4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (3)
The Location: Kennedy Town is a new and upcoming area in Hong Kong, located in the Western District of Hong Kong Island.The Place: Breaks is a sports bar conveniently situated at the edge of Kennedy Town nearby the waterfront. When you feel like a football match of the English Premier League and a cold Lager (or any other beer or even a cocktail) this is the place to go. Breaks does not only offer a thriving selection of drinks but also delicious Thai food at a reasonable price.The Food & Beverage: Last Sunday afternoon, a friend and I decided to make our way to Kennedy Town to have a couple of fresh and cool Lager beers along some Thai food. It was “happy hour” when we arrived at Breaks so the drinks were offered at a particularly good price (45HK$ for a pint of Heineken).After a few cold ones we decided to order a bite to eat.Firstly went for Yellow Chicken Curry with Chapati (or whatever you may call it in Thai) on the side. There was a good blend of Thai spices in this yellow curry along some coconut milk not overwhelming the ingredients at all. In terms of ingredients, there was tender chicken (without any bones or fat), onions, carrots, and green peppers. The so-called Chapati was soft and not too greasy at all. The dish was good but unfortunately not enough to fill “two” empty stomachs, so we ordered a second dish.This time we went for Thai-style ground pork with chilies and basil in lettuce. The ground pork was lean, and this dish came with a dipping sauce consisting of soy sauce, hoisin sauce, chilies, freshly squeezed lime juice, finely chopped ginger root, garlic cloves, jalapeno, and green onions. The sauce intensified the taste of the dish and when having added too much, it burned :-) The ground pork was to be wrapped in the lettuce leaves with some fresh Thai basil sprinkled on top. It was my first time to try this dish and I was amazed by its intense taste; I also liked the fact that I was able to use my hands to eat, which made it way more fun. Absolutely delicious.The Price: Our entire bill came to around 280HK$ consisting of, I believe, three pints of Heineken (45HK$x3) plus the Curry (ca. 80HK$) and the Ground Pork (ca. 60HK$). I’d say that was a pretty good deal for the yummy food and drinks we had.Bottom-Line: I enjoyed my afternoon at Breaks. The atmosphere was decent though there could have been a few more other guests around, the place was in order and inviting, the football on TV was entertaining and not a single bit annoying, the toilets were super clean with a nice smell of food coming from the kitchen, the staff was friendly but seemed a bit bored at times, the food was honestly speaking pretty yummy, and the beers were the opposite of stale. It was the perfect place to be on this Sunday afternoon! Thanks for that. We’ll come back one day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-03-25
so there's a big match tonight Chelsea vs. Arsenal. football teammates suggested to watch the match together in a bar at Kennedy Town. There were 5 of us at the beginning while another friend and I joined after about an hour (so the game was at about 60th minute). We sat down and ordered some food as we were hungry but not drinks as I had to drive. Food was not bad. Before the match ended, 3 of us left and dropped money off. 4 of us continued watching and we asked for the bill at the end. The staff brought the bill and said "your bill is only $621 but as we told your friends at the beginning, we charge minimum of $150 per person, so thats a total of $900 (which actually was one person short). But anyways, my friend and I who joined late did not know about this at all so we were furious. If we knew there was a minimum charge of $150, we would not have joined the gang at the 60th minute of the match. The waitress insisted that she told our friends at the beginning (which the friends have already left without telling us). Well perhaps there was some misunderstanding. But what made us pissed was it was not written on the menu at all nor the boards around. Seriously, if you expect people to pay a min. charge, then WRITE IT SOMEWHERE SO PEOPLE CAN SEE IT! Esp. when it's $150! It's not a cheap price!Anyways, we gathered the $900 and brought it over to the cashier. We were debating with the bartender and other waiters "well if you expect people to pay min. charge, you should make it visible!"The bartender started swearing "we have live EPL here and it's not cheap! we told your fu*king friends about the min charge! it's your fault. now you don't fu*king mess with me". Seriously, what kind of attitude is that? Swearing at customers. Will never ever go again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-16
這個八月又是我幾個好姊妹的生日,最繁複的是大家要像夾著時辰八字般要夾時間出來聚首一會。在左夾右夾之下,恰巧能在姊妹生日前夕出來慶祝。今次,姊妹要求由我發板,1)要選擇環境陰暗而有情調,2)要求是酒吧但不可人流複雜,3)要有寧靜的一角但不可有擲飛標的玩意怕太嘈雜,這........太考起小妹啦吧 !幸好現在住起西環一帶的人不用膽心落街會無啖好食,因為單單在西環尾,能數得出的多國菜都有得選擇;至於酒吧都已有五、六間之多。所以今次決定帶這班姊妹來這間開業不足一個月的酒吧!酒吧頗有西餐廳情調,舒適的高沙發椅和圓桌,主要播著Avril Lavigne、green day等的搖滾舒情樂曲,十分適合三五知己圍着輕鬆閒聊。由於要帶一班姊妹引路過來,為免被燾星女見到我為她準備的生日蛋糕,所以事前交託店員先行放在雪櫃,而店員亦十分有禮,主動詢問想何時搬出蛋糕來和燾星女是誰,令我對他們的熱情好客態度的印象大大增加。我們幾個女生都喜歡偏重果味的cocktail特飲,而酒精類飲品在3pm-9pm都以Happy Hour的價錢計算:Strawberry Paradise (Happy Hour$48)以士多啤梨為主調,加入了瑪加烈特和龍舌蘭酒,味道偏甜易入口,口感像smoothie,適合想淺嚐cocktail但酒精濃度偏低的女性!Guava Chiller (Happy Hour$48)一杯橙黃色的特飲,用了一塊青檸和銀珠糖粒作點綴。輕輕一嚐,蜜桃和芒果的果味較為突出,甜度不高,帶有鮮果的酸甜味,很有夏日風情的寫意,後有香檳的甘甜味道。Bananacabana(Happy Hour$48)聞下去有很香濃的香蕉果香,大以香蕉和菠蘿為主調,配以冧酒和咖啡酒等的甜酒調和後,兩者的甜度一拍即合。Angel(Happy Hour$43)淺橙色的色澤,緣杯邊塗滿了海藍色的砂糖,很有日落海洋的情調。以橙汁為提,但香檳味略嫌超過橙的酸甜,一入口帶點苦澀,但和杯邊的砂糖融合後,甜度略然回升。泰式柚子沙律($58)不用動手,大蝦的殻已去得乾乾淨淨,實在合曬小妹懶人的心意。大蝦鮮甜爽口,並非可怕的霉爛口感,配料有柚子、蝦米、花生碎、甘筍絲,洋蔥、生菜等等,十分足料。蝦乾帶來鹹鹹地的味道,令人特別醒胃,當中混有不少清香的檸檬汁和辣椒碎,令整個沙律酸酸甜甜中帶點微辣,吃出不同的味道層次,是一道很地道的泰式美食。沙嗲串(牛,雞,豬)$48一碟四串的沙嗲串,端上桌時已聞到陣陣炭燒熏香,足以叫人垂涎三尺。扎實多汁的厚切牛肉塊,配以花生醬和椰汁所製成的沙嗲醬,椰香滿溢,滋味無限。每人一串的沙嗲串又怎能滿足我的強大食慾,結果要再encore多次再回味一番!燒羊架($48)一客兩件的燒羊架,邊位被烤得帶到焦黑,羊架用了黑椒醃過然後再燒, 所以有淡淡黑椒香氣。食下去,羊架帶點蘇味,但仍是可接受範圍,當中更咬到一點點的脂膏,就更脂香豐盈。不過醬料只有燒汁一款,若果店舖能事先加入rosemary去釀製和醬料能有芥末醬或薄荷汁,相信燒羊架無論在賣相、香氣、口感會更勝一籌。黑椒牛肉粒($58)來一客簡單小菜,正正方方的牛肉粒,並沒有肥膏或牛筋粘連,配以黑椒調味,牛肉質感軟糯,豐厚多汁,味道帶點辛辣之餘又有點嚼勁。洋蔥切片附上,爽口入味,一口牛肉粒一啖啤酒,簡直是完美的配合。炸薯條($45)一籃的炸薯條,中間放下一張牛油紙事先可吸去部分油漬,而每條的薯條粗度明顯較平時常吃麥當當的粗厚。薯條的本質,雖則是熱烘烘的,但因油份下得太多或是炸的時間控制不足,令外層明顯炸得不夠脆口,以致外層至內層都十分稔身,薯條味道不太突出,口感略嫌失色。至於醬料也只有最普通貨色的茄汁,色澤橙紅,味道偏酸,帶不出蕃茄本身的鮮甜味道。若果能改以醮芥末醬或沙律醬,相信味道層次會再提升。臨近尾聲,連我們另外幾個姊妹也不為意之下,店內突然轉播生日歌來,俊俏的男店員主動遞上已插著爉燭的生日蛋糕,送到壽星女的面前,店內的客人、店員和我們一並同唱生日歌,令壽星女實在驚喜萬分!事後,店員更主動為我們拍照和切餅(這裡是不用收切餅費),這一切一切都令我們有賓至如歸的感覺,為我們這班姊妹帶來了難忘的一個聚會。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)