Bourbon is a new trendy bar and smokehouse in Soho. With a touch of Southern charm, you can enjoy a wide selection of classic bourbons, whiskies and traditional smokehouse dishes in the modern yet casual ambience.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 01:00
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
一月十八日 (星期五)開心星期五,跟老朋友走上蘇豪區四圍找食不經不覺走到伊利近街,來到轉角位,便看到這家西餐廳人不多,看到店前放着餐牌,也有午餐供應的,主打美式菜款不再多想,便進去了午市套餐共有五道菜,由頭盤,餐湯,主菜,甜品和飲品,只需一張紅底,實在超值先來的是凱撒沙律伴鴨胸鴨胸肉質煙韌,入口帶點咸香配以酸酸的沙侓醬,腸胃打開了稠身的湯,入口不會吃到渣,挺順滑的質感南瓜味也算不俗,帶着一點甜雞肉煙肉漢堡是很不錯的主菜漢堡加入煙肉和雞肉,咸香中又帶着鮮美的雞肉香再配以千島醬和芝士,實在美味伴碟的薯條也不放過,入口香脆,甜度適中吃罷主菜,也差不多飽了再來的甜品,眼看是普通不過的原味奶凍一放入口,濃郁的粟子味在口內充斥着,原來是粟子奶凍質感覺得較為稠身,仍算香滑的在坊間少有吃到的味道,令人留下深刻印象最後來一杯熱咖啡,原來也不知不覺待了個多小時,無投訴了!Bourbon St. ,原來正是位於新奧爾良中心地帶的一條名街呢~
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We were out looking for bar food late last night, after many places had already shut down. Bourbon St. had a small menu selection, and some high-priced mains, but we decided to just go for some appetizers.There are lots of pseudo-old-timey jazz posters on the wall in the bar, but the music was mostly American pop and R&B from a few years ago. There was nothing else noticeably New Orleans-y or American about the place. We ordered:Jalapeno poppers: Frozen, obviously (there are no fresh jalapenos in Hong Kong). For what they were, they were alright. If you've ever had frozen jalapeno poppers, you know exactly what to expect. They came with a marginally passable guacamole, which I've never seen, but enjoyed. B+Potato skins: These were slathered in barbecue sauce and that mostly overwhelmed the flavor. Maybe the worst potato skins I've ever had? DChili: the tortilla chips that came with the chili were extremely stale. The chili itself was overly sweet in my opinion and not very meaty or hearty. CThe drinks on tap were the same suite of terrible Hong Kong beers: Carlsberg, Heineken, San Miguel, that sort of thing. They did have Asahi on tap, which isn't as terrible as the rest. We ordered a round of bottles of an American IPA which was good, but at $70 a pop, expensive.I might go here sometime for the ribs, which other reviewers seem to like. Other than that, probably not coming back. Final opinion: C
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Have been looking for a good cup of American Chilli since I've come back to HK in May, and so Bourbon was near the top of my list. Went with a friend of mine willing to risk heavy American barbecue and ribs.As soon as I sat down, I pulled the table cloth of the adjacent table, causing a plate to smash on the ground. The only other customer at the time yelled to the waitress, "told you the tables were too close together". After cleaning the bits off the floor, they removed the table. (I found the wait staff very friendly despite this mishap, and even the cook said thank you as we left).Anyway, on to the food. I ordered the Bourbon Chilli with Tortilla chips, Beef Brisket sandwich, and Sticky Toffee Pudding (reminds me of St. Louis' Gooey Butter Cake).The Chilli was not what I expected, quite different from that of Dan Ryans' (the closest I can find to Midwest chili). There were large black beans, doused in barbecue sauce, mixed with onions and all the other ingredients. Coated finally with cheddar cheese. It was a little too much of an emulsion for me, and not enough a more uniform sludge for lack of a better word. I've never been to Louisiana or Georgia, but having lived 4 years in Missouri, I can say this chili did not remind me of the chili of places like Steak'n'Shake or Uncle Bills.The Brisket was good, came in a hamburger bun. Generally I've seen it in the US served in a smaller bun without sesame seeds, but it still tasted fine. Only complaints were that I had to request barbecue sauce and the brisket itself tasted a bit too much like beef jerky. I do however have VERY high standards for barbecue, and am comparing Bourbon to Pappy's smokehouse and Iron Barley in St. Louis. I would say for US Standards, Bourbon's brisket was not bad, but definitely not award-winning.As for the Sticky Toffee Pudding....you can't go wrong it. As a fan of Gooey Butter Cake, you just gotta love something soaked in sugary Toffee. While I love this, buyer beware, it's incredibly sweet and caramelly. If I was looking for a Barbecue/Midwest/Missouri fix, I'd still hit up Dan Ryans.
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是日試吃了「Bourbon」的「Restaurant Week」新餐單。「Bourbon」,位於中環蘇豪的伊利近街,主打吃美式及帶墨西哥風味的菜式。要說美式菜,大大件的牛扒、漢堡包、十四吋長熱狗.....這些是否大家對美國菜的 stereotype 呢?的確,份量大的食物正好配合美國人輕鬆自在、豪邁奔放的個性。其實由英式菜系發展出來的美式菜,在口味及用料上也在不停地演化。美式菜一般有三大特點:一是味濃、二是多以肉類或芝士入饌 (有大家瘋愛的 New York cheesecake!)、三是分量特別大。不過今時今日大家吃到所謂的「美式菜」,口味已開始趨向清淡、健康,份量也不一定是 SSSL size,始終時代在不斷進步嘛!另外,美國由於地方大,所以每個地區及州份也會有其獨特的風味。例如美國東岸臨近大西洋,特別盛產海鮮 (波士頓龍蝦,美味啊);中部因為遠離海岸,食物大多是肉類、粟米等,有點 dry dry 哋。。。至於美國西岸則因臨近太平洋,三文魚、阿拉斯加長腳蟹等加州美食大家都應該不會陌生啦。現在美國人口也蠻多拉丁美洲人,所以不少美食都會帶點墨西哥風味。 「Bourbon」的室內裝飾運用了現代與傳統的配搭;豪邁的各式國旗掛飾、亮麗的吧枱,牆上掛的古典味油畫,很有異國風情。「Bourbon」的餐單是一款有三道菜的晩巿套餐,人均 $258+10%,它巧妙地運用了香料及食材配搭令菜式帶來驚喜。「Spiced Prawn and Blue Crab Cake with Lemon Relish」頭盤二選一。第一款的煎蟹餅,內裡是鮮拆蟹肉混上切粒的蝦肉,海鮮的甜美是在口中一躍而出,香口中帶一絲酸辣,很醒胃。醬汁是用炭燒過的紅燈籠椒打成,味道甜中帶微辣,令蟹餅多添一份墨西哥風味。「Wild Mushrooms with Garlic Croutons」頭盤的另一選擇是野菌湯配蒜蓉多士,喝下去是菌蓉盈滿口腔,很足料。我個人覺得它味道略淡,師傅表示是刻意將調味調較至更清怡,令餐份整體不會過份重膩。這也對,若個人口味想鹹一些可以自行下些鹽啊,若味煮得太濃重就神仙難救。來到主菜部分,牛或魚自選其一。「Beef Fillet and Oxtail Ravioli, French Beans and Black Truffle Sauce」若你是位「牛魔王」,應該會喜歡這道主菜。牛柳來自美國,肉質柔嫩,炭火燒烤令它入口很焦香;頂層 ravioli 包的全是牛尾肉絲,肉味超香濃;汁料則是用牛骨煲成的高湯所做,是真正由「內」牛到「外」。特別要表揚一下伴在碟底的薯蓉,內裡混入大量黑松露醬,口感細滑兼充滿貴雅香氣,絕對不是配角,很驚喜。「Grilled Red Snapper with Fennel and Green Pea Stew with Rosemary Cream」 紅䲞魚柳肉質嫩滑,相比起海鱸它的肉質是更爽實,魚味更濃。此菜高章在用了茴香做調味,除了可去除那丁點魚腥外,亦令整碟菜掃上香草清香。「Pecan and Caramel Cheesecake」相信不少女士對紐約芝士餅又愛又恨,愛它豐腴的口感卻又怕它致肥。最後的甜品「焦糖胡桃芝士蛋糕」,我會稱呼它做「輕盈版」的紐約芝士餅,師傅特別將它的甜度調低,吃起來是少一分滯膩,卻仍不失濃厚口感;配上鮮什莓及輕甜的雲呢嗱雪糕同吃,整體吃後感是很清新怡人,這可算是愛美又愛甜品的女士們的福音!
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Most places in Soho are expensive, but it wasn't only last Friday that I got the chance to try Bourbon. Unlike other Soho restaurants, it wasn't appealing at first sight, but having an adventurous palate, I together with my few friends tried it anyway. We were ushered to the Dining Quarter wherein we like the pleasant and laid-back atmosphere. The friendly and cheerful manager, whom I believed is a Filipino guy (for his aquired accent), is very hospitable indeed. So we ordered few dishes: Mardi Gras jambalaya, hickory smoked baby back ribs, Bourbon nachos and Bourbon burger. We all had our heads nod positively on all the dishes especially the smoked baby back ribs. I would personally come back at Bourbon. In a nutshell, the good atmosphere, tasty food, and nice service all made our meal a memorable one. Of course, nothing is better than dining with a great company too.
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