Opening Hours
*Closed on Mondays
Tue - Fri
12:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (40)
大熱天時出完海返西貢碼頭真係好想食返杯gelato~ Order 了dark chocolate and pistachio~ pistachio要加$3~ 幾香幾滑~ 小妹比較重口味鍾意食D超濃味嘅gelato, 感覺先夠實在, 先感受到D真材實料. 兩種味都幾唔錯但係dark chocolate 我會expect chocolate 味再濃D奶味少D或苦D~ 同expectation有D唔同咁啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-06-20
熱辣辣,路過見到好多特別味既雪糕。試左幾個味咖哩味,天氣熱唔岩食檸檬味,太酸香檳味,好清甜,有少少酒香。好消暑所以要左1杯香檳雪筢,清甜好味。天氣咁熱真係最岩食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-01-05
之前看報紙見到有呢間店.  難得入西貢玩玩, 記得在巴士總站則. 盲摸摸行附近的街. 終於見到它了. 拉著小朋友到這間店,  比個小朋友話事要左杯雲呢拿. 比著平時的我一定要是士多啤梨是意大利雪糕的首選,  之前在意大利吃過. 呢個味是第一. ^^ 這間小店 我吃回在意大利的質感.  幼滑.  少牛奶是我是最喜歡. 還有柔軟度 , 甜度不太漏. 這間小店, 我只買了一球. 個份量比其他香港的店. 大杯^^分量好滿意. 我和小朋友一杯球 已很夠了. 裡面還有位子可坐. 可惜已滿座. 我們坐了門出面. 雖然對住人來人往的人群. 但已被雪糕吸引著.下一次有幸再入西貢. 試下佢第二種先.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-08-04
I ordered pistacchio ice cream and mango sherbet.For me, pistacchio was very tasty but mango taste was too weak.I will order two ice cream types next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-05-27
i heard of this place for sometimes never hv a chance to visittoday we go swimming in saikung though sun s not really up.into the skywe treat ourselves with the gelato.herei never taste a pistacchio b4 even cannot imagine s sweet or.saltyso.im.curious to.hv a taste. i take a single pistacchio which is simplyDELICIOUSthe taste s sooo intense, nutty n taste really like pistacchio with a very creamy n milky texture at the same time. im.really shock cos.i dont expect that s soooo yummy.and my 2 girlfriends follow my choice due to my strong exclaimation of the tasty pistacchio.the salesgirl told us that tue pistacchio just arrive from italy to hk this week. n that s the first tin of pistacchio they make starting this summer. my gosh im not.sure i can take any ice cream.else after thisi strongly recommand the pistacchio!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)