Exit E1, Tai Koo MTR Station, Exit D2, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (32)
Level1 2016-05-05
之前假期與家人到附近晚飯,巧遇這簡潔的蛋糕店,並有買一送一優惠,對愛戀黑朱古力的我,真的拒絕不了平日$398買一個,現在有兩個,好滾動呀⋯⋯買的是兩張券,可於指定日期前預約取貨,不用一次食兩個,那麼過份,呵呵這公司買的蛋糕款不多,但全都是黑朱古力。今天收工就去取一個'焦糖香蕉朱古力蛋糕',回家跟家人品嚐。型格的黑色蛋糕盒,可以選擇配不同色的粗絲帶,我揀選紫色。沒太多花巧蛋糕,但有種平實簡約的風格盒內底部放了紙碟,魔鬼叉(可選天使匙),金色蠟燭及蛋糕刀開刀了,切開看到香蕉茸夾心蛋糕濕潤,不是乾掙掙,不怕哽喉及食到一地蛋糕碎😂外表:平實簡約香氣:打開盒已聞到雲尼拿及朱古力的香氣味道:濃濃朱古漿及朱古力海錦蛋糕,雙重朱古力享受,有淡淡黑朱古力的甘香,甜味適中。但吃不到焦糖味,香蕉茸在濃厚朱古力包圍下,已不特出。價格:偏貴(6吋$398),但是次買一送一,所以有幸一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-05-02
香港新開左幾間BAC, 我想試左好耐! 好姊妹YOYO拎左一個番黎, 錫晒你~聽佢講話幾300幾蚊一個, 都幾貴下!面層有好多朱古力MOUSSE, 好多朱古力醬, 食落唔算太甜, 苦苦地反而更好食, 呢個蛋糕好快比我地成家人消化晒! 其實佢個結構算幾簡單, 得朱古力醬同朱古力蛋糕, 所以唔係好飽所以我覺得有點兒貴, 300幾蚊啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-05-01
放工去誠品行下,經過Black as Chocolate 見到各款人氣朱古力蛋糕就心郁郁好想試下!啖啖朱古力真係好似魔鬼般難以抗拒既誘惑!如果怕食唔晒一大個蛋糕的話,3'5 mini size啱晒自私食又或者兩個人share食!棒子朱古力原來用比利時皇室朱古力整,所以味道帶點苦澀,既不太甜,一共有6層,分別有面上的薄脆,幼滑的棒子朱古力醬、同濕潤的朱古力蛋糕,食落層層都充滿驚喜!口感Double滋味呢!而經典朱古力由外到內都是濃濃的朱古力,濃郁而不膩!兩者相比,我個人還是比較愛棒子朱古力呢!果然值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-04-13
It was a Saturday night and after a round of crazy window shopping I suddenly had this craving for chocolate cake. That's when I rmb I wanted to try this cake for quite a while. We went there 15 min before its closing hour and luckily we were able to get the cake and sat there by the window to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. I must say it's a rather small cake for its price ($5x) but the strawberry cream tasted just about right and not too sweet! It matched with the chocolate cake perfectly. Next time may give a try to the popular caramal banana cake and see if it's worth the price! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-04-07
太古城近來十分活躍,引入很多新品牌進駐, 給人煥然一新的感覺。要說最引起全城關注的莫過於誠品書店在此開設香港區第二間分店書店裡更引入更多小店, 當中最吸收我的也是BLACK AS CHOCOLATE這蛋糕店位於誠品店內的地庫二層, 自成一角的, 裝潢也是別樹一格的使用黑色作主色, 與其名字很相襯店內主打朱古力蛋糕, 而我選擇了榛子朱古力蛋糕每個蛋糕都會附設餐具, 天使湯匙與惡魔叉造型的餐具, 實在令人難以取捨蛋糕盒子是全黑色的, 雖然很單調, 但其實加上尼條 粉紅色既絲帶, 已經很華麗更可減除使用膠袋, 真係環保又美麗最後還是選擇了天使餐具, 白色的太可愛了吧!榛子朱古力蛋糕足足有6吋大, 足夠8 人分享以薄餅脆片鋪滿蛋糕面上, 可提高口感既享受從雪櫃取出後待上5分鐘,即可輕鬆的分切大約4-5層的蛋糕內夾著榛子醬, 很足料呢朱古力蛋糕很鬆軟, 覺得很新鮮, 朱古力則採用可可度偏高的, 所以不會太甜而榛子味很突出, 香濃而且不會太膩,雖然感覺上朱古力+ 榛子很HEAVY和邪惡, 但吃下去時感覺較LIGHT, 絶不會吃一啖就飽, 而且一點CREAM, 所以感覺很健康, 即使吃甜食也可以對身體好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)