6-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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This bar adopt the stunning views from the caribbean as a blueprint,the indoor decorative ornaments are filled with sunlight and water, and a great fun.There are a variety of cocktails, beer and wine to choose from, like bathing in the sun of caribbean.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
17:00 - 03:00
Fri - Sat
17:00 - 04:00
18:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Had a great time here with some fellow BBCs.We had the Fish and Chips which was interesting.The texture of the fish was like and jelly and the chips were not chips but waffle fries.
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近來有點心野, 在不想歸家的日子還是相約不同的朋友, 解解悶, 呻呻氣更為合適今日來到平時過門不入的諾士佛台搵食食店眾多有食海鮮, 生蠔, 意大利菜, 中式食店或隊酒等包羅萬有; 梗有一間岩心水還是隨便地進了還未過Happy Hour 的酒吧 先來兩杯cocktail 熱身 Grand Blue : 賣相十足漱口水, 至攞命杯面仲要有小小起泡以果味為主導, 當中的波蘿味最為凸出, 味道比較淡口但入口舒服, 作為解渴飲品也無坊 Mama’s Sangria : 紅酒加果汁的出品, 友人稱都幾難飲 Fish & Chips : 以一籃子內放置著熱辣辣的炸鱈魚及炸薯塊, 份量絕對不小, 薯塊更是脆卜卜非常香脆可口, 雖然是炸的出品, 但又不致於過份油膩, 一塊接一塊地吃下, 也絕無難度 此時配合任何有氣飲品, 絕對是一大快事 而炸鱈魚的比較大件, 魚肉與炸粉自動分離, 辛好魚身還保留了點點油潤嫩滑, 但感覺比薯塊略為遜色 。Pizza Romano : 材料以青椒, 意大利辣味香腸, 蘑菇等集成的全統意式Pizza由於是即叫即做所以等候的時間比較耐 上枱時更是眼前一亮, 陣陣芝士香味隨之而來薄餅皮亦夠薄夠脆, 當一手拿起時一角時, 一絲一絲地牽引起來, 此時剪不段; 理還亂, 還是豪氣點單手卷著來吃….呼… 每一口也充斥著Mozzarella cheese 的濃香, 好吃程度比那些主打出品Pizza 店的有過之而無不及。
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This was an experience that I do and don't want to remember. We were celebrating a birthday and though we could go somewhere nice and from the outside this place looked good. Our experience inside was very different. They sat us very far inside the bar and there started our problems. First we could not see the menu as it was too dark, felt like they were trying strip club lighting without the entertainment. Then came the drinks, which were standard with a good selection of cocktails but little of the non-alcolic variety of anything else really. Then the toilets, where doors didn't shut and the male urinal exposed to any passers-by. The food was moderate and covered in sauce masking much of the taste of anything else, maybe some people like it that way, I don't know. Lastly the bill, the staff claimed we did not order during the designed happy hour though 8 watches showed varying degrees of their clock being too fast for the one round, they may like to invest in a universal clock or something similar.All in all the experience at the bar was disappointing and I would not recommend it too anyone, maybe the food would be redeeming during dinner time I cannot comment. Our birthday celebrations ended on a slightly sour note and thanks to staff, who were not helpful or friendly, I would say this is the worst bar on the terrace. Take your business elsewhere or hope they find better standards of service which they seem to have had in the past judging from the reviews.
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可能呢間野針對大路口味, 啤酒款式少. 沒有ALE, 黑啤得健力士, 生啤都係得大路果D. 雞味酒選擇都唔多迫住叫了蘋果馬丁尼, 唯一好處是酒精夠強, 飲就真係唔多好飲叫了墨西哥夾餅, 味道同料都比唔上係CWB某間受歡迎的PUB, 仲食得一手都係汁服務態度麻麻呢間野係大路野, 如果你對酒有要求, 真係唔駛來最引我注目的反而是女WASHROOM的牆
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昨天行程的最後一站,便是到了諾士佛台啤一啤,原本打算到 watering hole 的,但門面有點陰森,不敢內進,於是折返諾士佛。入到去剛剛是 last order,要了 edelwisse 和 stella,再加一碟香煎德國腸。edelwisse 之前試過,味道似 hoegaarden,但冇 hoe 咁易入口,而且帶點苦;德國腸幾大碟,切片上,煎得好香口,又不油,仲有少量酸椰菜,一碟只是 $52,好抵食。這裡環境愈夜愈暗,音樂愈播愈大聲,而且若不是 happy hour 來,消費頗高,並不是把酒暢談的地方。
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