Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Seafood Platter Spaghetti Risotto Fresh Oyster Blue Mussel
Review (31)
傾左好耐,終於約到舊同學同以前的老師一齊食飯眾下舊。就返老師唔駛去咁遠,就上黎 OpenRice search 下,最後大家因為個名好笑就揀左 BabyBlue  我提早兩日訂左枱,所以唔駛等。一行六個大人加兩個小朋友坐左一張 long table. 座位好闊落,六個人的位其實都夠哂。一坐低,店員主動問我地需唔需要幫手收起BB車,又另外幫小朋友準備較細的水杯,非常細心。睇 menu, dinner 時間有俾唔同人數食的set. 我地揀左一個 Dinner for 4, 另加一個肉醬薯條。落單的時候請waiter 先上薯條氹小朋友,唔駛十分鐘一大盤新鮮熱辣的肉醬薯條,連同牛油蒜蓉焗青口and Ceasar Salad即刻到。Ceasar Salad係六個人的份量!差少少食唔哂。牛油蒜蓉焗青口帶些少辣,底下的薯蓉焗到面頭脆脆,好好食~至於肉醬薯條,小朋友差唔多食哂一大盤,我想試都冇份 不過小朋友食得咁開心,應該唔錯 Waiter 留意住我地食左幾多先上下一道菜。食完頭盤係湯。我飲紅湯,甜中帶點辣,有少許蔬菜。雖然唔係好味的羅宋湯,但一飲就知有落料自己煲,收貨。主菜等左耐少少,不過一上黎就知唔係整定放係度。所有Main Course 一上黎都係出緊煙,正!一個Pork Ribs, 一個烤春雞 (唔記得咩sauce) 兩個都好入味,肉好軟,好夠份量。烤春雞幾乎冇骨,小朋友拎住雞脾食得好滋味。伴碟的薯菜一d 都唔馬虎:新鮮的薯條加 grilled veggies 又係差d 食唔哂的情況下,突然記得仲有一味白酒煮青口,即刻叫 waiter 上埋。青口好細隻,只不過每一隻都開哂殼,肉又非常嫩。湯汁有蔬菜,唔太油,我乾脆當左湯飲   最後上埋甜品-Peach Mousse. 成餐非常滿足。最多謝ge係d waiters 好好耐性,又唔介意小朋友有時會嘈,肯幫手 fulfill 一d 額外的要求。一定會,再返黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-06-02
因為同事介紹,今個周未的中午來到美孚的一間「樓上西餐廳」。餐廳的入口並不顯眼,由美孚地鐵站A 出口向曼克頓山方向走,在九巴總部地下會看見一個小小的BABY BLUE招牌,指向電梯大堂。可能既是周未非工作日,亦是樓上餐廳,一點到達立即便有位子了。店面很大,座位及通道都很寬闊。店員安排座位後立即禮貌地遞上餐牌,餐牌價錢由約$60 至$120 不等,選擇很多。除此之外,店舖亦有預告明日的餐牌,十分周到。面對眾多選擇,最後選了紅酒燴牛尾及德國咸豬手兩個LUNCH SET。另外,每位加$5 可以享用一次SALAD BAR,不過,以這個經濟的價錢,當然SALAD BAR 的配料都是「大路野」,有蕃茄、粟米、青瓜、生菜、吞拿魚醬等。但對想餐前吃一吃菜的人來說,的確扺吃。餐湯有周打蜆湯和雜菜湯選擇,亦是「大路野」,不過不失的。紅酒燴牛尾的牛味很濃郁,牛肉燴得很軟,很易入口,用炸薯條點著紅酒汁吃更添美味。德國咸豬手也不計成本,十分重「手」。豬手肉多膠原亦很豐富,不過皮卻比較硬,好不容易才切到一塊來吃,幸好豬手不會太咸,伴著薯條吃也很合適。這店的主菜份量十分巨型,離開時捧著肚子走。雖然食物的質素不是十分突出,但以數十元的價錢來說,夫復何求! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-01-15
If you are looking for unfriendly services from a local restaurat, make sure you visit this place. I accompained my wife there for an early lunch in Dec 2012. I had my lunch already thus we only orderd one lunch set initially. All of a sudden, the unfriendly manager came and said there was a minimum charge and gave us a look that we occupied their table when the place was not full at all. We did not want to argue with the manager during the holiday seasons, thus, ordered another lunch set. While asking for the bill, I asked for a box to pack up the untouched lunch set, the waitress told me that a box costed 5 dollars. I told her that we were not happy with the minimun charge policy becuase we should be informed while we walked in, not during the lunch. Also, I must say that there was nothing written anywhere about the minimum charge policy. The waitress informed the famale manager and the manager came with a disgusted look and said LOUDLY that "I can waive your 5 dollars box". I replied "I am not complaining about the 5 dollars, I am talking about the minimum charge policy". She replied "Oh, my staff did not tell you when you walked in?!" Then she walked away. I thought the pre-requsite for being a manager is to know the customers' needs and complains before anyone in his/her team. If you think this is a single incident, please read other comments about this place as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-12-24
女朋友俾個驚喜我話試過呢間野係銅鑼灣D野食都幾好...所以今次靜靜雞訂左檯帶我去預祝聖誕節.去到呢間野...望落裝修都OK...諗住應該都唔錯啦..好喇..一坐低有個碟係寫住D蠔品種...價錢雖然唔貴..但諗住試左其他野先再食蠔. 我地叫左個TABLE FOR 2既SET DINNER有沙律,海鮮拼盤,,湯,MAIN COURSE2個同甜品....大約600蚊左右本身個餐跟T BONE 我唔好TBONE所以加40蚊要左個ANGUS RIB STEAK先黎沙律...菜都OK新鮮..但係D沙律汁唔係好夠...個包唔熱...(不過我唔好麵包唔打緊). 之後黎左個海鮮拼盤..蠔2隻完全唔得,螺唔記得3定4隻...又係唔得...蜆啖而無味..藍貝青口太細隻又唔夠新鮮..最好反而係蝦D肉夠味,,,之後黎湯賣相OK...但飲落口...嘩....仲衰過罐頭湯一D味都冇.....唉...到黎個STEAK...我ORDER3成熟....但一黎到..嘩....3成生...都唔止....差唔多去到DONE....已經即時冇哂心機...跟住叫人換啦..我講完句野..條所謂經理..一句野都冇唔講就收左佢..咁等既時候試下女友個帶子黑松露意大利飯...望落去都心知不妙...點知...隻帶子太熟...好鞋口...意大利飯一D都唔夠乾身...味道反而OK....浪費哂好喇...講返隻牛...重新黎過好返D啦...變左5成...心諗都算...照食....點知..一咬落口....嘩..........勁乾+無牛味+鞋口...食左一半已經唔想食...之後甜品...第一次食法式燉蛋入面係凍...=.=....TIRAMISU..個頂好實....餅底無酒味....超失望總括黎講...野食...唔得....SERIVCE 唔得....只係得個裝修無用...(唔會有下次)女朋友知道我食得唔開心..佢都係咁同我SAY SORRY...(真係浪費左佢既心機)不過呢間野只可以用垃圾去形容.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
買了團購券($128+42 X 4)4張,本來都覺得幾抵,但喺決定以後盡量避之則吉,甚至不再幫襯也無損失! 定枱時已經講明喺六位(用四張券),去到畀張四人枱,到我要求要六人枱時才有經理走出來話,多出來的兩個一定要畀番同團購一樣價錢($170/位),但團購券上無此項聲明! 到我家人到齊之後,包括一傭人及一小孩,經理即跑出來話凡佔座位者都要多付$170!!!!!!!!! 當我反問可否傭人及小孩一齊坐一個位時,職員竟然抛出一句(再奉上一個欠揍的死樣):『宜家都無辦法啦!』說到食物方面:1) 周打蜆湯:跟我之前飲的完全兩碼子的事(今好似一開三咁淡),淡而無味,稀冧冧! 難飲至極!2) 海鮮冷盤:毫無鮮味3) T骨扒:呢個最精彩!!!!! 職員話喎:『團購無得揀幾成熟,一定要七成。』 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)