3-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
於2025年1月28日,年廿八,為了在前往花市之前先填飽肚子,我和男朋友的家人一起來到 Bigpack Cafe。聽說這裡的食物非常好吃,因此我也迫不及待想要嘗試。餐廳的環境非常寬敞,無論是室內還是室外都有舒適的座位。牆上掛滿了背包旅客滑雪、觀星等經歷的照片,營造出一種旅行的氛圍,讓人感到放鬆自在。意大利碎香腸蕃茄長通粉 🇮🇹我點了意大利碎香腸蕃茄長通粉,雖然在菜單上標示為輕膳套餐,但份量卻和正常的意粉一樣充足。麵條煮得恰到好處,搭配香腸的肉香和蕃茄的酸甜,讓整道菜色鮮味美,令人回味無窮。朱古力咖啡此外,我還點了一杯朱古力咖啡,造型有點像小朋友喜歡的大美式奶昔。這杯咖啡的巧克力味濃郁,與咖啡的苦味相得益彰,完美平衡,非常適合作為餐後的甜品飲品。整體來說,Bigpack Cafe 的食物美味可口,環境舒適,是一個適合與家人或朋友聚會的好地方。
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If you're in the mood for a delightful dining experience, you must check out this charming restaurant nestled in the Forest Mall, where al fresco seating adds to the ambiance. From the moment you step inside, you're greeted with warmth and hospitality. The attentive service is truly remarkable, with staff dedicated to ensuring every detail is just right for your enjoyment. The menu boasts an array of sizzling plates, and I couldn't resist trying the fillet with sausage. The set lunch, complete with soup and drinks, is an absolute steal! The beef was outstanding—perfectly cooked to my liking. Just a little tip: when you order a sizzling plate, be cautious of those splashes! Fortunately, the friendly staff was quick to remind me to hold a napkin up to dodge any "saucy" surprises. 😅 What truly sets this place apart is the staff’s ever-present smiles and proactive approach to service. In conclusion, this restaurant is a must-visit! I can’t wait to return for dinner and indulge in more of their fantastic food and stellar service. Don't miss out! 👍🏻A very nice restaurant that offers all fresco dining located at the Forest Mall. Warm welcoming, followed by an excellent service, with a lot of attention to details on order to please you. They offer options of sizzling plates, and Ive chosen the fillet with sausage dish. The set lunch comes with soup and drinks. The beef was excellent, cooked to my desired liking. Be careful when ordering the sizzling plate as the sauce might splash on you shirt 😅 the helpful staff reminded me to held a napkin up to avoid getting sauced 😏The service always with a friendly smile and very proactive. Conclusion, a must try, definitely will come back to try dinner, great food combined with great service 👍🏻
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今日跟同事去咗 The Forest 食午餐,真係發現新大陸!原來有間咁正嘅餐廳,居然宜家先留意到。首先講下環境,呢間餐廳嘅裝修非常有格調,同埋坐得都好舒服,非常適合聚餐。餐廳有劃分 indoor 同 outdoor 嘅用餐區,我見當日有唔少客人都選擇坐 outdoor,所以如果想享受戶外用餐,建議早少少去攞位。至於食物方面,我叫咗個 焗忌廉雞肉意粉 Lunch set,有埋蘑菇湯配蒜蓉包。蘑菇湯味道濃厚,但唔會過於腬,應該係用新鮮蘑菇打成,而唔係罐頭湯。再加上岩岩焗出嚟嘅蒜蓉包,外脆內軟,蒜香味十足,非常之好味!而焗忌廉雞肉意粉,因為係焗意粉,等咗大約15分鐘到,但唔算耐。食落去真係好Creamy,味道剛好,唔會太重。至於服務方面,啲員工都係外籍人士,非常友善,而且仲識講中文!佢哋上菜安排得好好,因為我同事叫咗普通意粉,通常焗菜會慢少少,但佢哋幫我哋安排兩道菜同一時間上,避免咗因為上菜時間唔一致,而造成佢望住我食,我望住佢食嘅尷尬情況。總括來講,今次嘅用餐體驗非常愉快,下次一定會再嚟!
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Forest啲餐廳好似都麻麻地,叫咗個$200嘅牛扒,但質量得茶餐廳$60嘅質量,完全食唔落口,最尾剩一大半。湯係罐頭湯嘅感覺,意粉都好普通,帶子雞肉意粉得一粒帶子,雞肉又好鞋。質量同價錢不匹配,service都一般,上錯咗個配菜俾我又唔換,真係唔知點解呢間嘢生存到咁耐。睇返Google Maps評分都有好多人話好overpriced。
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The Big Pack Cafe has been around for a while in the Forrest Shopping Mall and we have walked by it for many years without going in. So we finally decided to bite the bullet this time.The setting is open, lots of natural lighting due to the floor to ceiling facade windows, and it even has a nice outdoor seating area. We ordered the following from the lunch menu. • Salmon Fettuccine with Spinach and Broccoli 🥦 ($128) served with soup of the day and a cold drink. • Spaghetti Carbonara ($98) which is served with a cold drink. • Baked Linguine Chicken Alfredo ($98) which is served with a cold drink. In summary, all dishes were good, the pasta was not Al dente, but tasty, creamy and cheesy. Good value for money in a nice quiet setting. Service was ok had to ask several times for water though, which should be standard procedure, especially on a hot humid day. We used K Points to pay for the entire bill which was super handy!
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