7-min walk from Exit D2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Coffee & Lifestyle Shop in Ho Man Tin, with cozy and stylish décor by café owner. Serves coffee and homemade dessert, such as Lady D Raspberry cake and caramel waffle. continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Parking Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (97)
每個星期都會係黃埔上堂,每次諗住快快手食個lunch,點知俾我見到呢間cafe終於裝修完! 就決定入去試下🙈因為見佢木系日式既設計,期待左好耐會開咩鋪頭🥺🥺[Gourmet Mushroom Risotto]素食/冇肉人士好啱呢個飯,飯同汁煮到啱啱好,唔會太水/太乾,仲好入味🤤 [Rigatoni Beef Ragu]牛肉長通粉味道偏鹹,好濃味,加埋上面既cream一齊食先啱啱好🤭 [Pistachio Burnt Cheesecake]開心果芝士蛋糕!仲要有啲少少流心既效果!飯後甜品一流![Latte][Mocha] continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-06
食完飯飲翻杯咖啡,原本净係想叫一杯咖啡就算,見到蛋糕又想食,全木質風格裝修,好靚,好得意,餐廳仲會有柴犬在營業中,哈哈哈哈哈哈,個cake餅底好扎實,檸檬酸度剛剛好;latte越飲越醇,用既豆應該幾靚,早知就叫手冲啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-11
環境好舒服,座位寬敞,燈光光猛又舒服。可能係我咁啱,今日早餐時段,職員/食客傾計好大聲,好應聲,好難可以真正休息享受下。平時應該會靜好多。*Egg benedict w/ salmon $128酸種麵包大片、厚身、非常濕潤,鋪上一大片煙三文魚。水波蛋變咗溫泉蛋,蛋黃蛋黃都呈半熟狀態,進食有困難啊😂荷蘭醬份量慷慨,唔會過分油膩,帶淡淡胡椒、煙燻味道。Latte $45比較細杯,偏向係nutty blend,後勁有微微苦味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-19
I go to this cafe all the time, but I will never go again. Me and my daughter were out for a walk, and Black Sugar was in the neighborhood so we decided to go there. I was politely greeted and I asked them if they had decaf coffee available. They said that they did not and that it was sold out. I asked my 13 year old daughter if she would fancy a juice or anything else, but she had only wanted a decaf coffee which they didn’t have. I proceeded to order a regular coffee for myself and asked to sit down to enjoy it. They then proceeded to tell me that there is a minimum charge per person when staying at the cafe, meaning both me and my daughter had to order one drink. I politely asked if this can be waived since the cafe was completely empty and they had run out of the drink she wanted, and we only needed to sit down for 10-15 minutes. She then called over 2 more workers and they all started to say how the policy must be honored and started to lecture us how if this was the USA the policy would be sacrosanct. Ummm, not only did the US part make no sense, the unfriendly, hectoring attitude was horrible customer service. No human to human empathy. Maybe this is the reason that the cafe was completely empty. I shall never return to the cafe I have been going to for years. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-13
麵包太硬可提供軟包選擇香蕉糕幾好食夠熱細杯飲品好細,要加大才正常份量你好,喺餐牌旁邊有圖文並茂或中文解釋午餐可以多幾個選擇更加好環境可以打卡有文青感覺 咖啡唔錯,值得太推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)