3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
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Cash Octopus
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10% Service Charge
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Review (93)
Level4 2024-05-13
I was trying to visit this restaurant few times but fail because of closing days. This time, I finally managed to visit without a queue. Orders made via QR code. Restaurant serves variety dumplings and appetisers. We picked their pumpkin dumplings noodle and watercress dumplings noodle, in addition with shredded potatoes. As a pumpkin lover, obviously I would pick pumpkin flavour especially this flavour was pretty unique. Definitely could taste the pumpkin sweetness. Mashes pumpkin purée mixed with the mince. It was more on a sweet side than a savoury one. Dumpling size was biteful. Appropriate thickness of wrapper. Noodle was on a hard side. It was alright. Love that every bowl of noodle was topped with a spoonful of fermented vegetables with a kick of savouriness. Watercress dumplings were slightly disappointing. Watercress was slight bitter. Wrapper was alright with appropriate proportion of stuffings. Shredded potatoes was sauced with sesame oil. Crunchy with a hint of toasted sesame sprinkled on top. Would love to have a spicy kick. Not bad.Overall, not bad. Seatings were quite packed and if dining with full house, it may be squeezed and not as comfortable as my experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-01
今次踩到呢間食店,一坐低,就點咗一鍋熱騰騰嘅羊肉麵🍜。話唔定,湯底夠晒香郁,羊肉片細細嘅,煮得啱啱好,好入味!湯濃味美,有種溫暖暖嘅感覺;每條拉麵都攞飽咗湯嘅精髓,咬落去嘅感覺真係嘩啦嘩啦,滋味十足!半路上,又忍唔住加咗碟南瓜水餃🥟。古靈精怪嘅口感,咬落去啲南瓜香甜,夾帶著冬菇馬蹄嘅鮮美,爽口得嚟,惹味得滯。嗰水餃皮嘅厚薄啱哂位,添咗幾分嚼勁。喺餃子界,有嘢食得到嘅好去處唔多,但呢度真係有幾款特色口味,我覺得比起其他地方,咁嘅港式小食還算係好圓滑,有熱鬧嘅氣氛🎉,加上埋清靜嘅環境,簡直係食貨嘅小確幸喇!下次會再帶多啲朋友黎試,餃子仲要多擺幾碟,食肚皮撐著先走啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-02
因為有一點感冒,所以選擇吃清淡一點的。這裏可以按喜好選擇不同口味的北方水餃,我選擇了白菜豬肉餃和南瓜豬肉餃。首先,讓我們先來品嚐白菜豬肉餃。這種餃子以新鮮的白菜和豬肉作為主要餡料。我在咬下第一口時,立刻感受到豬肉的鮮嫩與白菜的清爽交融在一起。白菜的鮮味為整個餡料提供了一種獨特的口感,同時也為餃子添加了豐富的營養價值。每一個餃子的形狀和大小都非常均勻。接下來是南瓜豬肉餃。南瓜的綿密口感和豬肉的鮮嫩相得益彰,為這款餃子帶來了獨特的風味。南瓜的自然甜味為整個餡料增添了豐富的層次感,同時也讓口感更加豐富。整體而言,南瓜豬肉餃味道鮮美,讓人回味無窮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-25
午飯時間,有好多餐廳都排隊,唯獨有間冇人排隊之餘,係得一枱客,而被餐廳吸引係素餃子,進店後見到店員正預備包餃材料,心存歡喜,餃子是親手包,坐下後店員稱show code 下單就可以,過了幾分鐘,店員大聲話「你食咩啊,口講都可以落單」,相信她係善意,只係聽起上黎有被呼喝嘅感覺,我表示睇緊,款式唔算多,但需要時間睇下仲有冇其他想食,又過了1-2分鐘,同一店員又再大聲問多次食咩,感覺已唔好,吹住曬! 唯有匆匆落單素餃子麵加配+$10油菜,期間店內冷氣太勁。上菜後,見到加配10蚊油菜,原來只有5塊唐生菜,數量太少唔值,餃子有紅蘿蔔碎、冬菇碎及其他材料,取餐具時發現有食物殘渣仍遺留在餐具上,衛生欠缺,麵條硬度適中,湯冇咩味,眼見枱上醬油選擇唔多,食完立即埋單離開不宜久留。員工態度欠奉,唔敢再去了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-07
呢間位於鰂魚涌嘅水餃舖頭專賣餃子,喺附近冇乜其他選擇之下,所以就揀咗嚟呢間試吓。我嗌咗碗水餃湯, 湯底淡而無味,餃子就正正常常,同喺超級市場買返嚟自己煮嘅相似,但係我估佢應該係自己包掛。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)