士薯條,講真,芝士汁真係幾滿足,滿滿嘅香口,同埋配上烤蝦,鮮味一流,薯條咬落去外脆內軟,又鹹又脆,完全係個人最愛!喺呢度享受美食,覺得呢家餐廳實在太適合同三五知己嚟傾計吹水,食下啖真係開心。完全考慮返幾時再嚟!🥰🤤👌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日輕鬆超chill 約咗兩個朋友一齊出嚟飲嘢嚟個happy Friday Night咁啱未食晚餐喺度食埋少少嘢食😎叫咗個意大利飯 (太餓一嚟即食 唔記得影相😅) 之後嚟咗個黑松露薯條同好多餐廳一樣,佢嗰醬係放執邊嘅不過薯條入邊佢都有耍一啲黑松露粉我覺得10分入邊都有8分好食😍😍不過有一個美中不足就係叫咗一杯冇酒精嘅飲品叫做 Hello Sunshine簡單啲就係一杯雜莓汁好失望嘅係佢真係就咁榨汁之後都冇清晒啲核或者莓嘅渣滓 直接倒入杯俾我飲😣😣😣😣😣最後我要自行發咗15分鐘用匙羹人手隔渣都玩咗好耐我覺得作為一間酒吧 佢需要改善一下呢一杯嘢飲😩😩😩其他啤酒就咁到出嚟就話可以呢啲手調飲品真係應該手調一下注意:手調=用手調校🤣🤣🤣☺️🥹 希望餐廳或者老闆經理可以睇到呢一個post啦我下次會再去叫返呢杯嘢飲㗎😏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
黑松露雜菌意大利飯個飯一黎到個黑松露味好香,遠處都已經聞到浸黑松露味。個飯亦都唔會太淋,飯身我個人覺得有啲硬,不過整體唔錯。而啲菇份量又岩岩好,唔會太少菇。最後飯面都有啲芝士粉吊下味咁,好適合同朋友一邊飲下哋一邊食。黑松露薯條黑松露薯條最令我驚喜嘅地方係佢係薯條上面有一堆蒜蓉,因為未試過食黑松露薯條會跟一堆蒜蓉俾你。另外佢有個黑松露醬,個黑松露味道唔太出,比較淡,可能因為本身已經食咗黑松露飯。而佢薯條都唔係太淋,即叫即炸,同埋佢薯條係比較粗嗰隻,啱晒我口味。環境佢呢度最適合少少朋友過去傾吓偈,食吓嘢,佢亦都有室內同室外。坐室外就比較嘈同埋迫,因為條走廊就係隔離,會有人喺側邊不停行。同埋佢啲侍應都唔識講廣東話,不過整體上嚟講都係適合飲番杯,談吓心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)