4-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
Every hipster will love this bar & restaurant which is designed with IGable neon lighting. They serve Spanish cuisine and make all the sauces by themselves. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
15:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
13:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
13:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (160)
Level2 2023-11-09
想在尖沙咀找個有得飲下酒食下正餐的餐廳,結果搵到呢間都唔錯。我地Weekday夜晚去,所以都唔多人,上菜亦好快。4個人叫左4樣前菜,2樣主食&開左一支紅酒。我覺得<基地雞鎚>最普通,原先諗住呢個菜寫住<基地>會係餐廳的名菜,點知食落都只係一個普通的甜辣雞鎚。而黑松露薯條的黑松露醬唔太夠,好多條都無醬在上面。而炸魷魚個粉整得幾好,所有炸物都係即炸,熱辣辣的。牛扒夠淋,不過10oz其實4個人都只係夠每人一細舊。而pizza個餅底做得唔錯啊~唔記得影支紅酒,不過整體呢間餐廳都OK!另外9:30PM前離座有折~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-09-25
想飲野黎衣度就無錯!經openrice訂位,平日5點前仲有全單半價offer半日只係想搵地方同閏蜜girls talk一下,對啲appetizer都無乜期望。但係衣度有驚喜!!鴨肉酥皮盒整得好好食,完全驚豔左我!酥皮盒整得好薄好脆,食完仲要無油膩感💕牛肉莎莎都好食,水準一般之上。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-24
中環價錢,碟頭飯都冇嘅質素難得同朋友聚會,揀咗間睇落環境唔錯嘅餐廳。大部份都係高台bar櫈,坐得好唔舒服,當時就諗可能係主要做飲酒,想有啲feel掛😅原來枱同櫈已經說明咗食物質素🙃依個價位有他更好更好嘅選擇。成餐飯最過分嘅一個item。三樣食材完全唔夾🥲零和諧,飯調味得不知所謂。隻雞直情係白切雞咁擺落個飯到,一啲味都冇。而且份量細,成288一個飯💸俾依啲上枱都真係好意思😇味道正常,非常普通,同樣份量細。180可以自選三種材料。豬面肉唔好揀,過咸,過肥。唯一ok滿意嘅菜式,酥餅牛油味重,乾爽,加上芝士同鴨肉。成件事係和諧嘅,但係份量都係偏細。蒜蓉同橄欖油調味嘅八爪魚,意大利腸?,同薯仔。 八爪魚過軟,零爽口,唔新鮮;意大利腸正常;薯仔過硬。同樣唔需要試,失望 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Base Bar & Restaurant - A Fusion of Flavors :Menu featuring dishes like Slow Cooked Spanish Pork, Roast Duck Meringue Rolls, and the intriguing Black Truffle Fries, this establishment promised a fusion of flavors that left me both intrigued and excited.Slow Cooked Spanish Pork  :The dish arrived with an aroma that instantly sparked my appetite. The pork was a masterpiece of tenderness and depth. The slow cooking process had worked its magic, resulting in meat that practically melted in my mouth. ,Roast duck meringue rolls :The roast duck was succulent and flavorful, encased within delicate meringue rolls that provided a textural contrast. The interplay of sweet and savory flavors .Black Truffle Fries .:The fries arrived with an intoxicating aroma of truffle, and the first bite was a revelation. The crispy fries were generously coated with black truffle, creating a symphony of earthy flavors that danced on the palate.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-08
整間店無論裡裡外外都滿布幻彩霓虹燈,主題圍繞宇宙、太空船及隧道等,加上昏暗嘅現場環境,真係有種置身外星基地嘅感覺!​打卡一流既好地方主菜方面嗌左:軟殼蟹扁意粉紅花忌廉汁:軟殼蟹炸得好脆,意粉大有濃郁忌廉汁口感一流,值得推薦慢煮西班牙豬肩:豬肩肉質好鬆軟,唔會好硬好難咬,啖啖肉口感一流呀,幾好食😋基地披薩(水牛芝士+煙肉+車里茄)pizza好味!個餅底脆薄到好似餅乾好香口,拉起Pizza層拉絲幾澎湃下,食上口芝士香係口中爆發,加埋煙肉及車里茄配合得唔錯👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)