3-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
12:30 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (37)
Level3 2024-01-15
周圍都係人潮洶湧嘅景象,我終於擠到「品臻Ban Chun Tea」門口。一進到鋪頭,先係被無數飲品選擇搞到眼花繚亂😵!點單嘅時候,店員份外耐心,幾好嘅服務態度。點了招牌手作奶茶,一啖嘆落去,齋飲茶已經香到出奇,滑過喉嚨直入心坎,珍珠更加係QQ嘅,彈性啱啱好!😋👌再來杯海鹽奶蓋炭燒烏龍,呢杯真係驚喜,乜乜嘢?奶蓋竟然有咁淡淡嘅海鹽滋味!炭燒味道足,烏龍茶本身嘅淡雅香氣更加凸顯了。最後我哋加咗份九份芋圓,係咋,三種芋圓每款都質感非凡,軟糯中帶Q彈,黑糖仙草凍質地涼爽,與豐富配料共舞,整體食感好正,同埋個甜度控制得剛剛好,一飲一啖都舒心!飲品之餘,仲試咗呢邊嘅雞蛋仔同芋蓉格仔餅,兩樣都做得幾得意,特別係雞蛋仔嘅外脆內軟,同芋蓉餡料香滑入味,仲要好似帶點懷舊味,幾適合食完飯後歎一歎。綜合來講,飲品同小吃兼具,夏天來临嘅時候,飲返杯涼茶、啖清甜嘅芋圓,實在係消暑降溫嘅好選擇!🍧🍹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
堅尼地城真係冇咩嘢飲好選擇,經過見到都幾多人買,又跟住試下,佢冇芝士奶蓋,剩係得珍珠奶茶嗰啲,同埋都有賣埋格仔餅雞蛋仔,飲落真係麻麻哋😅🍴 百香果茉香綠茶 $29 700cc 微甜走冰(3/10)700 CC真係好大杯,飲落淨係得個百香果酸味,飲得出係糖漿或者濃縮果汁,真係一啲綠茶味都冇,完全酸味蓋過,好彩都唔會太甜,係一啖飲落都算解渴,越飲越唔好飲🤣真心麻麻哋,唔會推薦比大家😂😂推薦指數: 2/10冇特別推薦,真心麻麻哋,亦都唔會再買,但如果經過想買嘅話,盡量唔好飲果味嘅茶🤣🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-04-03
品臻❤茶經過西環,睇都有人😆排隊當然去8下啦😋我見好多人買我呢杯🌸藍碟花荔枝汁🔆要試吓先得🤙🏻當然小食都好多人買🤏🏻味道夠清新,好有荔枝味,顏色好夢幻❤️好似係沙灘🏖️咁feel📍品臻 (士美菲路) (西環)西環堅尼地城士美菲路8號美暉大廈地下E舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A friend and I decided to go for a quick dessert run. We thought about this place as we were also craving for some Taiwanese dessert. We ordered the: 1. Special Combo DessertI like the toppings we ordered, the taro ball was nice and QQ. Although the syrup that came with the dessert was really sweet. Would have been better if it was a tad less sweet. 2. Original WaffleWe found this to be okay, the waffle itself was quite thick. The peanut butter filling and the condensed milk was nice and not overly sweet. Wished it was a little more crispy and less doughy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-04-21
大熱天時最啱就係去買一杯奶茶同一碗糖水因為太熱嘅關係所以我心郁郁想去買杯奶茶堅尼地城堅尼地城奶茶店嘅種類唔多呢間奶茶舖我都有飲開我就嗌左杯珍珠奶茶正常的而我幫我女朋友嗌左個黃糖豆腐花奶茶舖有糖水係唔錯但係估唔到中咗伏豆腐花$10一碗我收到碗豆腐花打開個眼凸咗下碗豆腐花小到好似俾人食咗定係佢舖頭冇晒細碗碗豆腐花得一半黃糖得個雞碎咁多我喺荃灣$3一碗都好大碗我喺街市$5一碗多佢成倍佢$10得一半係咩玩法希望佢可以好好考慮吓客人嘅感受得半碗真係好肉酸囉其實佢奶茶舖做得好地地做乜去搞呢啲嘢搞衰左自己啦而家呢啲係咪叫畫蛇添足🤔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)