Exit A1, Hang Hau MTR Station continue reading
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Review (129)
Level3 2024-02-06
A family Thai food restaurant having Michelin recommendation. It has been in Hang Hau for sometimes and seems takeaway is more popular than dine-in (20% off for takeaway 😆). The Pad Thai is normal. Pork beck was a bit crunchy but not tough to eat. The whole was also well decorated and with chilies. I recommend ordering pad Thai here. The pineapple fried rice has very distinct grains. Overall so so.The grilled skewers were very good. You can see there are total 7 of them (a lot) and the texture is proper (not tough and a bit chewy).Highly recommend this special drink with pineapple. Very refreshing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去到一間門口有好多寫了星星的食物廣告牌,便和一家人去試下。入門口後,一坐下。見到個平板電腦menu,都有d特色。想order 時,叫了個waiter ,他好似看不見,便叫第二個,他們都是行過。。。難道這間的特色便是不回應食客。。。我要了豬頸肉金邊粉加個thai tea。個金邊粉是ok的,但是不是可以有星星,這個我便不太同意了。而個thai tea可以甜d,不錯的。但是在沒有追餐下要加$30,我又不覺得值這個價值。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期五晚等位食飯好平常 但呢間餐廳員工安排入座就好有問題 叫客人企門口等但吾派飛 明明見入邊有位 會話未收好檯 可能人手吾夠 今時今日都要體諒下!但佢無派飛 要等位真係要企正正佢門口 企入d 因為後黎既人吾知就會行入去企前d就會有位可以入先 crazy!坐底漏碟漏水杯 算 啦啦臨食完咪走叫左個後生仔員工落單 吾使紙吾使寫底 結果當然落錯又落漏 😓叫都要叫幾次先再落到單 吾夠人手做野就醒d啦 咪吾使返手再使 再落單😒 見佢轉頭幫人落單 又係落錯~慣犯🤦‍♀️食物質素麻麻 叫海南雞無油飯 炒金邊粉無鑊氣 一舊舊 濕濕地炒菜又係咸到不得了 8點鐘等到位 佢會講8:45收鋪 想坐底慢慢傾計食野既就吾好黎!想有正常服務 正常食物 都吾好黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
裏面有好多位又唔俾你入,叫你喺門口等點不知原來冇人理你,要再入去先有人俾位你幾個侍應黑口黑面,叫又冇人應,望到你都扮望唔到,幾難先叫到野食食物真是麻麻,真的可以不用試,一肚氣簡直 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
米其林推薦的 帕泰家 Baan Phadthai 原來在坑口有分店。餐廳裝潢和曼谷店一樣都是使用藍色作為主色調。另外桌椅、掛在牆上的電風扇和餐具等都頗有泰國的特色。🐓海南雞 (HKD 120/半隻)雞肉都幾嫩滑,但味道就不過不失吧,沒有什麼特別驚喜。🐖泰式豬手 (HKD 108/1隻)相較之下,軟腍的豬手很入味,吃落惹味得多。🐖燒豬頸肉炒金邊粉 (HKD 88) 豬頸肉的外層燒得微微焦香,不會炒得很油淰淰。🍛青咖喱雞 (HKD 98)咖喱味道普普通通,不夠濃味,而且雞有點少。🥤凍泰式奶茶 (HKD 30) & 白咖啡 (HKD 28)奶茶不算超級甜,奶味幾濃。整體來說普普通通,不是太理解為什麼是米其林推薦🥹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)