7-min walk from Exit B, Ocean Park Station continue reading
The food truck features American hamburgers. The signature dishes included the pulled pork burger and bacon cheese burger. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level4 2020-02-16
用料好+服務好,漢堡包叫左芝士漢堡同埋牛肉辣椒漢堡,個包甜甜地,好似提子麥包既味,十分鬆軟,仲要烘到好脆,牛肉好厚,有得揀幾成熟,揀左7成熟,好似熟左啲,早知揀5成,入面既焦糖洋蔥超好食,好香甜。辣椒漢堡唔辣,多左啲醬汁同酸青瓜。另外叫左炸雞柳,個醬汁有孜然味,我唔中意但朋友超中意!另加左個辣肉醬薯條,好香脆,唔辣。值得一提係服務好好,特別讚賞戴眼鏡女服務員,問我地食物好無食,主動拎好多唔同醬汁俾我地,最後想叫甜品既時候,佢仲主動送左個oreo甜品俾我地,個甜品超正,係oreo雪糕,即場加暖既朱古力醬,再加上Oreo 碎,好完美既句號。有時候服務真係會為成餐飯加好多分,一定會再黎食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-11-04
尋日去完海洋公園,散場去黃竹坑食晚餐,行咗附近兩間都冇位,隔離間越南嘢仲要串串貢,好彩嚟到Beef & Liberty 店員幫手安排到座位。叫咗 Cheese Burger ,泰式牛肉沙津,兒童餐,啤酒,watermelon lemonade ,全部食物都水準以上,特別係本地門神啤酒好好味。 Cheese Burger 係刮芝士,好特別,好味。牛肉沙津用牛腩肉但一啲都唔 Un,個汁超好味!食到咁上下完咗主菜,店員仲送一個迷你 Oreo 朱古力甜品畀我地,勁開心🥳埋單唔使 $500。無論食物質素,環境,定服務都值得再嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日要講下呢一間餐廳!佢啱啱喺黃竹坑 One Island South 嗰邊新開張,雖然之前已經喺中環食過佢本店,印象非常良好,難得咁遠既地方開咗新舖,一定要試一試分店可唔可以保持水準!但係今日食一個比較特別嘅漢堡,佢冇任何豬牛羊雞嘅成份,佢用植物肉製成肉餅,對環境負擔少一啲,蛋白質豐富,亦都可以當做肉嘅替代品。講返呢塊「肉」嘅味道。相信有去過傳統齋舖食飯嘅朋友都知道,一般傳統素肉係有一朕好重嘅調味以及豆味,而呢塊「肉」我好欣賞佢豆味唔會太重,調味亦都唔會太濃,但咁樣唔等於佢無味,相反,佢嘅調味非常之似西式嘅肉類調味方法,都係有鹽、胡椒、香草等等嘅味道,佢仲有少少辣,非常惹味。佢嘅醬亦都做得非常之出色,唔係一般嘅千島醬之類,而係牛油果醬,非常清新。加上 cheddar cheese,生菜,以及畫龍點睛嘅墨西哥辣椒,成件事好 balance,亦都中和返植物肉嘅油膩感(對的,植物肉都有油,而且佢係煎,都會有少少油)。麵包方面都唔錯,麵包非常軟熟,帶少少甜,亦都有烘過兩邊,一脆一軟,加上 juicy 餡料,呢個午餐實在無敵!唯一要彈下嘅地方,就係價錢。呢個漢堡$148。單點,無餐。同事食一個普通嘅餐, 149 ,有薯條。有少少貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-05-14
My friend and I went to Disneyland last Tuesday. We didn't even remember there was a food truck in the area. Luckily, the big BEEF & LIBERTY sign was brightly lit and caught our eyes as we walked from the MTR station to the park's entrance. There were two types of burger, one pulled pork another was beef (patty, I think)There were various snacks as well, including corn in a cup, pork cracklings...etc. But we planned to have lunch in the Park (chicken wings!) so we just ordered a pulled pork burger to shareThere was no queue, but there was a 3-5min wait for the burger, which is very fast for food trucks. The burger was just the right temperature, ready for immediate consumption. We did attempt to eat it as we walk to the Park entrance but the sauce kept oozing out so we had to take a seat near the fountain and let the sauce trickle down our face and between our fingers. It was yummy. Bursting with all the right flavours leaning on the sweet savoury side, bbq saucy type. It looked small but the contents spills out when u take a bite. The mess was worth it, haBut better equip yourself with some wet wipes or at least some strong sturdy tissues when you order the burger;)Postscript:I always loved visiting food trucks when I travelled abroad. Sometimes I would actually look up where they hv food truck events and take a taxi there just for the food n vibe. I hope HK's food truck businesses can thrive and keep going continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-03-05
美食車計劃推出,不只吸引了小餐廳入場,更多的是餐飲企業為背景的集團。這間在灣仔和中環設有實體店的美式漢堡包站,主打的是精緻的漢堡包(招牌菜是卡車漢堡),其美食車首站則在被視為「死位」之一的海洋公園入口。當日所見,位置在入口之下的地下,坐南港島線的乘客難以發現它的位置,而旅行團則在導遊催促下直行直過,根本沒有停留駐足看一眼,更遑論會上前買餐。只有藝人吳幸美與攝影師在進行拍攝工作,場面冷冷清清的。點了一個手撕豬肉漢堡。味道是不錯的!手撕豬肉很嫩滑,而且包中有些脆皮,感覺上蠻爽口的。不過美食車的問題除了是個別地點吊腳,沒有枱凳也令進食很不方便。其實,大牌檔也准擺放數張桌椅,為何美食車就不可呢?一個漢堡包盛惠五十八塊大元,恐怕絕不是平民化的價錢。不過,從另一個角度看,這類主打高級餐飲菜式的餐飲集團,其實體店的價格絕對比其美食車的定價貴。他們加入美食車的市場,就如名牌時裝店開設平價倉一樣,以相對便宜但也不是很大眾化的價錢,銷售其菜餚,收宣傳和推廣之用,或許可吸引更多的客人,他日到其實體店土一山顧,除笨有精。至於美食車的生意能否大賺,恐怕他們已志不在此了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)