3-min walk from Exit B, Ocean Park Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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海洋公園於一月推出的港人40元門票優惠,無奈當時工作太忙,没有時間去排隊搶購特價門票。今天終於打著<豆丁生日>的名義,全家到海洋公園遊玩了! 香港人生日當天除了免費入場,樂園還送上不同的折扣劵。當中<小食亭八折>劵,没有指定消費金額,也没有指定的餐廳,自由度最高。下午來到海洋劇場附近,眼見15:30場次可以入座了,於是到附近的餐廳/小食亭買食物,實行一邊食一邊看表演。這個<珍寶杯>十分吸引。88元,如使用八折劵,即是七十元左右。順便為豆丁來一份美式熱狗。 40週年別注版珍寶杯~炸雞粒及炸薯條配40安士汽水Whiskers & Friends 40 Anniversary Jumbo Goblet ~ Fried Diced Chicken and French Fries with 40oz Soft Drink 數年前,海洋公園已經引入這款上面放食物,下層盛載汽水套裝。當年是紅色,之後曾推出藍色。現在是金銀配,很喜歡這種金水配搭。而這個套裝清洗乾淨後,亦可放小物件,美觀又實用。加上八折優惠劵,價格合理。珍寶杯份量很大,真的很重,一定要以雙手捧起,才覺安全。小心翼翼地來到海洋劇場,找到座位就座後,打開上層盒蓋,炸雞及薯條的香味很吸引。炸雞件並非即點即炸,小食亭只是以射燈來保溫。然而天氣寒冷,由小食亭至海洋劇場觀眾席的一段路程,炸雞已放涼了。幸好炸雞本身不太硬,還有超厚粉漿作保濕,入口不乾柴。雞肉本身有底味,加上雪味不太重,至少能教人一口接一口地食~食~食~食~食!粗身薯條,中間軟棉棉,薯味十足。40週年=40安士汽水 汽水雖然走冰,但也是凍冰冰,杯邊也凝固了水珠。今天天氣十分寒冷,坐在海洋劇場內,冒著寒冷的海風,捧著冰凍的<別注版珍寶杯>,吮著冰凍的汽水,肚子覺得好凍,雙手又凍,總之好凍囉!
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Ocean Park recently offered a $40 ticket offer to celebrate their 40th anniversary. As boyfriend and I had the day off, we took advantage of this and headed to Ocean Park, testing out the new MTR as well.As I haven't been to Ocean Park in quite a while, we rushed in but there was quite line at the aqua marine section. So, we decided to check this cafe out for a quick snack. Inside was a counter of baked goodies. They were simply adorable!Cute little panda shaped buns!Cute bear shaped buns!Cute turtle shaped pineapple buns!Each bun was $10. Perfectly reasonable. So I bought a panda one because hey! We're at Ocean Park! Home of the panda! Well ... and other animals. but we're all about the panda!Fairly cute I would say.Inside was custard. But what was surprising was ... where was the bread? It seemed it was just a shell, filled with some custard. The filling tasted fine. But where was the bread???it was cute anyways and for $10 not overpriced. I just wish there was more bread in my bun.
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