2-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Opening Hours
09:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 17:30
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I was a little tired and wanted a place to rest. It was here that I discovered a very tiny coffee shop called Black Sugar Coffee. It was so tiny that I almost walked past it. I had seen this group of coffee shops in various places but hadn't given it a try. So, I stopped here for a break.Menu is in English. There is no 10% service charge. They had a variety of coffee. I didn't notice any food available. Though it was small, they did have a few seats available. It is, however, mostly geared for takeaway.I ordered a Latte ($40). Beautiful latte work. It was quite good. Strong with a wonderful nutty taste. Smooth and smelled fantastic. A good ratio of milk was added so it wasn't too much.Coffee was decent and service was friendly and fast. Will definitely be back or at least try out their other branches where there is more seating nd more a reason to chill.
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Cafe Black Sugar Coffee系香港有四間分店,今次就黎到中環分店。☕️地段十分之方便,喺皇后大道中-Five Guys嘅樓上。霓虹燈嘅招牌10分搶眼很容易搵到! 皇后大道其實有好多出名嘅美食店,例如:bake House,當文歷餅店🍪🍰🍵☕️ 下次再介紹啦!講返呢間Black sugar coffee.相比奧海城分店,中環嘅分店相對細少少但係人流冇咁多就有一份格下既寧靜。🌱🌿頗為欣賞佢哋嘅white coffee有幾款選擇:latte,cappuccino,flat white 等等😄😄今次叫咗大杯嘅latte $45。佢地既House blend 採用埃塞俄比亞和哥倫比亞的咖啡豆,咖啡師話有果香味。飲後感:個人認為咖啡係入口順滑,整體味道平衡,奶味相對比較重,咖啡既果比較輕身,亦都可能係因為只係得兩種豆嘅拼配,得出嚟嘅咖啡唔算好突出。同預想會飲到莓味/果香味有出入,after taste 較短暫,所以有少少失望😅要讚嘅係,奶泡同拉花都做得好綿密同細緻。 如果係White coffee 好愛者, 應該系幾喜歡。
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平時返工習慣左飲咖啡提神,以前朝早買一杯,下晝食完飯又買杯咖啡返office飲,之後有一日突然發現每個月飲咖啡既開支太大,就直頭自己買左部咖啡機返公司飲不過好飲高質既咖啡,真係可以令人更加有精神甘去做野,自從第一次試左呢間之後,就之後成日想飲靚咖啡,都會幫襯black sugar好鍾意呢間既咖啡,因為佢入口會有重酸酸地既感覺,再試一試會有種回甘,呢種味道係其他cafe都冇飲過,但我自己就好鍾意呢樣味道
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Cafe shop位於中環鬧市中,位置並不顯眼,店子雖細但感覺好清新雅緻,有窗口位可看向街景。店內有各款不同的咖啡和曲奇餅可供選擇!係繁忙嘅工作中,可以抽小小時間嚟tea一tea,插下電,都係一個吾錯嘅選擇!
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本身唔好咖啡嘅我去親coffee shop都唔知飲咩好多數都係飲茶或者其他唔係咖啡嘅飲品⋯唔知由幾時開始會order抹茶拿鐵近排去親coffee shop都多咗個選擇🤪好香濃嘅抹茶味 加上好厚重嘅鮮奶呢排幾鍾意呢個感覺😅.💚Matcha Latte💚 奶味好濃😍😍不過有啲偏甜⋯如果抹茶味再偏苦少少就更好啦😚
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