2780 0664
2780 0373
主打印度咖喱,為咖喱調味的香料都是由印度入口,招牌菜有:咖喱蝦、香燒春雞及特色羊肉粉飯,而食物賣相西化,吸引更多外國人和本地客幫襯。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mutton Curry Prawn Curry 香燒春雞 特色羊肉粉飯 Fish Tikka
Review (12)
Level2 2011-11-29
We were looking for a quick lunch in Jordan, so thought we'd check this place out. Good decision!!We walked in, and there were a group Indians sitting inside, just finishing their lunch. I was also struck by the lovely 'Indian restaurant' smell...The staff handed us the menu, which was in English and Chinese. We had to ask for the 'set lunch' menu, which was only in Chinese. I ended up ordering a set for 1, which included naan, papadams, chicken tikka, fried veges, rice and lamb curry for $85. My wife had the set lunch which was beef curry with rice for $38. We had to wait about 10 minutes for the meals to arrive, they were seriously worth the wait!! The lamb curry was especially good, with just enough spicyness to make it special, without burning your mouth...Another great dish was the mango lasi. It was cool, sweet, sour and thick. Everything a lasi should be!!!All in all, a great place to grab lunch!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-09-14
I am always looking for authentic Indian Food away from Chung Qing Mansion or TST. I tried this one in Jordan a few days ago.I ordered the Tandoori Chicken/Sheekh Kebab platter. The plate was sizzling when it came out. It tatsted good and the most important thing is the chicken was juicy.I also ordered Chicken Biriyani (Indian Chicken Fried Rice). The waiter specifically asked me if I want it spicy and I said yes. It is spicy but not spicy for the people who can eat spicy food. It served on a bowl and the size of it is too small.At the end, the boss lady gave me 15% off from the bill. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-03-03
同大包包紀念日~想不到食咩好,四周行下行下都找不到心水餐廳~已經行到好累la~ > . <結果行到咖喱街,便入了好似好特別的餐廳,第一次感覺好新鮮同不知覺地開心,坐下來便心裏想唔知餐牌是咩文呢?會唔會好貴呢?看到餐牌是用中、英文,仲有二人世界餐,令唔知食咩的倆包子決定好食咩lu~ ^ v ^ 開心等食中.............1) 簿脆 --- 有點辣,配有淺綠色印度汁,第一次食好特別,有點芝士味,最後還要求要多碟tim~2) 炸什菜 --- 係青辣椒,洋蔥同薯仔,味道普通la~3) 咖喱角--- 係立體不是扁身的,是厚皮,不同於香港食開的咖哩角,但入面包著青豆同薯仔,味道不錯~4) 無錫燒雞 --- 看見到時心想一定好普通,點知d雞好嫩滑,仲有肉汁tim~5) 免治烤羊肉 --- 依個菜係將d羊肉切碎,釀到好似腸黎燒,味道超級好味,好味到大包包問個職員怎樣整~6) 咖哩魚--- 咖哩肉類任選,少少辣,但味道超正7) 薯仔椰菜花 --- 超級辣,食了好少咋~8, 9, 10) 黃飯,烤餅,洋葱烤餅 --- 我至愛的烤餅,大包包好心想點解我突然咁開心,烤餅熱哄哄的,好好味ar~埋單都是$175無加一抵食~ 開心sweet bao~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-20
咁多間咖哩,真係無從入手,見到呀龍排哂長龍,我就不想入。行到些店門口望望,掛了張喬寶寶介紹,望多兩眼,就食你喇,要了二人餐,烤羊肉…做到條香腸形狀,好似話攪爛羊肉製成,味道麻麻,女友食話好穌,咖哩雞…要小辣,味道就甜中帶辣,咖哩角…平時吃是扁身的,這裡就立體形狀,大大件,味道幾好,炸什菜…炸皮好厚同好硬,印度飯…粒粒皆清楚,粒粒都一樣,配咖哩吃,正.....薄脆…一拿上手就爛了,真的好脆!薄餅…有兩種送上,包住咖哩同吃就最好。送了85折,埋單140元 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上星期睇雜誌介紹依間印度餐廳,睇落幾特別,仲要有張八五折現金券送,今晚就走去一試。兩個人去到門口,有個印度女侍應係門口介紹食品,望入間舖已經坐滿三、四張臺(成昌間舖唔算大)最多坐二、三十人),唔駛等位可以即入。餐牌上面都有好多款既食物選擇,但個二人餐,包括左9樣野,都係$175,仲話有得用張優惠券,緊係要試下啦。因為我唔食得辣既原故,樣樣野我都問得好仔細,個侍應勁好耐性解答我,最後佢仲要加多句,如果你下次再去食印度菜,認住邊d字,咁就知係唔辣嫁喇!1)簿脆----有特別的印度汁配親,質感ok,汁的味道就不是人人ok,係類似d薄荷香草味2)炸什菜---係青辣椒同洋蔥(我本人不是太好,但朋友吃得津津有味)3)咖喱角----皮厚,不同於香港食開的咖哩角,係立體不是扁身的,但入面包著青豆同薯仔,味道不錯,非常飽肚的感覺(建議兩個人食依個餐,唔好食哂成舊,會飽到食唔落其後的)4)烤羊串-----依個菜係將d羊肉切碎,釀到好似腸黎燒(職員咁介紹),味道超級好味(如果唔要羊串可以選擇魚,但職員話魚的話難整到唔辣,我個人食唔到姐)5)無錫雞-----普通的一味菜6)咖哩羊-----咖哩肉類任選,少少辣,但味道超正,配以白飯和薄餅,7)洋蔥薄餅----似乾身版的蔥油餅,不錯8)咖哩菜----入面係大量薯仔同椰菜花,依個係我同朋友都食唔到的,因為超級辣(個職員見到我地個樣仲要走黎講唔好意思,會同個廚師講番)心諗,真係唔關碟菜事,而係我地本身唔多食到辣姐~)總括而言,成個餐除了咖喱角得兩件,同碗白飯少d之外,全部野都3件起,絕對可以3個人食,我地最後仲要食剩好多薄餅同咖喱,店員還主動詢問我地要唔要拿走,連咖喱都幫我地pack好。良好服務,仲要唔收加一。餐廳環境:衛生一流,店內播放印度節目電視,但聲量不大,不影響餐聚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)