5-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 02:00
18:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (33)
Level2 2019-05-29
🔥BAS Burgers by Bitters and Sweet🔥.🔺Sloopy Jose [$88] 睇餐牌就會見到好多double/triple beef同cheese 對於我咁鍾意食芝士嘅人同埋來講真係好吸引 但係我最後揀咗一個seasoned beef 諗住冇芝士同得一塊牛 肥嘅感覺會低啲🙉 然後仲加咗$20要芝士薯波 除咗芝士薯波之外仲可以揀配芝士薯條 個burger嚟到嘅時候有啲唔開心因為原來思想B牌等於肉醬即係其實呢一個係一個肉醬漢堡 我本身就麻麻地肉醬意粉🥺 但係個包勁鬆軟 仲有陣陣既牛油香味 佢個墨西哥牛油果醬都非常之特別 佢薯條配嘅汁係微辣芝士汁真係好正!我完全係停唔到 明知佢係好肥都停唔到🤩 下次會試吓叫牛肉burger睇吓佢嘅牛肉正唔正🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-28
城中不乏馳名漢堡,但好多都有啲嘩眾取寵,唔係勁加配料,就係配搭太多食材,只為讓人影相,然後望而生膩。但Ruby我愛上此處出品,我喜歡漢堡classic,唔會喧賓奪主。先論包夠鬆軟,食落有空氣感;漢堡有肉香和肉汁,見手作誠意。Side dish配芝士薯寶,配搭、味道重塑美國風味。當然,品嘗前先來一杯Negroni開開胃,就能吃得更多,更滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-05-24
呢間餐廳令我o係openrice 寫左第一篇食評前幾日見到有blogger post 左呢間burger o既相同食評睇落好吸引,再上openrice 望下咦~唔錯喎!於是約左朋友今日happy friday一下首先,一入去都冇人理你,朋友同我都諗一諗究竟係自己搵位定要人帶位?成間餐廳應該有8-9枱客(大部分都食完)同一個外藉人士(Waitress) 係到行行企企,於是問下佢係咪自己搵位佢黑哂面口好似唔明我地講咩,之後我地話table for 3佢先話自己搵位!坐低點野食見左手邊張枱杯野都飲完,好唔耐煩問左個Waitress D 野食幾時有,而個waitress 都冇正面答佢右手邊o既就同我地一樣岩岩黎到,睇梗食咩另外一邊有幾張枱都係要埋單,我同朋友都好快點餐點知個waitress 完全唔理會佢由佢行行企企,之後我真係忍唔住行去同佢講我想order佢先話佢要處理左埋單o既客先到我,even 係我叫佢先犀利!!!本身都想起身走架啦~~但係算,反正仲有位朋友行梗上黎最後等左20分鐘,終於黑住面黎幫我落單之後我話要BAS DOUBLE MEAL & PATTY MELT MEAL,要fries & tots ,ice tea & Coke Zero佢好似處於第2個空間咁,同我講....我宜家淨係幫你落野飲因為我宜家淨係處理d drinks好!!就睇下你幾耐先幫我落到個餐!!之後佢比左杯冇tea o既ice tea,另外Coke Zero 又唔記得左同佢講仲有杯coke zero~~佢比隔離枱叫停左之後又唔記得左杯coke zero之後攪左一大餐,又比左杯zero 比另一張枱我真心火!!左手邊o既客人都等唔到放低左$100 走人都唔使諗之後係點~就算你個包有幾好食我都唔會再黎!!最後waitress 掛住補妝都唔理其他人我真心比個“服”字比佢,完全可以活o係自己世界唔理客人感受簡直趕客!!!!!完全enjoy 唔到個lunch 同埋將我happy friday 破壞哂。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-06
Patty Melt. When grilled cheese met Patties… Grilled bun with double patties and triple cheese. That was the best burger I had ever had so far! The whole burger was rich and juicy, yet not greasy! So tasty!~~ When sometimes you are just craving for junk food, this is the place to go! The pizza we ordered was also great! Too bad I didn't get the name of it though.S’Mores. S'Marshmallows, chocolate, chili, homemade Graham crackers. A camp-fire memory in a skillet. Upgraded! It really brought back our childhood memories! Be careful though, it's hot! What a yummy yummy lunch we had!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-04-22
BAS Burger (Double patty & double cheese!)Cost💰: $118I know burgers can be VERY addictive cox I can never get bored with Burgers. Highly recommended you to go for the BAS Burger with double cheese and double patty. doubling your happiness! BAS Burger serves juicy and nice burgers but you’re NOT coming with someone whom you wanna impress... it’s kinda oily and will get your hands greasy haha gotta be honest. It’s not a comfy place for lunch (we were all sweating for the entire lunch💦) but defo a chillax place for drinks at night continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)