2-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
呢一間台灣菜喺佐敦地鐵站附近一出閘行幾步就到,地點非常方便,成日經過都想食,今次終於有機會試吓佢嘅下午茶。呢度嘅下午茶選擇都幾多,價錢都係大概$30-40,加上份量都幾大下,好抵食!整體來講,食物質素高,價錢實惠,又多唔同種類嘅台灣小食,一定會再encore!😇.A taiwanese afternoon tea 🍵!??? passby this place a couple times so decided to finally give it a try their tea sets 😆 quite a lot of options to choose from and the price range is ard $30 to $49 😋 portion size is always quite big! overall, considering the food quality and the price, this place is pretty good 🤤 lots of other snacks I havent tried yet so u know what that means 😉.《下午茶 - 香腸芝士粟米手抓餅》$35 😋😋😋手抓餅即叫即整,所以要等大概15分鐘。但係新鮮熱辣辣嚟到,等幾耐都值得啦🥰餅皮食落有酥皮嘅感覺,好鬆脆。香腸係用台灣腸,食落真係啖啖肉;而芝士都做到拉絲嘅效果!加埋生菜同粟米一齊食又唔會太過膩,味道同口感層次都好豐富!唔好以為佢好似平時台灣街邊當小食嘅手抓餅,呢度嘅手抓餅超級大份!!當一餐飯食都夠食呀~😋.《下午茶 - 手撕雞配滷肉蓋飯》$43 😋😋😋呢個飯嘅份量都幾多下,好彩嗰日冇食lunch直接食下午茶如果唔係應該都真係食唔晒。珍珠米煮得啱啱好,粒粒分明。可能因為雙拼嘅關係,只有一半凡有滷肉汁,撈埋另一半係手撕雞底嘅飯,味道啱啱好唔會太咸。比較兩種肉嘅話,反而比較鍾意食雞肉,唔會太鞋,加上有少少黑胡椒味,好好食!而滷肉就有啲肥,但接受到嘅。.樂翻天 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐨📍#BELLYwongs_jordan.#BELLYwongs_taiwanese
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新開業有好人爭住寫好評。我淨係去講我親身經歷。店主大型海報宣傳話自己亞軍牛肉麵,要尋找誰是第一。我碗牛肉睇落食落都係一般潮州麵的牛腩,而且仲肥啲。最慘就係有一大舊1cm左右的牛骨,從未試過食台灣麵要lur 骨,食落去唔會聯想起台灣。我真係會俾個第二佢,尋求誰是由尾數起第一。...............................
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最近都有幾間新店依間食台灣野 主打七色水餃 牛肉面見牆上寫有幾幅疑似台灣分店既相上網check 先知佢係過江龍食左兩次 咁個價錢定得好合理噃見人地食個手撕雞 望落幾靚而分量好似好多叫左來試試味道幾好 有雞味 份量其實無咁多因為有雞腳同骨頭墊在下面不過都夠食有餘飯就可以揀竹筒白飯或者竹筒紅米飯食過一次紅米飯都唔會好難入口 感覺健康一點加$4可以有珍珠奶茶水準一時時有一次啲珍珠比較林應該係煮過火 珍珠唔甜 亦都唔太多相對珍珠奶綠珍珠奶茶比較好飲奶綠好淡又試左第一頁既翻天定食餐有大腸紅麵線 我覺得唔錯鹽酥雞扒好好食 香脆唔油膩 滷肉飯啲滷肉都多 係肥囉加埋一人都係$70內 會再食呀~
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Always heard from colleagues that 樂翻天 is a good choice for lunch. Finally got to try it with a friend. The portion is really big and tastes also very good. Price is reasonable.翻天綜合蓋飯 $54鹽酥魚柳、板燒牛肉、鹽酥雞、鹵肉 (仲有半隻鹵蛋添!)Best choice for greedy eaters. Fulfils 4 wishes at the same time. At the beginning I intended to order another rice, but seeing my friend ordering this had changed my mind as this is way too attractive. Deep fried salted fish and chicken was crispy, tender and succulent, while the pan fried beef was also so beefy and tender. Recommended choice!
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